European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Open Days Brussels 09/10/2012 Maria Iglesia Gomez Head of Unit DG SANCO Ilias Iakovidis Acting Head of Unit DG CONNECT
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing - Why? - What? -How?
Ageing society Chronic conditions Lack of health professionals Financial unsustainability Health inequalities HLY vs LE
Economic risks for the EU (EU average in 2008, EC source) Shrinking workforce in the care sector by 2020 1 million doctors & nurses less, and 2 mio incl. ancillary staff 15% of necessary care uncovered Total public & private health spending 9.6% of GDP Total public health spending 7.4% of GDP 14.7% of total government expenditure Total age-related public spending (education, pensions, healthcare, unemployment benefits) 23,1 % p. of GDP in 2007 by 4.75% points of GDP by 2060
Relevance to EU economy - Sustainability of health systems - Economic growth - Job creation - Knowledge-based economy - Competitiveness - European Semester - Euro-Plus Act - EU 2020
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing - Why? - What? -How?
health & quality of life of European citizens growth & expansion of EU industry long-term sustainability & efficiency health and social care systems +2 HEALTHY LIFE YEARS by 2020 through a Triple win for Europe
What are we working on? Integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring ICT solutions that help people stay independent and active Age-friendly cities and environments Improving prescriptions and adherence to treatment Better management of health: preventing falls Preventing functional decline & frailty
+2 HEALTHY LIFE YEARS by 2020 A triple win for Europe provide input inspiration EIP Partners, Regions iterative, flexible process EC: facilitator collect experience, evidence to support policy-making scale up innovative solutions synergies
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing - Why? - What? -How?
Everybody can engage - Action Group Active partners submitted a commitment to work together towards one the Specific Actions of the Partnership - Reference Sites Regions or other geographical areas where the actions covered by the EIP are in place and could coach and show best practices to others - Marketplace for innovative ideas Online Platform– open for Deadline was 31/05/2012
Reference Site region European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Coverage of Commitments and Reference Sites
DELIVERABLE programmes for chronic conditions in >50 regions, available to >10% of target population replication/scale-up of proven & effective interested care models in at least 20 regions in 15 MSs HOW scalable, reproducible organisational models for integrated care trainings/coaching of end-users evaluation mechanisms for assessment of good operational practices in integrated care models networks of stakeholders AIM communication & integration between different health & social care providers reduction of avoidable & unnecessary hospitalisation of older patients improved performance of care systems serving older people Example: Action – B3 Integrated care models for chronic conditions
New Knowledge More Years Better Lives Alzheimer’s Ageing well action plan eHealth action plan Public Health Programme Struc tural Funds EIB ESF Natio nal funds Deployment support Policy Areas New solutions AAL Proven Ideas FP7 ICT & Ageing well FP7 eHealth FP7 Health Time to market Active and Healthy Ageing Partnership CIP ICT & Ageing well CIP eHealth Evidence & innovation guidelines ICT Health
15 EU R&D Support Framework Programme 7 ICT Research ICT & Ageing Advanced Prototypes for independent living/active ageing Cognitive support Service and social robotics Smart environments for early intervention Open Systems, Reference Architectures, Platforms Support: roadmaps, ethics, standards, International cooperation Currently>30 projects, 125 M€ funding, last call deadline Jan 2013
Applied research support Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme - Between MS, with EC financial support - Market-oriented ICT research in assisted living technologies and services years to market - Total budget +600 M€ - Chronic conditions - Social Interaction - Self-serve society - Mobility - Home Care - Supporting Occupation in Life 16 Currently +60 projects, with 6 th call deadline Jan 2013
ICT Policy Support Programme / CIP - Large scale pilots - Assisted living using existing technology - Focus on evidence, organisation change, business models - Building on regional activities 14 pilots +50 Regions > users - Multiple Chronic diseases - Cognitive impairment - Integrated Care - Fall prevention and detection - Skills & carers 17 Currently 20 projects, 69 M€ funding, last call out Jan 2013 EU Innovation Support
The Strategic Implementation Plan encourages the European Commission, the Member States and relevant regional authorities: to create and/or adapt the conditions for mobilising structural and regional funds to support the implementation of the Plan and achieve the objectives of the EIP for example: demonstrating R&D&I strategy for smart specialisation demonstrating regional health strategy consider active and healthy ageing measures in Operational Prog. to make the most effective use of funding allocated for active and healthy ageing, and innovation within the Cohesion Policy Effective funding 18
Thank you for your attention!