Culturally Relevant Inspiration Karri Todd EDU 692 Creativity, Culture, and Global Contexts in Education Decision Making Professor Renee Sedlack March 14, 2016
Woodlawn Preschool
Woodlawn Preschool Two centers located in Battle Creek, MI Urban area Five classrooms One 3 & 4 year old classroom that is tuition based Two 4-year-old classrooms that are state-funded GSRP (Great Start Readiness Program) One 3-year-old classroom that is stated-funded G3’s (Great Start 3’s Program) GSRP and G3’s scholarships are available through the CISD (Calhoun Intermediate School District) (S. Fnu, personal communication, March 11, 2016) Daycare options Before school enrichment from 7-9 AM After school enrichment until 6 PM For ages 3-12 Open for snow days, school vacations Summer Enrichment Opportunities Summer camps for children 2 ½-8 and 9-12 year-olds. (Woodlawn Preschool, n.d.) Classroom Ratios 3-4 year old classroom and G3’s classroom ratio is 1:8 with two staff working with 15 students in each classroom 4-year old GSRP classrooms ratio is 1:8 with two staff working with students in each classroom Demographics of Staff 1 Burmese translator who is also assistant teacher 1 African-American Lead teacher, 2 African-American support staff (Book Keeper and Family Support Worker) 6 Caucasian teachers (Lead and Assistant), 3 Caucasian support staff (Executive Director, Food Service, and Office Manager) (Woodlawn Preschool, n.d.) Demographics for Preschool Students 52 Burmese students 2 Japanese students 2 Hispanic students 10 Bi-racial (African-American and Caucasian) 10 Caucasian (S. Fnu, personal communication, March 11, 2016)
Woodlawn Preschool Uniqueness Both centers provide an indoor gross motor (gym) and outdoor gross motor play area for students Diverse population of students and staff in both centers Provide additional enrichment services for before and after school (daycare type services for working families or parents attending school) Availability of enrichment services during snow days, school vacation days, and summer break for any children (2 ½-12) in the community. Provide three nutritional meals for students during the school year and during summer break (S. Fnu, personal communication, March 11, 2016). Provide breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack
Woodlawn Preschool Supported 21 st Century Skills Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration (Framework for 21st Century Skills, n.d.) Mission Statement “Woodlawn Preschool strives to develop creative thinking skills and a lasting love of learning by fulfilling the unique and individual needs of each student at his or her stage of development. We seek to provide a caring atmosphere of learning in which capable, compassionate staff members work to positively facilitate social, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth, enhancing self-esteem and prepare our students for future learning” (Woodlawn Preschool, n.d.). Promotion of Creativity: Creative Curriculum and High Scope Curriculum used in the various classrooms promote children using creative and critically thinking skills as they explore the learning environment and during group time activities (S. Fnu, personal communication, March 11, 2016). * Small groups created so students can explore materials and discover a way to use the materials with little scaffolding from the teachers (S. Fnu, personal communication, March 11, 2016). Learning centers are set up to allow students to explore, interact, and learn while playing.
Woodlawn Preschool-Culturally Relevant Pedagogy “Woodlawn Preschool welcomes all students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities” (Woodlawn Preschool, n.d.). Community members volunteering to read to students in the classroom Scheduled days for Dads and Moms to volunteer in the classroom for a fun day as well as family fun events at night Partnership with a local organization to have local artists paint a cultural art fence (Woodlawn Preschool, n.d.).
St. Rose of Lima School
St. Rose of Lima School Located in Downtown in Rural Hastings, MI Classrooms Grades young 5’s-6 th grade Instructional time-8 AM-3:10 PM Lunch and Recess-11:30-12:15 Bus Transportation provided by Hastings Public School Preschool program opening in Fall 2016 (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d.) After School Care Monday-Friday 3:15-6 PM ½ day of school-11:45 AM-6 PM Snow days 8 AM-6 PM Demographics 101 students in the school 1:17 Ratio 97 Caucasian students 4 Hispanic students (A. Krzysik, personal communication, March 11, 2016)
St. Rose of Lima School-Uniqueness “Seven classrooms, a gym/all purpose room, an adult education room, and a library/computer lab” (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d). “In addition to core subjects of math, English language arts, science, social studies, and theology, the students receive art, technology, library, music, physical education, and 6th grade band” (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d.). “Provide additional enrichment services for before and after school (daycare type services for working families or parents attending school)” (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d.). “Seek to strengthen our students with active involvement in liturgy, prayer, Christian service to others, and a loving and caring atmosphere” (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d.).
