Ms. Katerina Perdikuri MSc., Computer and Informatics Engineer Research Academic Computer Technology Institute The MultimediArt Project in Greece.


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Presentation transcript:

Ms. Katerina Perdikuri MSc., Computer and Informatics Engineer Research Academic Computer Technology Institute The MultimediArt Project in Greece

RACTI: Short Profile

RACTI: Mission and Activities  Research and Development;  Development of Products and Solutions;  Technical Consultant in Information Technology for the Greek State;  Support of Greek Education;  Organization Scientific Conferences in the area of Computer Science;

 Recruitment of schools;  Coordination of the participating schools on research on new forms of art based on the use of new technologies;  Monitoring teachers attendance in training course;  Organization of Dissemination Activities;  Organization of the Lov’Art competition in Greece; The MultimediArt Project: Steps

Recruitment of Schools  Athens School of Fine Arts  Responsible Teacher: Prof. George Harvalias  Lab of Arts, Municipality of Agia Paraskevi  Responsible Teacher: Mrs. Viki Betsou

 Contribution of art-works in the ART Gallery;  Contribution of interviews of artists;  Both two schools are situated in Athens, there was a small difficulty on communication and exchange of information; Coordination of schools on research

 The majority of Art teachers in Greece lack skills in Information and Communication Technologies;  High interest in attending the courses and obtaining a certification;  Distance Learning was ideal for the set of participating Greek schools; Monitoring teachers

Dissemination Activities  Distribution of the Greek version of the project brochure in secondary schools and art schools in Patras;  Forum participation: “Informatics in Art and Education” (15/03/2003, Aigion, Greece); Keynote speaker: Prof. Athanasios Tsakalidis R&D Coordinator of RACTI

 Participation of 2 Greek students;  Only one delivered on time the artwork entitled “The world of stars” The Lov’Art competition

 Incorporating New Technologies in teaching art is an essential step for improving students creativity;  The majority of Art teachers in Greece lack skills in Information and Communication Technologies;  We succeeded to raise the interest of secondary and art schools in the region of Patras, as far as it concerns the project and its activities and start a fruitful discussion on the initiative of incorporating informatics technologies in teaching art;  We collected information on artists that use new technologies in their work; Conclusions

“Create the first European virtual art exhibition of European artists” Thank you for the co-operation! Ms Perdikuri Katerina MSc., Computer & Informatics Engineer RACTI, 61 Riga Feraiou Str., 26221, Patras, GREECE Τel.: Fax.: