Psychological changes in older age Amy Roberts
Learning objectives; Describe common psychological issues relating to older age Explain how societal issues can impact upon psychological issues Produce an online fact sheet aimed at level 3 students to raise awareness of these issues
On your table is a sheet of card… Turn it over……… If you had to save one person deserted island….who would it be? Give reasons for saving your person, and not the others…. 5 minutes
Psychological changes are different for everyone
In your groups; List positive psychological effects of aging List negative psychological effects of aging
What about…………. Changing rolesGreater confidence Social isolationFreedom to pursue hobbies Identity changesLess eager to please/ be liked Coming to terms with image Understanding own preferences/who you are Confidence in own beliefs
Heim’s study Alice Heim’s (1990) study of 160 older people: Some retired people reported increased social confidence Some became more tolerant Others became more irritable Some appreciated the respect received from others While others reported a lack of respect From your experiences which do you think is most true?
Wellbeing U-bend
Social confidence may increase Confidence in practical tasks or new concepts such as ICT may decrease Society treats older people with less regard; Talking louder/more slowly, disabling them, making choices for them/deprivation of liberty
What is confidence? What is self esteem?
Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something. Self esteem is having confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
Imagine a fit and healthy 16 year old and an 84 year old frail person with poor eyesight who both have to cross a busy road. Which one is going to feel confident? Why?
Now imagine both people again, one has to stand up to do a speech at a wedding, who is most confident now?
Many older people loose their self confidence and self esteem Don’t assume confidence in doing physical tasks leads to reduction of self confidence Confidence may be gained in other areas Discuss…………………..
Produce an online fact sheet aimed at level 3 students to raise awareness of these issues Ageism Role changes Loss of a partner Affects of retirement Increased leisure time Financial concerns Religion, culture and beliefs