Department of Veterans Services (DVS) & State Approving Agency (SAA)
Robert Breeckner Veteran Educational Programs Office State Approving Agency Bill Schroeder, Educational Consultant State Approving Agency
Department of Veterans Services (DVS) State Approving Agency (SAA) Annual Reporting Fees (ARF) Debt Management System (DMC) SAA Policies & Catalogs Adding Certificate Programs Compliance Survey Overview Attendance Policies Principles of Excellence (POE) GI Bill® Feedback System 8 Rules of Certification Transfer Credit Choice Act Section 702 Briefing Overview
Around since 1945 National Organization (NASAA) Approval of Programs Compliance of Benefits Consultants (5) (614) v STATE APPROVING AGENCY (614) Around since 1945 National Organization (NASAA) Approval of Programs Compliance of Benefits Consultants (5)
Annual Reporting Fees (ARF)
ARFs are authorized under U.S.C 3684 and is paid in lieu of any other compensation for certifications/reports the school is required to submit to VA by law or regulation Payment rate is $7 per student during the calendar year Payment is made usually during the first quarter ARF payments shall be used solely for the processing certifications or supporting programs for Veterans at a facility. Once payment is received ~ compare to student listing Annual Reporting Fees (ARF)
Debt Management Center (DMC)
Debt Management Center How is a Debt Established for a School? The Regional Processing Office (RPO) receives an amended 1999 that meets the criteria for a tuition overpayment debt to be created for a school or identifies that a duplicate or error in tuition payment has been made RPO sends the school a letter noting reason for debt Shortly after DMC will begin collection by sending first notice to repay All payments or disputes for the debt should be sent to DMC
Debt Management Center Why is a Debt Established for a School? Student never attended classes for which they were certified Student withdrew on or before the first day of the term If the student reduces, the debt shall be assessed to the student School received wrong student payment or a duplicate payment VA issued the wrong payment above the amount certified School submitted an amended enrollment certification and reported reduced tuition and fee charges, reduced YR amount or both These are just some of the reasons
Debt Management Center Collection Process DMC sends three (3) Notices of Indebtedness letters over a period of sixty (60) days Provide where to send payment to, return envelope, payment stub, address and toll-free number Payment not received and applied within 60 days (120 days from first NoI) will be reported to the Treasury Offset Program (TOP) in the Department of Treasury To ensure proper follow-up, all disputes and inquires should be processed through DMC All payments should go to DMC; however, wait to send in payment until you have received a collection letter from DMC
Debt Management Center What should I do if I have funds I want to return but there is no debt for my school? Review and determine that debts are established for schools and verify that the information regarding any change or T/F charges was sent to the Education RPO If after reviewing the guidance sent to schools in January 2011 and the certification your school has submitted to VA, you see that the debt will not be assessed to the school, then your school should follow its internal guidelines for issuing a refund to the student Example: If the student reduced training by still attended the term If after reviewing the guidance sent to schools in January 2011 and the certification your school has submitted to VA, you see that the debt will be assessed to the school, please allow 30 days after the date you submitted your most recent certification to the RPO for processing. If a debt is not established, you an contact the RPO to ask them establish the debt
SAP Policies & Catalogs
Reporting Graduation SAP Policies & Catalogs
Reporting Academic Probation SAP Policies & Catalogs
FROM SAA DIRECTOR The SCO will be given 30-days to complete the training (then a 30-day grace period). After that, the ELR will be notified to take appropriate action. The bottom line is any new SCOs who are on the 8794 requesting full access to VAONCE must take the appropriate SCO Training. The SCO will have read access only until the training is completed. Training will be online and consist of somewhere between 20 to 35 hours to complete - my estimate. The On-line School Official Training is designed for new SCOs, but may also be used as a refresher training. Once you complete the tutorial portion of the program you can advance to the training module. This would also be a great tool for VA Work Studies. Please note CEO's, Campus Directors or Presidents and other school officials who do NOT wish to take the training, should not be SCOs and an updated 8794 will be needed. Centralized Certification: The POC at the Branch Location must have VAONCE Read Only access….at least. Rules for 8794s SAP Policies & Catalogs
eBenefits We continue to encourage all students receiving any chapter of GI Bill® benefits to establish an eBenefits Premium Account. Veterans, service members, dependents, and retirees can establish eBenefits accounts.
