FY2015 Form 471 Step-by-Step Lorrie Germann, State E-Rate Coordinator
FY2015 Form 471 Step-by-Step –Break Templates Urban/Rural Lookup Tool What’s Next Agenda
Purpose of E-Rate Form 471 “Services Ordered and Certification Form” –Lists individual funding requests Separated by category of service Separated by service provider –Reports information on services Service start and end dates Contract award date Discount percentage Bandwidth Info Item 21 (now embedded for each funding request)
Important Points to Know –EACH Billed Entity must file a Form 471 application to request discounts on all eligible services EACH funding year –Form 471 must be preceded at least 28 days by the filing of a Form 470 –The earliest date that a Form 471 can be filed will be the date established by the SLD as the opening date of the Form 471 application “window” –Filing window : Opens – January 14 th, 2015 ( Noon EST) Closes – March 26 th, 2015 (11:59 pm EST – Postmark Date) – Last date to file a Form 470 – February 26 th, 2015
A Few More Points…. Completing Form 471 –Are your discount calculations correct? –Determine Category 2 budgets –Gather your Item 21 information – templates will help with this –DON’T wait until the last week of the window to submit your application
E-Rate Form 471 How many Forms 471s should I file? You may file more than one Form 471, or you may file a single Form 471 However, the new online Form 471 requires you to file separately for: Category 1 (Telecommunications Services and Internet Access) Category 2 (Internal Connections/Managed Internal Broadband Services & Maintenance of IC)
E-Rate Form 471 To make the filing process easier, you should have on-hand: –This year’s Form 470 –Last Year’s Form 471 (helpful in completing Block 5) –Most recent F&R Lunch data for each school – from Food Services or MR-81 CEP (formally CEO) is now accepted –List of services to be requested (every funding request) and service provider SPINs –All contracts related to funding requests –Cost for each funding request –Bandwidth Information for each building –Category 2 data – Equipment make/model Shared cost breakout
You Must File On-Line You must complete the Form 471 “on-line” –Prevents errors of omission –Certain items filled in automatically –Immediate submission and acknowledgment –Certify on-line using PIN –If you do not have a PIN, you will submit application online, and certify on paper –***Note: Do not complete or submit E-Rate forms from your service provider’s location (i.e. ITC) SLD tracks IP addresses***
Let’s Begin The Form 471 On-Line Filing Process
SLD Website Start by Clicking “Apply Online”
Click on FCC Form 471
Begin Form 471 Click on “Start”
Search Results Enter Registration Number, if not auto populated and click on “Next” Enter Billed Entity Number, and click on “Enter” to pull up information
Choose Applicant Type and Recipient of Service *New Enter address to receive Application Number and Security Code Click on “Next”
Application and Security Code Provide Nickname, and click on “Next” Confirmation of sent
Contact Information Provide answer and contact information Choose “Yes” or “No”
If “No”, provide Contact Information Choose location and who should receive correspondence Click on “Next”
Consultant Information View If filing as a consultant, enter Registration Number and choose the consultant’s name Choose if consultant is acting as contact, and click on “Next”
Discount Calculation Choose Category, and click on “Next” After providing Contact Information, choose Category of Service requested, and provide Discount Calculation information Note: You can not file for both Category 1 and Category 2 requests on the same Form 471.
