What is Character? Six Traits of Good Character Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship 6 TRAITS OF GOOD CHARACTER
THE HEALTH TRIANGLE REVIEW There are 3 major areas of the health triangle: Physical, Mental and Social. Good decision making and healthy choices reduce the risk of disease and increase overall health.
FAT VS MUSCLE You need to burn about 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of fat A pound of muscle is about the size of your fist A pound of fat is about the size of your forearm Muscle does not weigh more than fat – it’s just denser than it (a pound is always a pound)
BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Helps you relax Enables one to more readily adopt other healthy behaviors Maintain a healthy body weight Enables you to demonstrate higher academic performance at school
The 3 Main Parts of the Brain Responsible for Memory: Temporal Lobe Hippocampus Frontal Lobe THE BRAIN & MEMORY
BRAIN FOODS High fiber foods – Fruits & Vegetables Water Lean protein Healthy fats Antioxidant-rich foods - Blueberries BRAIN FOODS
Restful Sleep Laugh Friends Healthy Diet Brain Games Cardio Exercise Stress Relief WAYS TO ENHANCE YOUR MEMORY
EXTRA TIPS ABOUT YOUR MEMORY Pay Attention Involve as many senses as you can Relate information to what you already know Focus on basic ideas Rehearse what you’ve learned Use mnemonic devices (chunking) to memorize EXTRA TIPS ABOUT YOUR MEMORY
The Amygdala is involved in automatic responses associated with fear. THE BRAIN & FEAR
Goal Setting – brings structure to chaos Visualization – go through the activity in your mind Self Talk – positive thoughts to yourself Arousal Control – control your breathing 4 STEPS TO CONTROL FEAR
Used in Muscular Endurance Activities Long Duration Contraction Examples – Jogging, Swimming, Biking Used for Muscular Strength Activities Short Duration Contraction Examples – Sprinting, Weight Lifting Slow Twitch (Type I) Fast Twitch (Type II) TYPES OF MUSCLE FIBER
Microscopic damage occurs to the muscles when we workout The muscles will get larger, stronger & faster each time they repair themselves Muscles need challenge & stress to get meaningful growth Muscles need protein, vitamins, hormones, water & rest to repair themselves MUSCULAR GROWTH