St. Rose of Lima School Supported 21 st Century Skills Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration (Framework for 21st Century Skills, n.d.) Mission Statement “St. Rose of Lima School is an educational community committed to preparing students for lifelong success by promoting and developing prayer, worship, education, service, and fellowship” (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d.). Promotion of Creativity: “St. Rose of Lima School also involves its students in many different artistic endeavors and is known throughout the community for its programs. Our students participate in a grand Christmas Pageant where all students sing, act, recite and dance. Our students also perform for many different service organizations and groups throughout the year. Kiwanis, Rotary, the Commission on Aging, Thornapple Manor, and Tendercare are some of the groups that call on our students for programs” (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d.).
Woodlawn Preschool-Culturally Relevant Pedagogy “Seek to strengthen our students with active involvement in liturgy, prayer, Christian service to others, and a loving and caring atmosphere. To accomplish this, a clear expectation of parental involvement and broad parish” (St. Rose of Lima, n.d.). “The faculty at St. Rose strongly believes that the basis for developing proper attitudes and behaviors begins with a good home environment and training. We believe parents are accountable to the school by openly supporting school policies and regulations. We also believe that it is the parents’ responsibility to see that their children are prepared each day to participate in school activities by providing proper dress, breakfast, school supplies and equipment, lunch or lunch money, and encouraging that school books be brought home and homework be completed” (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d.). “Seeks to develop the talents of each student under the guidance of a qualified and dedicated staff. We work to maintain high academic standards, hold students accountable for their work and conduct, emphasize basic learning skills, and provide a variety of creative and cooperative educational opportunities within the limits of our resources” (St. Rose of Lima School, n.d.).
Community Action Education and Children’s Services
Community Action Education and Children’s Services Located in three counties Urban Calhoun County Rural St. Joe County Rural Barry County Classrooms Provide services for children birth-5 years old Early Head Start classrooms for infants and toddlers Head Start classrooms for preschoolers Demographics of Barry County Delton Center-44 Caucasian and 2 bi-racial Hastings Center-75 Caucasian and 4 bi-racial 1:10 Ratio in preschool classroom with 2 teachers for preschoolers 1:8 Ratio in 0-3 year old classrooms with 2 teachers for 8 infants/toddlers (D. Cole, personal communication, March 11, 2016)
Community Action Education and Children’s Services- Uniqueness Provide educational experiences for children from low-income families Provide services for expectant mothers Provide educational experiences for families Provide home base learning services and socialization opportunities Incorporates Fatherhood/Male Involvement services in the classroom and community Incorporate Foster Grandparent program in the classroom and community schools. (Community Action, n.d.).
Community Action Education and Children Services Supported 21 st Century Skills Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration (Framework for 21st Century Skills, n.d.) Promotion of Creativity: Head Start “children are provided various cognitive, affective, and motor skill development experiences in both large and small group settings”. Learning Centers created with children to foster creativity and 21 st century skills Early Head Start “utilizes curriculum designed to fully support infant and toddlers natural instincts of learning from their environment and relationships with others”. Caregivers provide opportunities for infants and toddlers to explore creativity (D. Cole, Personal Interview, March 11, 2016)
Community Action Education and Children’s Services- Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Head Start “Children are provided various cognitive, affective, and motor skill development experiences in both large and small group settings. This encourages them to develop socially, intellectually, physically, and emotionally in a manner appropriate to their age and stage of development…Lessons in general health and nutrition, along with family involvement, are part of the daily activities”. (Community Action, n.d.). Teacher’s create lesson plans and the learning environment around the student’s interests, needs, and culture (D. Cole, personal communication, March 11, 2016). Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom, during parent-teacher conferences/home visits, and/or by participating in Policy Council (D. Cole, personal communication, March 11, 2016). Early Head Start/Expectant Mothers “Early Head Start promotes the physical and mental health of expectant mothers, infants and toddlers, as well as the stability of the entire family. The program utilizes curriculum designed to fully support infant and toddlers natural instincts of learning from their environment and relationships with others. It also offers monthly home visits and training for enrolled families on best practice with their infant and toddlers” (Community Action, n.d.). Teacher’s create lesson plans and the learning environment around the student’s interests/needs, parent goals, and culture (D. Cole, personal communication, March 11, 2016). Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom, participate in socialization events, during parent-teacher conferences/home visits, and/or by participating in Policy Council (D. Cole, personal communication, March 11, 2016).
Reference Community Action. (n.d.). Retrieved from Framework for 21st century learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from St. Rose of Lima School. (n.d.). Retrieved from Woodlawn Preschool. (n.d.). Retrieved from