New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Emergency Banking Relief Act 1933 Banks & depositors Banks were inspected by Treasury Dept. and those stable could reopen. Government could supervise bank practices. No Reform Regulated Banking practices Yes, people had to stop withdrawing $ and gained confidence in banks again.
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Glass-Steagall Act 1933 Banks & depositors FDIC guaranteed to protect bank deposits up to $5,000 (today, up to $100,000) -limited the freedom of banks to trade in stocks and bonds No Recovery: Restored confidence in banks and regulated Reform: regulated practices Yes, gave confidence back to bankers
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 1934 Business and Investors Supervised the stock market and eliminated dishonest practices. -Federal Reserve has power to regulate buying to margin. -required full disclosure of info about stock offered for sale. Yes, businesses didn’t like the last part about full disclosure Reform: Regulated trading in the stock market. Yes, stabilized the stock market
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) 1933 Business, labor unions, unemploye d Set prices of many products & established standards in order to interrupt trend of cutting wages, falling prices and layoffs. Gave president law making powers and regulated local, rather than interstate commerce. YES –by politicians and businesses for serving large business interests and code violations. *eventually deemed unconstitutional Recovery and Reform: Collective Bargaining Rights Yes for a short time, but the NRA (Nat’l Recovery Administration) was too rigid.
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Public Works Administration (PWA) 1933 Unemployed Created jobs on government projects. Construction of schools and other community buildings. Yes, it was part of the NIRA, which Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional. It went beyond federal government’s right to regulate interstate commerce. Relief & Recovery created jobs and built things to stimulate economic growth. No, it failed to make a dent in unemployment and was struck down by the Supreme Court
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) 1933 Farmers Aided farmers and regulated crop production. Cut production, even ruined crops to raise prices. Yes! The Supreme Court struck it down because they said it should be regulated by the states, not the federal government Relief: provided loans Recovery: raised crop prices by regulating crop production. Yes-it helped give $ to farmers, No- it destroyed food when people were starving
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 1933 Unemployment and rural development Developed resources of TN River Valley. Renovated existing dams, and built new ones. Employed thousands, provided flood control, hydro-electric power and encouraged businesses to invest. Yes, private utility companies wanted the hydro-electric power plants Relief: created jobs Recovery: built things to stimulate the economy Reform: created a publicly owned electric utility company to compete with private utilities Yes, for the all the reasons in the “purpose” block
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) 1934 Homeowners Loaned money at low interest rates to homeowners who could not meet their mortgage payments NO Relief: helped homeowners pay mortgage Yes
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. National Housing Act Federal Housing Administration (FHA) 1934 Homeowners Insured loans for building and repairing homes. Still around today NO Recovery: guaranteed loans for home and building repairs. YES
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 1933 Unemployment and rural development Provided jobs to single, young males (and females) on conservation projects. Employed 2.5 million, including 8,500 women. NO Relief: Created Jobs Yes, gave opportunities to make money and to help the environment.
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) 1933 Unemployment, hungry and homeless Helped states to provide aid for the unemployed. Provided direct relief, ½ was direct grant-in-aid, ½ was to support work relief programs. No Relief: Provided funds to state and local relief agencies Yes
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Rural Electrification Administration (REA) 1935 Rural development & unemployed To provide electric to rural areas, established hundreds of publicly owned cooperatives, built generating plants, and strung power lines. 90% of farms had access to cheap power NO Relief: Provided Jobs Reform: improved farm life with electric and better farming practices. Yes
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Works Progress Administration (WPA) 1935 Unemployed To increase national purchasing power & help employment. -built public buildings, schools, air fields, Yes, conservatives said it was wasting money By unions, said it was depressing wage rates Relief: employed Yes and No, some projects were inefficient (Theater and Art projects)
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. National Labor Relations Act (and Board) (NLRA) Wagner Act 1935 Labor unions, employees Guaranteed the right to self- organization, to form, join or assist labor organizations & to collectively bargain through representatives of their choosing. -prohibited unfair labor practices Yes, business owners Reform: made protections for employees, especially children Yes, still around today.
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Fair Labor and Standards Act 1938 Employees Minimum wage for more purchasing power, protect children (and give adults their jobs), Interstate commerce $.25/hr up to $.40/hr in hour workweek w/o OT No hazardous work under 18 Yes, business owners Reform: made protections for employees, especially children Yes, still have it
New Deal MeasureWho benefited?Description: What did it do? What was its purpose? Was it criticized? If so, by whom? Was it relief, reform or recovery? Explain how you know. Was it successful? Explain. Social Security Act (Administration) 1935 Unemployed, retired and disabled Old age pensions for workers, survivor benefits, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers & children, the blind & disabled. NO Reform: Assumed responsibility for US citizens who lose wages due to unemployment, retirement or disability Yes, still have today
Please Do Now Explain the significance of the Second New Deal that made it differ from the First Hundred Days?