Year Six Parent Information Evening A warm welcome from Mr Davis, Miss Graham & Mrs Woods
Things to remember: Uniform PE kit Rewards and Sanctions (House Points/Dojo points!) Ambassadors for St. Bon’s and preparation for secondary school (e.g. personal organisation – homework books/reading journals) Presentation of work Responsibility Showing visitors around school Digital Leaders, House Captains and other roles!
Dates for your diaries Swimming starts on 23rd September 6D will leave at 1pm and return at 2.30pm 6GW will leave at 1.30pm and return at 3pm Assemblies 6GW - Tuesday 29 th September 6D - Tuesday 13 th October Kintbury- 2nd – 4 th December 2015 SATs Week: Week Commencing 9 th May PGL: 17 th – 20 th June 2016 Reconciliation : Friday 11 th December
RE Themes in-line with the rest of the school See website for details Prayer Chairs This Is My Body – SRE (In line with D Guidelines) A leaflet will be coming home soon Taught throughout the year Additional boys/girls session on puberty – more science and PSHE focused Any concerns or questions please come and see us
PE Autumn Term Invasion (Premier Sport) Swimming Dance It’s advisable to have PE kits in every day!
PPA PE/Art Mrs McGrath (Sport) and Mrs Chakraverty (Art) Mr Harrison covers 6GW on Mon P.M
French Monday afternoons (45mins) Mrs Papworth This term is a revision of conversational French
Topics covered Autumn What is a community (India) – a geography based project Animals/humans in their environment / adaption – a science based project Spring Battle of the Ancients! - The Mayan civilization – a history based project Evolution – a science based project Summer Earth Alert! - Sustainable living – a geography/science based project
E-Safety At school we use the SMART rules and Hector the Dolphin Children in all year groups learn about Acceptable Use and being a good digital citizen Information on the school website or speak to Lisa Gratton Reminder – Facebook's Terms and Conditions state that it is for children aged 13+ A parents e-safety information evening is being organised for later in the year
Homework Handed out the week before Handed in the following week Feedback is given on all homework Maximum of two and a half hours per week Please try to hear your child read regularly Safe searching on the internet – eSafety, Don’t struggle!
Spellings Weekly spelling tests Focus on application Practising strategies Test at the end of the year SPAG
SEN If you have concerns speak to us in the first instance Ms Kurzik – SENCO SEN/Inclusion page on school website
Assessing Pupil Progress Up until this year the children have been assessed using levels but under the new curriculum the system for monitoring and assessing children is different As a school we will be using a programme called Target Tracker to monitor how children are progressing through the Year 6 curriculum. We will collect evidence from books, tests and by working with the children to support teacher assessments. Information on how your child is progressing within the curriculum for that year group will be shared with you during the year.
Year 6 SATs Monday 9 th May 2016 Monday 9 th May 2016 Please do not take holidays during these dates! Please do not take holidays during these dates!
The Papers English: Reading English: Writing (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation test and Teacher Assessment) Maths: Mental and Written x2 No Science unless we’re selected for sampling
Help at home Our website BBC bitesize CGP revision guides (or similar) See us if unsure of expected standards
Relax… Too much work= burn out Little and often is far more effective than daily overload Ask your child what areas they need more help with and then work on these together – they should know and if not see us!
Trips Autumn Term Kintbury Summer Term Beam House – Yr 6 Residential Trip (Summer camp) Other small trips and events - TBC One off payment (camp paid for separately)
Kintbury 2nd – 4 th Dec 2015 St Cassians Centre in Wiltshire owned by the De La Salle Brothers Reflection/prayer/preparation for Christmas Beautiful surroundings Twin room accommodation Please notify us with any needs your child has prior to our visit (i.e. travel sickness/bedtime concerns?) Medical forms will be sent out in December Letter going home soon and (minimal) contribution to costs is included in one-off payment.
Beam House (PGL), North Devon Friday 17 th – Monday 20 th June 2016 Residential camp offering a range of activities All staff trained in health and safety All meals provided Activities run all day and one activity in the evening Good value for money (weekend) Letter with details of payment plans should be out next week (just finalising coach costs etc) approx £
Thank you for listening! Many thanks for attending this evening Any questions or problems throughout the year, please come and speak to us. Any Questions….?