12 TH GRADE CONTINUE ON PAGE #9 THE HUNT In your notebook, answer the following: Chapter 7 1) Why do the boys get caught up in the hunt? 2) In what ways does Ralph’s decision to “play” by Jack’s rules start to back fire? 3) What’s starting to happen to Ralph that makes him a dynamic character?
QUIZ—PERIOD 3 1) In chapter 7, what does Ralph think about as he looks out to sea? 2) In chapter 8, who says to Simon, “You are a silly little boy, just an ignorant silly little boy.” 3) Chapter 7: Why does Ralph agree to go up to mountain? 4)What is the Lord of the Flies literally? 5) Who faints at the end of chapter 8?
QUIZ—PERIOD 4 1) In chapter 8, who says to Simon, “You are a silly little boy, just an ignorant silly little boy.” 2) In chapter 7, who volunteers to go back early and tell Piggy that the boys will be returning after dark? 3) In chapter 7, Why does Ralph agree to go up to mountain? 4)In chapter 8, whose idea was it to build a signal fire on the beach? 5) Who faints at the end of chapter 8?
QUIZ—PERIOD 5 1) In chapter 8, who says to Simon, “Come now, get back to the others and we’ll forget the whole thing.” 2) In chapter 7, who does Simon go back to early to warn that the boys will be returning after dark? 3) In chapter 7, Why does Ralph agree to go up to mountain? 4)In chapter 8, Piggy has an idea to rebuild the signal fire. Where? 5) Who sticks a spear up the sow?
CONTINUE ON PAGE 9 Compare and contrast the following images on the right to a common theme.
GROUPS OF 3 Find at least 6 examples of religious allegory in Lord of the Flies. You may choose to focus on Simon and his comparison to Christ.
SHARE EXIT FROM YESTERDAY What does Golding achieve by making references to the Bible?
DIFFERENT HUNTS Chapter 4, 7, and 8… Venn Diagram Page 135—Why do the boys become so consumed in the hunt on page 135?
SHARE Paragraph: Why do the boys like to hunt?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” Describe General Zaroff.
PG#10: LOTF AND “THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME CONTINUED”… 3/13/15 Aim: How can we connect LOTF and “The Most Dangerous Game” to a common theme? Do Now: What is ironic about General Zaroff’s character? What is the pun in the title “The Most Dangerous Game”?
COMPLETE CHART LOTF “HUNT” CHAPTERS 4,7 AND 8 LiteratureDescribe how this character hunts (skills) What does this character hunt? Textual evidenceWhat does this tell you about their character? Lord of the Flies— Jack Lord of the Flies— Roger “The Most Dangerous Game”--Zaroff “The Most Dangerous Game” --Rainsford
LOTF AND “THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” Both texts have to do with the following subjects: Dominance Control Survival Good vs. Evil Type up a 4 paragraph essay (no more than 2 pages). Choose a subject and discuss how the author creates a theme/message through that subject within both texts. Be sure to connect this theme to a purpose. You must use one piece of evidence per text. MLA format (double-spaces, size 12, times new roman, etc.)
PROJECT In groups of 3, you will: Create a presentation (poster, ppt, slideshow, video, etc.) connecting Lord of the Flies and “The Most Dangerous Game” to a common theme (message). You must include an explanation/reasoning for this theme for all sources (texts, music, art, and history). You must prove this theme through: The texts (Textual evidence linking the common theme to both texts) Music (A song and the lyrics) Art (A painting) A historic event
CONNECTION TO THE WORLD In groups of four, you will develop an oral presentation that extends Lord of the Flies to the world around us. Possible topics are:
CONNECTION TO THE WORLD Compare the characters to S. Freud’s theory on Id, Ego, and Superego. Explain the issues behind WWII. Compare the concept of good and evil in various religions and philosophies. Analyze the “stranded on a deserted island” motif in other works of literature.