Relative Risk vs the General Population ReducedIncreased Diabetes Smoking Hypertension Total cholesterol (10 mg/dL)
Asymptomatic Atypical symptoms Intermittent claudication Critical limb ischemia Rest Pain Ulceration Necrosis/Gangrene Acute limb ischemia
Duplex Ultrasound CTA (MDCT) MRA
Pollak, Amy W., Patrick Norton, and Christopher M. Kramer. “Multimodality Imaging of Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease: Current Role and Future Directions.” Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging 5.6 (2012): 797–807. PMC. Web. 17 Feb Newman AB, et al. Circulation. 1993;88: Up-to-Date
Ankle-brachial index testing: Right systolic brachial pressure140 mm Hg Left systolic brachial pressure132 mm Hg Right posterior tibialis pressure200 mm Hg Left posterior tibialis pressure130 mm Hg Right dorsalis pedis pressureNot detected Left dorsalis pedis pressure140 mm Hg