A2 Unit 4 – A Summary of Key Models
Degg Model (1992) SHOWS WHAT IN TERMS OF RESPONSES/PLAYERS? Hazardous Geophysical Event e.g flood or earthquake Vulnerable population: susceptible to human and economic loss Hazards become disasters when people are vulnerable This is Dregg’s disaster model – Use it in the exam! No interaction of human and physical systems = no disaster DISASTER
Kate’s Model (1971) Hazard Perception Spectrum SHOWS WHAT IN TERMS OF RESPONSES/PLAYERS?
Park Model The Disaster Response Curve SHOWS WHAT IN TERMS OF RESPONSES/PLAYERS?
Keith Smith (1992) Response Framework Modify the Loss: E.g. Modify the Event: Modify the Vulnerability:
The Disaster Management Cycle http://www.gdrc.org/uem/disasters/1-dm_cycle.html SHOWS WHAT IN TERMS OF RESPONSES/PLAYERS? What steps are taken to reduce future exposure/risk? How ready is the community for the next event? How quickly does the community recover? What is the human response to the event like?
Response Case Studies: HAITI (2010) CHRISTCHURCH (2010/11) SICHUAN (2008) KASHMIR (2005) JAPAN SENDAI EQ/TSUNAMI (2011) ACEH INDIAN OCEAN TSUNAMI (2004)
Referencing Green A2 Edexcel Textbook = Degg et al. (2009) White Hazards Book = Warn and Holmes (2008) USGS Website = www.usgs.gov (USGS 2012) BBC NEWS = (BBC NEWS 2011) news.bbc.co.uk DVD = (Name of DVD, Year) ARTICLES (VITAL) = (Petley, 2010) (Geography Review Article on Sichuan Eq) etc.
PLAYERS National Government Local Government Scientists/Academics/Educators Insurers Planners Relief Agencies Engineers and Architects Emergency Practitioners and Services Media Communities (bottom up)