Adding Certificate Programs
Passed the House / Senate for review on 2/19/16. Section 301 – –Members currently agree to serve 10 years to transfer benefits, this would add an additional 2 years. Current law requires 6 years of service, plus an agreement to serve an additional 4 years, this would make it an additional 6 years. – –GI Bill® Stipend for eligible dependents would drop to 50% of what the service member or veteran would receive. HR3016
Reviewing what a: SAA-3 Letter of Transmittal Approval / Authority type, Type of school, programs, certificates approved, course catalog, fees, etc. SAA-9 List all programs, SCOs, Schools address, etc (WEAMS)
Compliance Survey Overview
Compliance surveys are conducted to ensure that schools & training establishments, and their approved courses, are in compliance with laws administered by the VA. Each school should be visited every 3 years. Surveys verify the propriety of payments of educational benefits to eligible individuals under the provisions of the laws administered by VA. Allows us to assist school or training officials and eligible individuals in better understanding their responsibilities and the procedural requirements of VA. Compliance Survey Overview
Your SAA Consultant will contact you with the veterans names and last four of SSN. We will give you ample time to pull transcripts, ledgers, 1999s, etc. Day of Survey – –Please provide quiet place to work – –Have key members present during entrance / exit interview – –Be readily available during the course of the survey for questions Compliance Survey Overview
Random Selection of Cases, 10% of cases to be reviewed – –Over 300 veterans – –Under 300 veterans Enrollment documents for the selected students Transcripts of the selected students Similar documents for non-veteran students Yellow Ribbon payment records-were contractual commitments made? Advertising materials Compliance Survey Overview
Application for Admission, Program Curriculum Billing & Registration docs, including Drop/Add slips Transcripts, Prior Credit Evaluations School Catalog, Academic Calendar, Tuition & Fees Schedule Schedule of classes; In-residence and Distance Compliance Survey Overview
If you had a survey last year we went back to 2012 Survey’s this year will go back to 2013 Period of each record review will be determined by random selection of record and if it was reviewed last year Expanded Survey’s More than 30% w/financial issues More than 50% w/clerical issues Compliance Survey Overview
Consent to Release Records – –SAA may take ledgers and unofficial transcripts – –Per 38 CFR , refusal to provide the required student records is a violation of approval criteria and will result in a suspension of your facilities' approval. (FERPA) – –VA reviews SAA work as well Face to Face Interviews at for profit schools – –We will still talk to veterans at any school if requested Reporting Graduation on VA-ONCE – –NCD schools will report graduation as well Compliance Survey Overview
Attendance Policies
National Education Call Center: (General Questions/Students) (SCO Only) Debt Management Center (SCO Only) (Students or Schools) GI Bill® Website: Ask a question (Right Now Web): Resources
Principles of Excellence (POE)
Principles of Excellence EO issued by President in April 2012 Purpose is to strengthen oversight, enforcement and accountability within Veteran and military education benefit programs Institutions will provide meaningful information to veterans and beneficiaries about the cost and quality of programs Over 6,100 campuses have voluntarily agreed to comply SAA oversight questions during compliance surveys
GI Bill® Feedback System
GI Bill Feedback System GI Bill® Feedback System Allows veterans and beneficiaries to report their experiences with educational institutions VA can launch a target risk-based review of the school Complaints can be viewed by DOJ, state, federal law enforcement 2,693 complaints have been submitted GI Bill® Comparison Tool provides complaint data
8 Rules of Certification (VA Form 1999)
8 Rules of Certification 1. Institution exercises do diligence in meeting Title 38 U.S. Code and will report any failures promptly to VA 2. Courses certified have been approved by the SAA 3. No course certified is a repetition of any course previously completed, unless permitted by VA regulations 4. School holds no POA agreement authorizing the school to negotiate VA educational assistance allowance checks 5. Private schools: students certified is not an owner/officer of the school and nor can sign certifications 6. School reports enrollment changes within 30 days of occurrence 7. All 85/15 percent ratio requirements have been satisfied 8. Check “Yes” if the student is a Yellow Ribbon Program participant
In order for schools to continue to be eligible to receive Title IV funds they’ll need to comply with the new rules that go into effect 7/1/2016. The rules require schools to include an “opt out” (waiver) option for students for these fees. Currently schools that have flat T&F rates that include Books & Supplies or Kits be purchased from the school (Cosmetology, Barber, NCD vocational programs, etc.) have been able to include these costs in the T&F reported to VA. If these fees become “waivable” then VA won’t cover them b/c they’ll be considered optional. I’m not sure if the new Title IV rules will require flat-rate schools to begin itemizing their fees, or not. Title IV Funds (FYI)
Transfer Credit
Choice Act Section 702