Becoming more efficient & effective post amalgamation for compliance in the Stormwater Unit. Presented by: Abhilasha (Abby) Sharma Auckland Council Infrastructure & Environmental Services – Stormwater Unit 04 November 2014
Talk Overview: Abby Sharma 04 November 2014 Post-Amalgamation : Stormwater Unit’s Objectives and Vision 2013 Presentation on Environmental Compliance Strategy – Summary Roles & Responsibilities – Visio flowcharts vs Promapp Compliance Management Database – CSvue Guidance Resources – BMPs and COMPs Questions
Stormwater Unit Structure– Post Amalgamation Abby Sharma 04 November 2014
Summary on Environmental Compliance Strategy – Presented by Claire Cunningham Compliance Strategy: developed to work through 3 themes: Resolving legacy issues Volume of consents vs historic non-compliance ID of high risk conditions to high risk assets such as dams or consents for activities in the CMA Harmonising current approaches Developing future approaches to compliance Abby Sharma 04 November 2014
Compliance Management Synergizing Disparate Approaches Recognise tools & resources that: Improve compliance management Clarify and assign responsibilities Prioritises consent conditions in accordance to environmental risks and sensitive receiving environs Efficient compliance monitoring and reporting and Minimise the risk of non-compliance due to communication and/or process failure Abby Sharma 04 November 2014
Compliance Management Minimise the risk of non-compliance due to communication and/or process failure. Roles & Responsibility: A Panoramic View Abby Sharma 04 November 2014
Roles & Responsibility: Future Approach Promapp: Team own their own processes and are accountable on their delivery Process owners to ensure processes remain relevant, up-to-date and are a continuous improvement. Most functions for the flowchart will sit under “Monitor for Works” Under construction- super users will be trained to educate the teams across the Stormwater Unit. Web based process management software – Beginning till the end of capital projects. Abby Sharma 04 November 2014
Compliance Management Improve on compliance management, responsibilities and prioritise consent conditions. One System A web based permanent repository for compliance against statutory permits (excludes PAs). Easy processes for retrieving and uploading compliance data to sign off conditions. Assist with the compliance status of the permits in the system. Abby Sharma 04 November 2014
One System Ability to upload compliance evidence against the conditions enabling signing off of that condition. Abby Sharma 04 November 2014
Compliance Management Facilitate in compliance monitoring, management and reporting. Guidance Resources: Compliance Management Plan (COMP) Abby Sharma 04 November 2014
Guidance Resources: Best Management Practices Factsheets (BMPs) Auckland Council has developed a series of BMPs provide guidance on accepted site practices and environmental controls for physical works related activities. The BMPs are targeted at the construction stage providing a step-by-step guide on : –best environmental practice, –improving environmental performance, –and minimise risks and adverse environmental effects.. It is on the individual to use the appropriate BMPs depending on the: –Scale & nature of the activity –Site hazards and type of contaminants to find the BMP information sheets, go to the link Abby Sharma 04 November 2014