City-Wide Sanitation Planning May 12, 2015 SUWASA Closeout and Knowledge Forum Kampala, Uganda Jesse Shapiro USAID WASH Advisor and Sanitation Focal Point
City-Wide Sanitation Planning Urban areas are important In Sub-Saharan Africa and South/South-eastern Asia 75% of the unserved are in rural areas…but Urbanization is outpacing provision (155k people/day) and about 90% of all people will be in urban areas and developing countries by 2050 Population using improved and unimproved sanitation by urban areas in Southeast Asia, East Asia and Sub- Saharan Africa, (millions ) Based on JMP (2014) data
City-Wide Sanitation Planning Sanitation is not glamorous
HEALTH Saves and improves lives MONEY Reduces health costs and productivity losses due to sickness and death 600,000 child deaths/year due to diarrhea Safe excreta disposal can reduce diarrhea by 30% High density = higher risk 1.5% lower GDP on average $5 of economic gain for every $1 invested Acccess to financing Reduces risk of violence Secures dignity for the most vulnerable Dignity & Security Reduce violence, workloads and secures dignity, especially for Women, Children, Poor and Vulnerable City-Wide Sanitation Planning Sanitation for policy makers
Ministry of Health Ministry of Local Govt Ministry of Water Municipality Private Sector Individuals Communities Sustainable Sanitation City-Wide Sanitation Planning Responsibilities are spread widely
City-Wide Sanitation Planning Requires a wide variety of skills
City-Wide Sanitation Planning Requires a combination of solutions
Treatment Reuse/ disposal Transport Storage Containment Sewerage Flush Toilet Sewer network Pumping stations Treatment plant Reuse/ disposal On-site (Fecal Sludge Management) Latrine Vacuum truck Treatment plant Reuse/ disposal Septic tank MDG Target Household Access SDG Target adds Safely managed SDG Target adds Effectively treated City-Wide Sanitation Planning Measuring progress
Example from Maputo, Mozambique, adapted from WSP City-Wide Sanitation Planning Fecal flow diagram
City-Wide Sanitation Planning Planning tools
Example from Maputo, Mozambique, adapted from WSP Public Health Risk Assessment: Extent and location of health risks Demand Analysis Assessment of Re-use Options Service Delivery Assessment What institutional frameworks and systems are in place? What is needed? Priorities? Political Economy Analysis Why is it like this? How can we change it? Economics of Sanitation Toolkit: What are the costs and benefits of possible interventions? City-Wide Sanitation Planning Decision making tools