English Language Learners are students that have been raised in a bilingual/multilingual home, regardless of their spoken language of choice. These students may show some English literacy delay, as they are acquiring a second language. Thus, they receive language support to help them successfully meet grade level curriculum standards.
1. The ELL teacher supports classroom teachers that have ELL students. › Provides guidance and resources to teachers to help them instruct English Language Learners students. 2. The ELL teacher supports selected ELL students in individual or small group settings. › Identification: After administering the placement test and identifying ELL students, the ELL teacher determines which students need extra support. Those needing extra support will be serviced by the ELL Cert and/or the ELL EA’s. › Program Model: The ELL teacher aligns instruction with what is being taught in the classroom, (e.g. Making Meaning, shared writing, guided reading, word work, etc.) using ELL strategies. Support could take place inside or outside the class. › Collaboration: ELL teacher collaborates with teachers regularly to ensure students are meeting curriculum standards, and that students’ needs are being met.
The students’ cultural background and experiences are taken into consideration as we tailor our ELL’s instruction. Parents are encouraged to continue speaking to our students in their home language. Students will benefit from knowing more than language, as their vocabulary will be richer, and they will ultimately have more opportunities in our 21 st century global society.