Adding Entities by Import Choose “Import/Copy” if using template or coping from a previous FY15 Form 471 Click on “Upload Entities”, browse for completed template file, and click on “Import”
Click on “Enter Data” to view imported entities, to edit, or provide any missing information, or choose “Connectivity Questions” Entity View After Import Note: The “!” let’s you know information is needed
Entity Information Scroll down on page to see Worksheet and Discount Rate
Worksheet Display Click in cells to edit or enter missing information If changes are made in the worksheet above, click on “Save and Recalculate” to determine discount rate Click on “Next”
Manually Adding Entities Enter Billed Entity Number and click on “Add Entity” Confirm correct district or school is shown, and click on “Enter Data” to add each building
Click on “+” to add buildings Complete table to add record, and click on “Submit” Manually Adding Entities
Click on pencil icon to edit, or “+” to continue adding Manually Adding Entities Click in fields to add student and NSLP counts. Also, add CEP % if applicable Click on “Save and Recalculate” once entities are added Click on “Next”
Connectivity Information Enter value in each field. If completely sufficient is not indicated, you will receive the additional question to show reasons. Choose all that apply and click on “Next”
Funding Requests Choose method to create Funding Request Note: The “Everything on One Page” option is similar to previous Block 5 views
Step-by-Step Name Funding Request and click on “Next” Is this a duplication? If unsure, hover over for additional information. Click on “Next” Choose service type, and click on “Next”
Enter SPIN, and verify correct name is listed. If so, click on “Next” Step-by-Step Choose radio button, and click on “Next”. If “Yes”, enter Form 470 application number, and click on “Next” again *Note: The option to choose “No” only appears when requesting Internet Access
Choose how you are purchasing service. If contracted, provide Contract Number (may use N/A or TBD), and click on “Next” Provide account number if applicable, (may use N/A or TBD) click on “Next”. If there are multiple account numbers, enter the value and “Add” each Step-by-Step
View if Requesting MTM Service Provide service start and end date for the funding year, click on “Next”.
Based on the Form 470 used, Allowable Contract Date will be shown Provide: Contract award date Date the contract expires When the service will start Click on “Next” Step-by-Step for Contracted Service ***WARNING: YOU WILL NO LONGER RECEIVE A POPUP REMINDING YOU THAT YOUR CONTRACT AWARD DATE IS BEFORE YOUR ALLOWABLE CONTRACT DATE. Remember, your Contract Award Date must be on or after the Allowable Contract Date.
Step-by-Step for Contracted Service *New - Does your contract allow for voluntary extensions? If so, provide the number of extensions allowed, and number of months remaining of contract if extensions were to be used. Click on “Next” Click on “Yes” or “No” If request is a continuation, choose “Yes”, provide last year’s FRN, and click on “Next”
Step-by-Step for Contracted Service Provide a description of the service you’re requesting, and click on “Next” Click on “Yes” or “No” If “Yes”, provide the type restriction and citation, and then click on “Next”
To provide “Item 21” information now, click on “Enter Products & Services” or If you choose “Return to FRN Main Page”, click on “Item 21” shown in the screen below Completing Funding Request – Item 21
Click on “Upload” if using template Or Click on “Add line item” “Upload” screen – browse to file and click on “Upload”
Completing Funding Request – Item 21 “Line Item” screen – Complete information, and click on “Save” *Note: “Transport and Internet” is available when category of Internet Access is chosen
Completing Funding Request – Item 21 “Line Item” view for Voice Service – Leave fields that are not applicable blank, and click on “Save”
Completing Funding Request – Item 21 Click on “Manage Recipients” to choose which entities are receiving service
Completing Funding Request – Item 21 If not all entitles are receiving service, select “No”, and click on each entity name to select them *Note: If you choose “Yes”, the screen will immediately close, and all entities will be added
Completing Funding Request – Item 21 If complete, click on “Next”
Completing Funding Request – Item 21 Click below to continue adding funding requests or click on “Next”
Requesting Category 2 Remember – You can not include Category 2 funding requests on a Form 471 containing Category 1 requests. You must file separate applications. Click on “Category 2” to begin Follow the instructions on slides to begin a new Form 471, and then choose “Category 2”
Follow the instructions on slides to add entities. Note: Category 2 budgets are now displayed. Requesting Category 2
46 Note max “Category 2” discount rate Requesting Category 2
Choose “Category 2” Service Type, and click on “Next” Click on “Yes” and enter Form 470 application number. Click on “Next” Requesting Category 2 – Managed Wi-Fi
