Computer Coding With Mrs. Nelson
Your Teacher
The best thing about me
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My Dream Mom & Motivational Speaker
My Motto
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Schools Business/Economics, Wheaton College, IL Masters in Business Education, University of MN
Classes ~ I ♥ Business & Marketing HIGH SCHOOL Business Management Marketing Economics Personal Finance Careers Yearbook Computer Keyboarding Computer Applications School Store DECA DECA DECA DECA DECA! MIDDLE SCHOOL Computers Coding
Mrs. Nelson’s Schedule VMS - Mornings SMS – Afternoons Best way to reach me: ▪
Lessons Learned Introductory Coding (Computer Programming) ISD 728 Internet Acceptable Use Policy Cyber Safety & Digital Citizenship Google Docs & Other great stuff …
Grading Tynker & Digital Citizenship Assignments Assessments: Projects Quiz’s & Tests Participation: Attitude & Effort Late Work = Partial Credit (O after 2 weeks)
Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Personal & Classroom Materials ∙Bring all materials to class including: Planner Binder (SMS) Writing utensil (non-clicky) Positive attitude! ∙Take care of all materials ∙Put your name on your materials ∙Check Mrs. Nelson’s black cup BEFORE class if you need to borrow a pencil ∙Treat school property appropriately ∙If you borrow something, be sure to put it back ∙Keep your hands to yourself - (including: keyboards, mice, chords, or computers) Pen or Pencil (non-clicky) Folder Paper Planner (no planner=no passes) Signed Internet Acceptable Use Form Internet Access after school hours Good & RESOURCEFUL Attitude
Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Enter and Exit ∙Arrive on time ∙Sit in your assigned seat ∙Read the board for instructions for the class ∙Quietly login to your computer ∙Write today’s information in your planner ∙Walk in and out of the room in an orderly & quiet fashion ∙Sit only in your assigned seat ∙Use your resources. “What are we doing today?” will be posted on the board & Edmodo ∙Use a quiet voice ∙Keep your hands and feet to yourself ∙Straighten your workstation when leaving including: push in your chair, straighten the mouse, keyboard & monitor ∙Exit only when dismissed
Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations
Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Whole Class Instruction & Asking for Help ∙Actively listen for directions and pay attention the first time ∙Listen for the answer ∙During instructions, when you are confused, ask questions for the good of the class ∙“Ask 3 Before Me” - Ask 3 neighbors quietly before asking the teacher ∙Ask for help at an appropriate time Positively participate Raise your hand to ask a question or respond during whole class instruction Find the teacher if you’ve “Asked 3 Before Me” and need assistance
Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Homework and Assignments ∙Have work out, and begin right away ∙Actively listen for directions when they are given ∙If you are absent, check Edmodo and/or with classmates for what you missed ∙Use work time wisely, putting in your best effort the first time ∙Stay on task ∙Stay “caught up” & check Edmodo when absent ∙Communicate with Mrs. Nelson over , Edmodo or in person if there is an issue with homework completion ∙Work silently when asked to work ∙If you need to talk, use a quiet voice ∙If you finish early, read a book, do homework, or go on academically approved websites
Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Turning in Work ∙ Should be finished and on time (late work will be for partial credit) ∙ Keep track of assignments and stay organized ∙Have your first and last name, and hour on your work and put homework in your hour basket near Mrs. Nelson’s desk ∙Write neatly ∙Only print with permission ∙Neat work matters ∙Remove any fringes or torn paper & staple neatly when turning in assignments ∙Place papers facing the same way
Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Passes ∙Use the restroom and drinking fountain before class If you need to go during class, go after the instruction time Have the pass filled out before you approach the teacher ∙Wait for an appropriate time (after opening instruction) to ask for a pass ∙Return to class quickly No Planner = No Pass
Tips from 1 st Quarter Students Working in Class Keep working It does take some work but, it's still fun! You should try your hardest and not get behind.
Tips from 1 st Quarter Students Projects Always stay on task when working on a big project It is a fun class and you will probably have fun with it. You might get frustrated while doing a project.
I look forward to sharing this quarter with you. The End
Credits My Motto – Created by Tiffany Scherer