Strategic Framework Kath Evans, Head of Patient Experience for Maternity, Newborn, CYP, NHS England Improving Children, Young People & Family’s experiences of care
Thoughts to ponder on… How are you working to improve CYP/family experiences of care? CYP/family involvement goes hand in hand with this – how are you achieving this? Are there hints & tips, resources that you could share to help others? What would our top 10 high impact actions be to improve CYP/family experiences of care?
The policy background Health and Social Care Act (2012) UN Convention Rights of the Child (1989) Children and Families Act (2014) section 19 CMO Report (2012) CYP Health Manifesto for Health and Wellbeing Francis Report (2013)
Consistently seeing care from patients’ perspective Culture: Creating a climate for improvement Transparency: Tackling poor care Co-creating improvement Measurement, action & feedback Five themes for improving experiences - changing the future
Complexity of CYP & family commissioning Neonatal Care Children’s Care Young People’s Care Families/ Carers Priority: those who are seldom heard, who are they? Insight tools: Friends and Family test, PREMS/PROMS/PCOMS, Surveys e.g. inpatient, Focus groups/Youth groups, social media, compliments and complaints.
Examples of good practice Nationally: NHS England NHS Youth forum and Takeover day CCGs: Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group recruit ‘Young Health Champions’, AYPH bringing YP and GPs together – GP Toolkit 4/3/15 Providers: East & North Herts have 650 Young People as Trust members undertaking projects, Blackpool University FT, Young People provide medical staff with communication training at induction.
Parent Voice: Regional Parent Carer Over 60,000 members Over 150 forums Organised into 9 regions Roll up into a national steering group
References Improving patient experience of Children and Young People Patient-Experience-of-Children-and-Young-People-Final-Feb-2015.pdf Commissioning for an improved patient experience for Children and Young People an-improved-patient-experience-for-children-and-young-people-Final-Feb pdf Communicating with Children in hospital can-get- right/?utm_source=evidently%20cochrane&utm_medium=social%20media& utm_content=blog&utm_campaign=CYP
Kath Evans Head of Patient Experience (Children, Young People and Maternity