What is Homophobic and Transphobic Bullying? 18 th – 22 nd November 2013
Homophobia: Can be defined as an unexplained dislike, hatred or fear of individuals who are Lesbian, gay or Bisexual. Transgender: is as an umbrella term that describes people whose sense of their gender or gender identity is seen as being different to typical gender norms. Transphobia: Can be defined as an unexplained dislike, hatred and fear of individuals who are Transgender. Definitions
HOMOPHOBIC BULLYING: Is a behaviour or language which makes a young person feel unwelcome or marginalised because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation e.g. lesbian, gay or bisexual. TRANSPHOBIC BULLYING: Is a behaviour or language which makes a young person feel unwelcome or marginalised because of their actual or perceived gender identity.
How is homophobic/transphobic bullying displayed? Verbal bullying (being teased, called names, or having derogatory terms used to describe you, or hate speech.) Physical bullying ( being pushed, hit, hair pulling, kicking to name a few) Indirect bullying/social exclusion (being ignored or left out or gestures such as “backs against the wall”) Being ‘outed’ (the threat of being exposed to your family and friends by them being told you are LGBT even when you are not) Sexual harassment (inappropriate and unwanted sexual gestures, for example being groped with comments such as ‘you know you like it’.) Cyber bullying (being teased, called names, and/or threatened via , text and on social networking sites e.g. Facebook.
What are the effects of homophobic/transphobic bullying? Poor mental health Low self-esteem and/or negative body image Self-harm/suicide Shame, depression Denial of their sexual orientation to themselves or others or attempts to change their sexual orientation. Self ridicule to gain social/peer acceptance Risk taking behaviours Not attending school Poor attainment
What can our school do?. Include homophobic/transphobic bullying in our anti- bullying policies Daily reinforcement of positive language and challenge inappropriate language including the use of ‘that’s so gay ‘. The school will have a zero tolerance approach to all forms of bullying including homophobic/transphobic and those responsible for bullying will be dealt with using school policies etc. Awareness-raising opportunities for staff and pupils including positive imagery/posters and workshops/training delivered by specialist agencies. Celebrate and display resources for LGBT history month in February. Support leaflets and resources for students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender from Stonewall and other organisations
Support groups in Bath and North East Somerset SPACE (LGBT Youth Group) For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people and young people questioning their sexuality/gender identity age 13 to 21 years living in the B&NES area. The group meets every Wednesday evening 7pm to 9pm at: Off The Record, Manvers St, Bath. For further information Or find Space on Facebook!
The e-Mentoring Scheme is here for you! We provide a friendly and confidential answer to any questions around gender, sexuality and other LGBT issues you may have. If you feel like you would benefit from some guidance and mentoring from someone who has been through it, then send us an to