Enter SPIN and Click on “Next” Choose “Contract” and Click on “Next” Provide Narrative and Click on “Next” Requesting Category 2 – Managed Wi-Fi
Click on “Item 21” Choose type of managed service and provide cost Click on “Save
Requesting Category 2 – Managed Wi-Fi Click on “Manage Recipients”
Choose which entities will receive service Choose “Yes” or “No” Note: If “No”, you will indicate the cost breakdown on next page Requesting Category 2
Total cost shown Click on edit tool Enter cost per building, and click on “Save”
Requesting Category 2 Continue to add cost per building until “$0.00 remaining” is shown
Category 2 – Internal Connections View Provide Form 470 information, SPIN, and Contract as previously shown
Category 2 – Internal Connections View Complete Narrative and Click on Item 21 as before
Category 2 – Internal Connections View Choose options, provide make and model, and costs Choose “Yes” or “No” Again, if cost are not shared equally, you will need to provide breakdown
Category 2 – Internal Connections View View of Breakdown of Cost
Breakdown of cost continued… Category 2 – Internal Connections View
Certifications and Submitting When finished adding Funding Requests, click on “Next” to complete certifications and submit, or click above
Certifications and Submitting DO NOT CHECK Add budget
Certifications and Submitting
New feature – Application will now copy what was “Block 1” contact if they are also the person authorizing the form
Certifications and Submitting Click to review application Click here to Submit Choose certification method
What Next
Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) Review Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) for accuracy –You are allowed to submit corrections on the RAL before PIA review begins even if it increases your funding* –Make sure you have documentation to validate requests to increase funds or discounts –Verify discount percentage –Other Important documents –Consortium members submit LOAs to consortium leader –If you hire a consultant, make sure you sign an agreement or LOA and retain a copy * Remember: All corrections that increase funding must be submitted on the RAL. Increases will typically not be allowed during PIA.
Before PIA Review Begins Gather supporting documentation –Third party documentation will be needed to validate new entities’ eligibility and discount –Discount calculations may be requested for verification – have documentation on hand –Make sure that contracts are signed and dated before the Form 471 certification postmark date –Proof of new construction documentation (e.g. RFP, statement of work, Board Approval)
PIA Review Communicate with the PIA reviewer –Respond to PIA inquiries. Answer all questions. –If you receive a phone call from PIA, request all inquiries in an –If you need help responding to PIA inquires, contact the ODE E-Rate team –Request deadline extension if you need additional time to respond –Ask questions if the PIA reviewer’s requests are unclear
Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) Review the FCDL for Accuracy –Read the FCDL comment to determine if modifications have occurred to the FRN to ensure you invoice for the correct services. –Verify SPIN, discount, awarded funding request amount, start and end dates, and contract number (if applicable). –If you disagree with the decision, you may file an appeal.
Appeals Decisions of the SLD can be appealed to the SLD or to the FCC (but not at the same time) Can be filed electronically or on paper Must be received or postmarked within 60 days of the SLD decision See Appeals Procedure in the Reference area for specific guidanceAppeals Procedure Requests for waivers of rules must be filed with the FCC
Authorize the payment of invoices from the service provider(s) Indicate the status of compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act Must be postmarked no later than: –120 days after the Service Start Date featured on the Form 486, or –120 days after the date of the Funding Commitment Decision Letter, whichever is later. Form 486
Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement (BEAR) Form – Form 472 The billed entity and the service provider must jointly submit the BEAR form: –Following the receipt of discounted eligible services –After the billed entity submits the Form 486Form 486 –After the billed entity has paid the total amount (including the applicant's non-discount share and the amount of USF support to be paid by USAC) to the service provider Receiving the Money - Reimbursement
Service Provider Invoice (SPI) – Form 474 Service providers may submit Form 474 to USAC seeking payment for services: – After the service provider provides the services or equipment to the applicant – After the billed entity submits the Receipt of Service Confirmation Form (Form 486) verifying the service start dateReceipt of Service Confirmation Form – After the service provider has provided a discounted bill to the billed entity Receiving the Money - Discounted Bills
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