Central London West London Hammersmith & Fulham Hillingdon Harrow Brent Ealing Hounslow North West London Five Year Strategic Plan – Health Partners Forum 11 th June
Provide the background for our discussion in order to help refine the five year strategic plan Outline key features and priorities of the plan Outline potential changes to how services are delivered and how these may impact on patients and the communities in Brent Gain a better understanding of how we can work together to improve health and care services in Brent 2 Objectives Today’s Presentation and Discussion
The North West London five year strategic plan will deliver two key outcomes: 3 1. Improved health outcomes and patient experience 1. Improved health outcomes and patient experience 2. A financially sustainable health system in Brent 2. A financially sustainable health system in Brent
4 Partnership approach to delivering the 5 year plan Brent Practices to provide networks
5 Timeline and Planning process 1 Providers – NW London Hospitals Imperial Hospitals CNWL Ealing ICO Providers – NW London Hospitals Imperial Hospitals CNWL Ealing ICO SaHF = Shaping a Healthier Future WSIC = Whole Systems Integrated Care PM Challenge Fund PM Challenge Fund Better Care Fund
6 Timeline and Planning process 2 Work with stakeholders to complete the plan Work with stakeholders to complete the plan Submit updated plan to NHS England Submit updated plan to NHS England Wait for guidance from NHS England Wait for guidance from NHS England Continue to revise live plan Final approval Stakeholder engagement – Brief consult and up-date all stakeholders regularly including SaHF, Implementation Board, Whole Systems Integration Care, Healthwatch chairs, Health and Wellbeing Boards etc JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOct
7 Five Priorities: 1.Managing our health and wellbeing 2.Transforming GP and primary care services 3.Integrating health and social care 4.Mental health service changes 5.Changes to local hospitals
Children and young people are integral to the plan The plan promotes health and wellbeing in Brent especially helping more people to stay healthier and live longer The CCGs self care focus group asked for.. – Giving every child the best start in life – early years booklets initially in 2 different languages – Empowering communities to take better care of themselves – Improving health and mental wellbeing throughout life – Working together to support the most vulnerable adults in the community – Teenage Asthma and obesity in children Specific focus on Dementia and the development of early interventions for patients and their carers Video: link to Dementia self care 8 Priority 1. Managing our Health and Wellbeing
9 Priority 2. Transforming GP and Primary Care Services Central to the out of hospital strategy is growing the role of GP practices in delivering improved integrated care and accessibility The future model of primary care will increasingly focus on holistic patient care with GP practices delivering services as networks and acting as a central organising point (hubs) for out of hospital care and integrated care with social services: Multi functional team members Urgent care Evening and weekend access Choice of flexibility Our work with patients indicates an expectation of better access to primary care and including better continuity of care for people with long term health conditions
Priority 3: Whole Systems Integrated Care Vision P “Residents will have the information, choice and control to manage their treatment and care to best suit their needs” “ Service users will experience seamless patient-centred care, not barriers and obstacles… this means timely interventions, only having to tell their ‘story’ once and coordinated care” Proactive interventions: Reactive interventions: Ready to put in more care in an emergency Direct line and immediate support Daily Clinical Meetings Health and social care assessment Assessment of carer needs every six months 24/7 telephone advice line Monthly Patient Expert support groups Specialist input to your care Train patients & carers to manage LTCs
Integrating Health and Social Care Quality of life Quality of care Professional experience Financial sustainability Operational performance The overall health and quality of life of individuals and their carers, e.g., ▪ People do not die prematurely ▪ People spend time in preferred environment ▪ Involvement in decisions and respect for preferences ▪ Access to information and education The things about care that make quality of life better. For example, safety, effectiveness, and experience of care, e.g., ▪ Deliver care that is timely and effective ▪ Ensure people who use services have a good experience of care ▪ Ensure emotional support and empathy ▪ Empowerment and involvement in care planning ▪ Reducing social isolation The budgetary and financial balance that makes it possible to deliver high quality care The way our staff feel about their work, which makes it possible to deliver high quality care The day to day operational things that help us ensure quality of care will be high 11
Priority 3. Integrating Health and Social Care 12 In order to get to where we want to be in 15/16 we have worked with various partners to help us to outline Whole Systems Plans Today Co-design framework Locally agree priorities and plans Develop full implementation plans Roll out Whole Systems approach Begin implementation 3 Oct 2013 – Feb 2014 June 2014 – Oct 2014 Apr 2015 – Mar 2014 – May 2014 Oct 2014 – Mar
13 Priority 4. Equity in Mental Health service What equity will mean to me: ‘My family and I all have access to services which enable us to maintain both our mental and physical wellbeing’. ‘If I become unwell I use services which assess and treat mental health disorders or conditions on a par with physical health illnesses’.
14 Priority 4. Equity in Mental Health service Patients and carers professionals will have the right information to provide the right care at the right time (e.g. medical care in hospital and social care at home) People will know where and to whom to turn for assistance in managing their conditions. Services will be available as and when needed by people without undue difficulty in transferring between agencies and settings.
ProgrammeSaHF reconfiguration Purpose To transform acute care such that key services are centralised onto five major hospitals across North West London, local hospitals developed at Ealing and Charing Cross, a specialist hospital at Hammersmith and an elective hospital at Central Middlesex Latest progress In October SoS supported the decision to reconfigure services Providers are developing Outline Business Cases for all the major hospitals (ChelWest, West Mids, St Mary’s, Hillingdon and Northwick Park) and the two local hospitals, with initial drafts to be completed by Spring 2014 A Strategic Outline Case for CMH will be produced in the first months of Detailed implementation planning is being undertaken, with priority projects in CMH and HH A&Es and harmonising UCC specs Quality and safety managed by Clinical Board Priority 5. Changes to local Hospitals
16 NWL has been selected as one of 13 areas in England to lead the way in delivering seven-day NHS services for patients Workstream7 day services Purpose Delivering the appropriate services seven days a week will help us to ensure that people are treated at the right place, at the right time which is a key principle of the ‘Shaping a healthier future’ programme. Latest progress In November NWL announced as an ‘Early Adopter’ Now working with NHS providers to develop a programme plan and understand the support available centrally
Your feedback from previous forums and stakeholder engagement groups have been captured on the report – copy on tables where you can see where your ideas have been used across each of the 5 priority areas. 17 We need your help to make this work for patients!