I NTRODUCTION Shift, weekend and holiday scheduling can be challenging for nurses and nurse managers Unlike traditional jobs where standard shifts and days off are the norm Hospitals operate on a 24/7 schedule and all shifts need to be accommodated
W HAT IS SELF SCHEDULING Ability of nurses to choose the day and shift they will work Follows a pre-determined criteria that ensures the unit is fully staffed Respectful to all staff members Blank schedules open 3 months in advance
P ROBLEM Staff Perspective: Minimal input to scheduling process leads to: Viewing the system as unfair Feelings of favoritism towards some Low staff morale Conflict among some staff members Leads to stress, dissatisfaction and high turnover rate Management Perspective: Manager trying to meet needs of each staff member Staff complaints about schedule Additional requests to change shifts after schedule is posted
W HY S ELF SCHEDULING WORKS Increases staff autonomy through control over their own schedule Promotes staff retention by providing flexibility Improves morale and collaboration among staff Decreases absenteeism and promotes employee- friendly work environment Decrease in stress of Nurse Manager in trying to accommodate everyone’s requests for specific shifts Supports team development and cooperation through accountability
A PPLYING A CHANGE THEORY Using Lippitt’s Seven Phases of Change 1. Diagnose problem: Minimal input into schedule leads to staff unhappiness 2. Assess Motivation: Opportunity to increase staff morale and self control over scheduling 3. Assess Change Agent’s Motivation: Decrease frustration from scheduling challenges
A PPLYING A CHANGE THEORY (C ONT.) 4. Change Objective: Staff successfully self scheduling within 6 months 5. Change Agent: Nurse Manager presents the concept of self scheduling in a thorough format; solicits for input from all staff; listens and supports staff concerns; develops criteria specific to the unit to ensure all shifts are covered; there are clear and concise guidelines/rules 6. Maintain Change: Nurse Manager continues to monitor process and remains in close communication with staff regarding the self scheduling process 7. Terminates Helping Relationship: Process of self scheduling works on its own with very minimal intervention by Nurse Manager, however, Nurse Manager is visible and available for concerns and questions
B ARRIERS TO C HANGE Barriers Staff resistance Lack of training and knowledge of self scheduling Sometimes the final schedule will not fully represent the staffs chosen shifts Personal needs and unit needs must be considered by each staff member Weekend/holiday scheduling must be addressed to promote fairness to all nurses
F ACILITATORS TO CHANGE Nurse Manager who presents new program to unit RN’s Provide staff with articles, have staff meetings and development programs to inform staff about self scheduling Meeting with Director of Nursing and Nurse Manager to show support to new self scheduling and to answer any questions by staff Unit incentive program: improves participation boosts morale increases satisfaction with work schedule
R ISKS Staff will put their personal needs above the needs of the unit If the sign up process is not randomized, the staff will view the self scheduling process as being as unfair as the original form of scheduling The process could just fail
B ENEFITS AND POSSIBLE OUTCOMES Increased autonomy Flexibility in scheduling leads to staff retention Improved staff morale Decreases absenteeism and promotes an employee friendly work environment Decrease in stress of Nurse Manager in trying to accommodate everyone’s requests for specific shifts Increase team work and cooperation of staff and therefore increase in quality and satisfaction of patient care
C ONCLUSION Self scheduling offers many benefits to both the nurses and the nurse manager Improves work-life balance for nurses and decreases stress on nurse managers Increases sense of professionalism Win-Win situation for nurses and nurse managers
R EFERENCES Bailyn, L., Collins, R., & Song, Y. (2007). Self- scheduling for hospital nurses: an attempt and its difficulties. Journal for Nursing Management, 15, Bluett, L. (2008, June). Self-scheduling: Facilitate, don’t control. Nursing Management, 12-14, 54. Nadeau, T. (n.d.). What is self scheduling in nursing? Retrieved from Roussel, L. (2013). Management and Leadership for Nurse Managers (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning