Strategic Reading Welcome to Ms. Daetweiler’s 1st Period 1st Period or ext
GOAL: READING PROFICIENCY and Comprehension strategies
● Explicit, systematic instruction in comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and writing. ● Captivating reading expeditions feature high- interest topics and motivate students to read in science and social studies content areas. ● Built-in assessment and progress monitoring tools allow teachers to gauge each student's learning and adjust instructions.
Placement 1. In Journey’s I for Seventh grade. 2.Voyager Reading Benchmark Test ( school year) 3.Voyager Reading Connected Test ( school year) 4.Teacher recommendation and LA grade
Reading Benchmark RB Administered 3x year (30 questions) Voyager assessment that measures Reading Comprehension- Scores are reported in Lexile numbers. Students are required to read a paragraph and determine the correct vocabulary word to go in blank space. (multiple choice)
Benchmark Scores COMPREHENSION 1 ST benchmark=841 lexile (Sept./Oct) 2 nd benchmark= 871 lexile (Jan.) 3 rd benchmark= 926 lexile (May) Lexiles converted to Grade equivalent
Reading Connected Text RCT Administered 3x per year Voyager assessment that measures the amount of grade level text the student can read in one minute. Score reported in words per minute. Score reported in words per minute. FLUENCY FLUENCY 1 st Benchmark= 109 wpm (Sept./Oct.) 2 nd Benchmark =120 wpm (Jan.) 3 rd Benchmark=125 wpm (May)
The Program Each Expedition consists of 10 lessons. Lesson 1-4 and 6-8,involve reading stories and completing story maps, vocabulary, and comprehension questions. Lessons 5 and 10 involve online Solo expeditions- online tutorials with interactive participation. Lesson 9- ASSESSMENT
Grading 1.Students will be given points for participating in daily reading activities and answering questions in their weekly booklets as well as completing online tutorials. 2.At the end of each expedition (approximately 10 to 12 days) there will be assessments based on vocabulary, comprehension and short essay. 3.Each expedition will have it's own vocabulary packet- Students will complete the vocabulary packets and use them for studying. 4. All assignments for each quarter are listed on the syllabus
Class Syllabus Class Syllabus was given to students during 1 st week of school. The syllabus should be kept for review and it was to be signed and returned. A copy of the syllabus can be found on website. ( =(teacher websites)
BEST PART! No Homework!!!!!