Mill Creek has quality of life amenities coveted by its citizens. Mill Creek has a well educated and affluent population. Mill Creek citizens have an active interest in having family-oriented community activities. Mill Creek has underutilized amenities because they’re not publicized to citizens. Mill Creek has little control of through traffic. FINDINGS
Mill Creek has relatively low business taxes. Mill Creek has commercial retail and professional vacancies. Mill Creek faces a budget shortfall in 2-4 years. Mill Creek has no coordinated effort to market or promote the City. Mill Creek has the burden of Fire District #7 payments for the budget and annexations. FINDINGS (Con’t)
The City is facing a budget shortfall in the near future. The City has done an admirable job of balancing expenses against tight revenues. The committee would not argue for throwing out fiscal prudence. The City must take some risks in the near term to address the coming revenue shortfall. Fiscal management alone will not be enough to shore up the deficit. COMMITTEE SUMMARY STATEMENT
The City must place a priority on revenue generation: utility taxes, fees and permits, aggressive business development. COMMITTEE SUMMARY STATEMENT Annexation policies should take into consideration the longer term strategic value of such decisions, including business development opportunities. Economic gain cannot be made without the accompaniment of risk.
A number of the different suggestions presented in the background material provided by City staff and suggestions provided by the members of this committee have merit and should be investigated further as a means to generate and attract more business development within Mill Creek. COMMITTEE SUMMARY STATEMENT
Add economic development position to staff. Plan for East Gateway Urban Village. Create an economic development web page. Create relationships with business organizations. Streamline the building permitting process. Create a City motto or tag line. Continue to provide community-oriented events. SHORT TERM AREAS FOR CONSIDERATION
Provide “Movies in the Park.” Enhance North Creek Trail. Review and revise the Annexation Policy. Gather data to annex 164 th to I-5 corridor. Create a wetlands databank for use by developers. Change zoning codes to allow mixed-use in CB zones and allow increased heights. Establish a five-member EDC board. SHORT TERM (Con’t)
Create a dedicated facility/park for family- oriented public activities. Pursue partnerships with businesses to advance community enhancements. Reconsider south-end annexation. Consider annexation into Fire District # 7. LONG TERM AREAS FOR CONSIDERATION