Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund Application by Coventry and Rugby GPs January 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund Application by Coventry and Rugby GPs January 2015

Walk in Urgent GP streamRoutine stream A&E Weekend or 8-10 booking Three schemes: Scheme 1: Extended hours hub Patients PMCF SchemesExisting servicesPatient flow GP practicesNHS pm booking Extended hours hub (Single point) Face to faceTel GP practices (e.g. For referral) No further service Shared Patient record Central Coventry City hub Appointment only (4-8 weekdays / weekend mornings) Face to face, telephone, and video conference offered Routine appointments (improving screening) Urgent appointments (reducing A&E pressure) Shared records

Acute frailty pathway A&E Patients PMCF SchemesExisting servicesPatient flow Integrated Neighbour hood teams Discharge Care plan Existing services under GP Acute nursing team Gerontology Primary care frailty team 24-48hr health and social and carer assessment Acute frailty unit Care navigator Prevent and educate Frailty Scale Shared Patient record Frailty stream Three schemes: Scheme 2: Primary Care led frailty team Edmonton Frailty Multi-skilled team (incl. Social and voluntary care) Hospital assessments (speed up discharge) Home assessments (keep people safe) Care co-ordinator / navigator to establish services against care plan

A&E Patients PMCF SchemesExisting servicesPatient flow GP consultation in A&E Education (Attendance reduction) GP in A&E GP practice / Scheme 1Scheme 2 FrailtyHomeOther community Acute referral Direct appointments / referral bookings Patient data analysis Streaming by A&E nurses Active case finding by GPs Shared Patient record A&E Stream (80% plus or 400 per day) e.g. ED majors GP stream up to c. 20% (100/day) Three schemes: Scheme 3: GP in A&E Formal defined protocols, training and systematic approach GP Led with ANP support (1:2 ratio) c. 1 in 5 people seen (c. 38,500/yr) Expedited assessment and referral / discharge Links to other two schemes

Key benefits / outcomes Strong focus on reducing pressure in urgent care pathways SchemeBenefits / outputs 1: Extended Hours Additional c. 25,000 appointments (TBA) Reduction in A&E attendance Improved patient experience 2: Frailty c. 2,500 cases with enhanced review and care co-ordination Faster return to home Reduced DToC Reduced return to treatment Reduced A&E attendance 3: GP in A&E c. 38,500 additional ‘appointments’ Improved 4hr wait Improved patient experience Reduced attendance Reduced admissions

Implementation An agile, phased approach to implementation Q4 ‘14/’15FY ‘15/’16FY ‘16/’17 Federation preparation PMCF Funding starts PMCF Funding ends Design, Project management and evaluations Extended running Scheme 1: Extended hours Scheme 2: Frailty team Scheme 3: GP in A&E Full operationPhase inDesign Service starts Full design realised Decision to extend Commission Stop / Go Extended running Full operationPhase inDesign Service starts Full design realised Decision to extend Commission Stop / Go Extended runningFull operationPhase inDesign Service starts Full design realised Commission Stop / Go

Funding: Current view of PMCF request (excluding additional funding) £000’s Scheme 1: Extended Hours813 Scheme 2: Frailty1,215 Scheme 3: GP in A&E873 Governance and PMO318 Benefits realisation150 Design and Analytics180 TOTAL3,549