New Zealand Institute of Forestry Te Pūtahi Ngāherehere o Aotearoa Inc. WELCOME TO THE 86 th AGM Sunday 6 th July 2014
Agenda items Welcome 2.Apologies 3.Obituaries
Agenda items Confirmation of Minutes of 2011 AGM Motion: That the minutes be accepted as a true and correct record of the 85 th GM 5.Matters Arising
Agenda Item 6 NZIF Annual Report and Financial Statements: 6.1.Annual Report 6.2.Financial Statements y/e 31 March Budget y/b 1 April Auditor [All financial members except student members are entitled to vote on these motions]
Agenda 6.1 Motion:That the meeting receives the Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2014
Agenda 6.2 Motion:That the meeting approves the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2014
Agenda 6.3 Motion:That the meeting receives the budget for the year beginning 1 April 2014
Agenda 6.4 Motion:That the meeting endorses the Council decision not to appoint an auditor for the year ending 31 March 2014.
Agenda 7 Election of Secretary [All financial members except student members are entitled to vote should voting be required]
Agenda 8 Amend Rules Relating to Election of Fellows Motion: Amend Rule Honorary, Retired (but not Retired Associate), Registered and Ordinary Members who are financial are entitled to vote on this motion. Motion needs 2/3 vote to pass.
Agenda Item 9 Announcement of New Fellows An NZIF Fellow is a member that is recognised by his/her peers as having “achieved eminence in the profession”
Agenda Item 10 Election of Honorary Member An Honorary Member shall have been outstanding in service to the Institute &/or contributing to or influencing the practice of forestry in NZ. Motion: Elect Alex Sutherland to be an Honorary Member Honorary, Retired (but not Retired Associate), Registered and Ordinary Members who are financial are entitled to vote on this motion.
Agenda Item ANZIF Conference To be held at Creswick, Victoria, Australia 13 to 15 April 2015 Beyond tenure: managing forests across the landscape
Agenda Item 12 Report from NZIF Foundation
Established by the New Zealand Institute of Forestry under a Deed of Trust dated 1st December It is a registered charity and has been approved by Inland Revenue as a donee organisation. Purpose to raise funds to encourage and support forestry related research, education and training through the provision of grants, scholarships and prizes; promote the acquisition, development and dissemination of forestry related knowledge and information and other activities that do not conflict with its charitable purpose. Trustees in the year to 31 March 2014 – Andrew McEwen (Chair) – David Evison – James Treadwell Received 40 donations in year to 31/3/14. One from NZIF from accumulated funds held by the Otago Southland section. The section requested the funds be used to support an award or scholarship that relates to forestry in Otago Southland. Remaining 39 donations include three of $1,000-$2,000, 17 between $100 and $500 and 19 between $20 and $90.
2013/14 AWARDS Mary Sutherland scholarship of $1,000 to Jody Tonga, a national diploma in forest management student at Waiariki Institute of Technology. Undergraduate scholarship of $1,000 to Christopher Perry, a fourth- year Bachelor of Forestry Science student at the University of Canterbury. Frank Hutchinson scholarship of $1,000 to Chris Meaclem, a Masters of Mechanical Engineering student at Canterbury University developing a teleoperated robot that would take harvesting workers out of steep slopes and allow them to operate machines from a safe, remote distance. Chavasse travel award of $2,615 to Stefania Pizzirani, a Ph.D. student at Massey University, to assist with expenses to attend and make an oral presentation at the 7th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology at the University of Ulsan in South Korea. Similar awards offered in Will be announced at conference dinner.
Awards offered exceed Foundation’s earnings so relying on annual donations to maintain capital fund. To achieve the vision of being a significant provider of funds to encourage New Zealand forestry, a substantial increase in donations is necessary. Trustees have set a goal of building the fund to at least $1 million within the next few years, to generate sufficient income to offer more useful grants and scholarships. Achievement of goal will require considerably more effort and persuasion than the surplus of $17,000 in the current year.
Statement of Financial Performance Y/E 31/3/ Revenue Donations18,780113,496 Commission on book sales12355 Interest4,1362,986 Total Revenue23,038116,538 Expenses Administration1860 Awards5,6155,500 Total Expenses5,8015,500 Net Surplus /(Deficit)17,238111,038
Statement of Financial Position at 31/3/ Current Assets Bank accounts25,98413,378 Term Deposit99,37095,000 Accrued interest2,7012,969 Accounts Receivable300 Total Current Assets128,355111,347 Non-current Assets00 Current Liabilities0230 Non-current Liabilities00 Net Assets128,355111,117
Statement of Movements in Funds Opening balance at 1 April111,11779 Plus net surplus17,238111,038 Closing Balance128,355111,117
Agenda Item 13 General Business