BRING Two Sharpened #2 pencils AND Calculator Remember: NO Phones, IPODS,or Food No bathroom passes will be issued. You cannot leave the room until the end of the exam period You will be given a periodic table and formulas 70 Multiple Choice, true/false, and matching 3 Open-ended Questions/ 80 min.
Topics on Midterm Matter and Change Atoms, protons, electrons, neutrons, atomic mass, isotopes, solids, liquids, gases, classification of matter/mixtures, physical versus chemical properties and change, density Measurement Moles, molar mass, Avogadro’s number, conversion between units, empirical formulas, percent composition and hydrates, qualitative vs quantitative, exothermic/endothermic Structure of Atom History of atom (scientists), Electromagnetic spectrum /Bohr’s model/ Line emission spectra/color, /orbitals, quantum theory, electron configurations/Noble gas configs Gases Kinetic Molecular Theory, Pressure and Temp conversions, Gas Laws, Ideal Gas Law, Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure STP/22.4L Grahams Law Periodic Table Structure: metals/nonmetals/metalloids/ groups, periods Group names and general properties
The empirical formula of a compound is NO 2. The molar mass is 92 g/mole. What is the molecular formula? N2O4N2O4
LAB EQUIPMENT What piece of equipment will we use to : Measure mass _____________________ Measure volume of a liquid _________________ Measure temperature ____________________ Separate a mixture containing a solid and liquid_____________ A beaker is placed on a balance and the mass is 5.8 g. Zinc is added to the beaker. The scale reads 22.4 g. What is the mass of zinc? A graduated cylinder reads 23.5 ml. The zinc is added and now it reads 25.7 ml. What is the density of zinc?
Yellow powder Boils at 92C Reacts with acid to form hydrogen Dissolves in water Decomposes when heat is added Emits red light when heated Density of 1.2 g/ml Which are physical properties and which chemical properties?
An unknown substance is found and has a volume of 3.2 ml. The mass of the sample is 5.9 g. What is the density? Density
How many protons, neutrons, electrons? What is the mass of one mole? How many atoms are in this mass? What is the mass of 3.5 moles? Calcium
What is the molar mass or formula mass? What is the percent Oxygen in this compound? Mn(NO 3 ) 2 How many elements are present? How many of each atom are present?
List the 7 diatomic gases. H O N Cl Br I F
Match The Scientist Scientist Discovery or experiment Democritus Dalton Rutherford Mendeleev Thomson Bohr Moseley Discovered the electron with Cathode Ray Tube Organized the Periodic Table by property and mass Electrons exist in discrete energy levels around the nucleus Concept that the atom exists Organized periodic table by atomic number Proposed the laws of multiple proportions, definite proportions, and conservation of mass Discovered the nucleus using the Gold foil experiment. Atom mostly space.
Organization of the Periodic Table
Which represents more Magnesium? 0.5 mole Mg 28 grams Mg x atoms of Mg.010 kg Mg
DALTON Law of Definite Proportions Law of Multiple Proportions Law of Conservation of Mass Mass cannot be created or destroyed H 2 O always has 2 hydrogens to every 1 oxygen The same elements can be combined in different ratios to form totally different compounds NO, N 2 O, N 2 O 2
Convert the following: 4 kg to g 1200 ml to L 23.4 m to cm 5.67 L to ml 348 K to o C
A classification scheme for matter.
Fill in the blanks… 1.When energy is added to a substance, the electrons move from the _________state to the ___________state. 2. Two ways that energy can be added are _______ and ________. 3. When the electron returns back to its lower energy state, it releases a packet or _________ of energy. QUANTITIZED 4. If the wavelength of that energy is in the visible spectrum, we see the release of energy as ________. 5. Do all substances generate the same wavelengths of light? ___
Electromagnetic Spectrum Which visible color has the highest energy? Which portion has the longest wavelength? Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red Which portion has the highest frequency?
C-12 C-14 What is an isotope? How many protons neutrons and electrons does each isotope of carbon have?
I have one mole of each of the following elements. Which has more mass? Oxygen Argon Chlorine Copper
Solids, Liquids, Gases solidsliquidsgas volume shape density Atom spacing movement
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
Gases A 2 L container at 12 atm pressure and 25 C is pressurized to 17 atm. and the volume is compressed to 1 L. What will the new temperature be? The total pressure in a container is 2.1 atm. The container contains hydrogen, helium and nitrogen in equal amounts. What is the partial pressure of hydrogen? A gas at 23 o C is contained in a 3 L vessel at 2 atm. How many moles of gas are in the vessel? I have 3 moles of helium at STP. How many liters?
Gases A 2 L container at 12 atm pressure and 25 C is pressurized to 17 atm. and the volume is compressed to 1 L. What will the new temperature be? The total pressure in a container is 2.1 atm. The container contains hydrogen, helium and nitrogen in equal amounts. What is the partial pressure of hydrogen?
Gases A gas at 23 o C is contained in a 3 L vessel at 2 atm. How many moles of gas are in the vessel? I have 3 moles of helium at STP. How many liters?
What is the name? How many of each atom are present? What is the molar mass or formula mass? What is the percent Oxygen in this compound? Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2
What does it represent? What is the mass of one mole? What will the formula be if we dry it completely? What is the percent water in this compound? CuSO 4 5 H 2 O What is the name of this compound?
Periodic Table Trends Arrange in increasing order Radius Ba Cs Rb Electronegativity Na Mg Be Valence Electrons Br Ca B Ionization energy C O Si
What is the formula and name? Na and S Ammonium and Cl Mg and carbonate Calcium and hydroxide Chromium (IV) and Oxygen Iron (III) and sulfate
What is the name? NaOH SrO KBr CaSO 4 MgCO 3 Sr(NO 3)2 LiCH 3 COO
What is the mass of one mole? How many formula units are in this mass? What is the mass of 3.5 moles? How many individual ions are in a formula unit? Ca(OH) 2 What is the name of this compound?