Statutory Assessment Key Stages 1 and 2 2016 Testing Teacher Assessment Moderation Accountability Measures John Crowley Amanda Lowe
EYFS Key Dates 2016 No changes to EYFS Profile assessment and moderation in 2016 Baseline checks currently being evaluated 21st March – Schools Informed about Moderation / Agreement Trialling via Perspective and email 19th-29th April - Agreement trialling 4th May – Interim Results submitted to LA for moderated schools using Perspective 6th May-9th June EYFS moderation 24th June – EYFS Final Data Submission
Key Stage 1 Key Dates 2016 11 April - 22 April - Selected schools to administer tests early to inform standard setting Throughout May – Key Stage 1 Tests 3rd June – Scaled Score lookup tables published 13th June – Final TA Data Submission 14th June – Schools informed about Moderation 20th June – 8th July – LA Moderation (25% Schools / 50% Infant Schools) 11th – 13th July – Final Moderation Appeals
Key Stage 2 W/C 9th May – Key Stage 2 Tests 27th May– Final TA Data Submission 6th June – Schools informed about Writing Moderation 10th June – 20th June – LA Moderation (25% schools) 27th – 29th June – Final Moderation Appeals
New Approach to Statutory Teacher Assessment Interim frameworks Key Principles – Essential reading! Secure-fit model, not best-fit Need to achieve all of the statements for the band and any preceding bands within the key stage or pre key stage standards Qualifiers ‘most’ -statement is generally met with only occasional errors ‘some’ indicating that the skill/knowledge is starting to be acquired, and is demonstrated correctly on occasion, but is not consistent or frequent. Teachers should refer to the national curriculum programmes of study for items marked *
Exemplification Essential clarification of the criteria Expected standard available first (only mathematics available at end of January)
Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Pupils working at the Standard of the National Curriculum Interim Teacher Assessment Standards National Curriculum Tests inform TA Pupils working below the Standard of the National Curriculum Interim Pre Key Stage Standards P-Scales for SEN pupils below the PKS Standards Ensure you are planning to evidence TA now
Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment (2016) Reading, Writing and Mathematics TA Science TA Below Pre-Key Stage Standards P Scales (unchanged) HNM Has Not Met the expected standard BLW: Below the Pre Key Stage Pre-Key Stage Standards PKF: Foundations for the Expected Standard KS1 Tests In Reading, GPS (writing) and Mathematics are part of the TA evidence base Key Stage Standards WTS: Working Towards the Expected Standard EXS: Expected Standard EXS Expected Standard GDS: Greater Depth in the expected Standard Shaded = used in accountability measures
Reading TA Three core elements: Accuracy Fluency Understanding If a pupil meets the expected standard on the test, they are likely to show sufficient accuracy, fluency and understanding to meet the expected standard for reading
KS1 Reading: Evidence The marked reading test Current reading book(s), including cross-curricular texts Records (guided reading, individual reading, running records) Criteria includes examples for guidance - no requirement to evidence how many words per minute a child reads at
KS1 Writing Evidence Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test forms part of the evidence Assessed writing should show independence and choice, after discussion with the teacher Examples of pupils writing that demonstrate how the pupil attains the criteria including: For pupils working at the expected standard - Narrative (story and factual recount) For pupils working at greater depth - writing for different purposes Note the specific guidance around handwriting
Maths TA The maths test forms part of the evidence base and will provide evidence for many of the criteria Ensure that the curriculum taught gives pupils opportunity to demonstrate meeting all criteria Evidence of how pupils use materials to support and explain their mathematics
Science TA No test or statutory moderation Ensure that the curriculum taught gives pupils opportunity to demonstrate meeting each criteria
Key Stage 1 Moderation Takes place AFTER data has been submitted DfE are selecting schools centrally LA will select pupil sample from the submitted data and inform schools one day in advance - Ensure that a member of staff is able to access Perspective the day before moderation to check the pupil sample Post moderation schools may be required to resubmit amended data The tests inform Teacher Assessment – moderator will need to view the paper Schools should not create portfolios of evidence for the purpose of moderation All schools should moderate judgements internally and between schools using the interim frameworks
Norfolk LA Moderation Model External venue Teacher(s) present throughout to discuss the context, support, fluency etc. School’s decision who should attend to provide evidence Discuss how the pupil meets the criteria NQT mentors / assessment leads / SLT are welcome / Appointment with a well trained, experienced teacher/moderator Lead moderator to ensure consistency of judgements Exemplification materials used to standardise judgements No requirement for additional collation, annotation or preparation evidence for moderation if teacher present
Agreeing Judgements Moderator will validate teacher judgements If the moderator is unable to validate judgements, data set submitted must be amended following moderation Take away a letter confirming the moderation outcome and details of any required action Copy of paperwork via Perspective Schools may need to resubmit data following moderation.
Lack of Evidence Possible for a moderator to visit a school to view additional evidence not available on the day Remember – the moderation is of the final submitted assessments made using an evidence base available at the time of data submission “Systematic Lack of Evidence” is maladministration and will be reported to STA.
Appeals process Almost all judgements agreed with moderator Lead moderator will explore any anomalies Moderation manager will investigate any disagreements not resolved at the moderation and if appropriate arrange re-moderation, in school, by a lead moderator Moderation manager will arrange for a neighbouring LA to provide an impartial final judgement
Key Stage 2 Assessment Pupils working at the Standard of the National Curriculum Interim Teacher Assessment Standards National Curriculum Tests Pupils working below the Standard of the National Curriculum Interim Pre Key Stage Standards P-Scales for SEN pupils below the PKS Standards Ensure you are planning to evidence TA now
Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment (2016) and Testing Reading and Mathematics Test and TA Writing TA GPS Test Science TA Below Pre-Key Stage Standards BLW P Scales (unchanged) HNM Has Not Met the expected standard Below the Pre Key Stage Below the Pre Key Stage Pre-Key stage Standards PKF Foundation PKE Early development PKG Growing development Key Stage Standards NS: Test Scaled Score<100 WTS Working Towards the Expected Standard EXS Expected Standard AS: Test Scaled Score =>100 GDS Greater Depth in the expected Standard Shaded = used in accountability measures
Writing TA Judgements are based on a broad range of evidence from across the curriculum Examples of pupils writing must demonstrate how the pupil attains the criteria including: For pupils working towards the expected standard – writing of a range of purposes and audiences For pupils working at the expected standard – writing for a range of purposes and audiences (including writing a short story) For pupils working at greater depth - writing for a range of purposes and audiences Note the specific guidance around handwriting
Moderation of KS2 Writing Same model as KS1 (except no test) Takes place AFTER data has been submitted DfE are selecting schools centrally for moderation Pupils selected from submitted data – schools informed the day before moderation Ensure that a member of staff is able to access Perspective the day before moderation to check the pupil sample Schools may be required to resubmit amended data Schools should not create portfolios of evidence for the purpose of moderation All schools should moderate judgements internally and between schools
Reading and mathematics TA No test or statutory moderation Ensure that the curriculum taught gives pupils opportunity to demonstrate meeting each criteria For pupils working below the standard of the tests, assessments against the Pre Key Stage Standards will be used in Value Added progress calculations
Science TA No test or statutory moderation Ensure that the curriculum taught gives pupils opportunity to demonstrate meeting each criteria
Moderation Issues Teacher not available? Date not suitable? Sample of pupils not appropriate? Call 01603 307797 (Julia Idiens) Email We want all moderations to be successful and stress free!
Key Stage 2 Testing All pupils who can score should be entered The easiest questions are not more difficult than in previous years No extension (level 6) paper Sample materials are available Results reported as a Scaled Score 100 represents the Expected Standard AS = At Standard NS = Not at Standard
KS2 Accountability Measures % Attaining the Expected Standard % Attaining a High Score (top XX% of marks) Average Scaled Score on the tests Value Added in reading, writing and mathematics Subject Value Added measures The baseline for VA is common to all subjects Pre-Key Stage Standards will be used in VA calculations to include more pupils Any test score will be higher than the PKS Standards No Expected Progress – no progress measures will be available until the Autumn accountability
Progress: Calculating Value Added Stage 1: All other pupils nationally with average score at KS1 of 18.0 This is Chris Back to Chris Chris’ results are KS1 APS = 18.0 KS2 reading score = 117 He got 1 point more than the average for those with similar starting points = +1 All these pupils’ KS2 scores are added together and divided by the number of pupils in the group = average (national mean) reading score is 116
Progress: Calculating Value Added Stage 2: -2 +2 +3 We put Chris back with his Y6 peers in his school Chris now brings his +1 progress score with him +5 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 -4 -2 +2 The average of all the Y6 progress scores = schools progress score We can now compare schools to see where pupils with similar starting points make more or less progress. 0 = same progress as pupils nationally Govt will set the definition of sufficient progress once tests have been taken (e.g. a school should have a score of at least -3 below or above.
Floor Standards 2016 KS2 Floor standard – a school will be below the floor standard if both: less than 65% meet the expected attainment standard (based on scaled score) and pupils have not made “sufficient progress”* in any one of reading, writing or maths *sufficient progress will be based on the Value Added calculations, the threshold figures will be published for each subject once pupil results are available
The 10 Thresholds that will determine a ‘Coasting’ School (KS2) KS2 Results 2014 2015 2016 Attainment - % pupils attaining the expected standard (in Reading and Writing and Maths) 85% Level 4+ 85% Expected Standard Progress – reading 94% making Expected Progress (national median) 94% making Expected Progress (national median) “Sufficient Progress” (Value Added) AND Progress – writing 96% making Expected Progress 97% making Expected Progress Progress – maths 93% making Expected Progress “Sufficient Progress” (Value Added) *Schools will be deemed ‘coasting’ if below all 10 indicators
KS2 Discounted Pupils September Tables Checking Admitted in 2014/15 or 2015/16 KS2 Discounted Pupils September Tables Checking No pupil can be removed from the data set based on their ability Pupils can be discounted if they meet 3 criteria: Admitted in 2014/15 or 2015/16 school year Arrived from overseas before admission English is not an official language of the country they come from 55 Norfolk Pupils were removed in 2015 – but 48 Norfolk pupils in 2015 did not achieve L4+ RWM and were eligible to be removed, but not removed. Had these pupils been removed, Norfolk L4 RWM would be almost 77%, not 76% ... the impact on the individual schools would be much greater
Training – a flyer will be circulated Event Dates KS1/2 Statutory Assessment Training - NIEAS Further Sessions TBA Assessing and Monitoring in the EYFS - NIEAS 8th February (NPDC) Stephen Anwyll (Oxford University Press event) – Assessment without Levels briefing - NIEAS 23rd February (Woodside Centre, Norwich) Getting to Grips with Descriptors – KS1/2 - NIEAS March-April (NPDC) West Norfolk TBA KS2 Writing TA Surgery - NIEAS 18th/20th April (NPDC) KS1 Teacher Assessment Surgery - NIEAS 9th/10th May (NPDC) Booking website: Email:
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