5 Day Plan for 6 Minute Solution MondayStudents receive passages. Practice read. Clarify unknown words.** record TuesdayPractice reading for fluency. Coach. **record WednesdayPractice reading for fluency. Coach. **record ThursdayStudents read for fluency. record FridayStudents read and record BEST score for the week. Summarize – Quick Write - Frames
TIPS FOR PARTNERS When students are paired – Partner #1 is always the stronger reader. Partner #1 always reads first. Partner #2 follows. Allows for stronger reader to “carry” and “model” for the other partner.
COACHING Teach students how to coach each other. Use a coaching script to model– “You read … words per minute” “You had... errors.” “ The words you missed were -----, -----, & ---” “Say them with me …., …., ….” Offer a compliment about how partner read. Switch rolls.
Monitor Students: Teach students what fluency is. Model what fluent reading sounds like. Each day listen in on partners when they are reading. Target students you are concerned about. Choose students at random to read their passage to the class. On Fridays when the students are writing – have several students read that week’s passage to you and you score them. Formally assess fluency 3 times per year. Fall – Winter - Spring
Change Levels When... Using the Hasbrouck & Tindal Oral Reading Fluency Data Chart... Students are consistently (over about 3 weeks time) reading at the 50 th percentile for your grade level and the time of year Reading with Fluency = RATE, ACCURACY, and PROSODY!