Vice Minister Seol, Dong Geun
GDP (US$, Bil.) (world ranking 15 th ) ,071 per capita GNI (US$) ,647 6,147 20,759
High Academic Achievement Expansion of Educational Opportunities Free & Compulsory Education/ Opportunity for higher education OECD PISA(2009, 15-year olds) Global top in key areas 1. Achievements Reading(Printed), Math : 1st / Science : 3rd(Dec.2010) Reading(Digital) : Unchallenged 1 st (Jun.2011) Elementary92.0%98.6% Middle36.3%97.6% High20.3%92.4%
Quantitative Growth of Colleges’ Research Capacity No. 11 in SCI Registration(2009) Competitiveness Achievement No. 3 in R&D/GDP Ratio No. 4 in S&T Competitiveness 1. Achievements Competitive R&D / S&T
Fostering Talents and Global Companies 4 companies in the global top 100 ㅋ Fostering Talents and Global Companies 1. Achievements Won World Skills Competition 17 times
2. Driving Forces PeriodKey IndustryArea of Education support 1950s (1 st & 2 nd EDP) (3 rd EDP) (4 th & 5 th EDP) 1990-Present Agriculture Light Industry Heavy Industry High Technology Knowledge Free compulsory primary education Basic education Secondary and vocational schools Tertiary education Building creative human capital Education policies in line with national development strategies *EDP: Economic Development Plan
High interest and passion for education Tradition that values academic achievements 2. Driving Forces Post-war generation’s passion for their children’s education
2. Driving Forces Nurturing & securing excellent teachers Attracting talents (job security, high compensation) Fostering teachers at the national level through 4-year universities/colleges of education
Education at a glance, OECD Nurturing High-Quality Scientists and Engineers Establishment of KIST to build R&D in the field of Science and Technology in 1960s Establishment of KAIST to foster highly trained and innovative specialists in 1970s 2. Driving Forces Continuous investment in education and R&D
World-wide Shortage in Highly Skilled Workers Low Fertility Rate Aging Economic Globalization + Information Age Global Nomadism
For Students with Diverse Qualities Meister high school Academic/career counselor National scholarships Tuition burden relief Reduction of private education spending Tailored educational welfare The Nuri program (common course for 5-year olds) Support for underachieving students Admissions officer
Advance STEAM Education Promote education converging science, tech- nology, engineering, arts & mathematics Nurture creative talents with converged thinking and problem-solving skills Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics Science & Technology Engineering, Arts & Math 1. Strengthening capacity of teachers & students Improving teachers’ expertise Teacher assessment & reinvigorating in-class consulting through master teacher system Teacher’s Research year (similar to sabbatical year ) Curriculum revision Improved academic report Reorganization of the function of district offices of education Curriculum revision Improved academic report Reorganization of the function of district offices of education Teacher assessment Customized training Merit-based payment Autonomy Accountability
2. Nurturing human resources to meet social needs Win-win btw Local Universities & Companies HR & Technology Development Local Development Employment & Technological Innovation Enhancing university education * University Education Capacity Enhancement Program * Advanced College of Education (ACE) creating unique & competitive undergraduate education model meeting diverse social & student demand Isolated development Mutual development Human resources Equip- ments
Strengthening Global Research Capacity of Graduate Schools Attract leading researchers from overseas Open and run courses for convergence technologies that will lead future industries * World Class University(WCU) 3. Strengthening Global Research Capacity Establishment of specialization strategy for 4 major S&T Institutes Korea Institute Of Science & Technology & Technology Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Institute of Science & Technology Cooperation system such as convergence of R&D among universities * KAIST(Daejeon), GIST(Gwangju), DGIST(Daegu·Kyongbuk), UNIST(Ulsan)
1. Strengthening exchange of Human Resources Global Korea Scholarship Boost Brazilian science, technology, innovation and competitiveness through the expansion of international mobility. Science without Borders Expand government scholarship (GKS) and increase the contribution to the international community * no. of GKS students : 400 in ‘11→1,000 in ‘15
2. ICT use in Education & Implement SMART education Implement SMART edu. Rapid expansion of smart appliances and increase in demand for creative learning Talent-nurturing system with customized learning regardless of place or time Build CLOUD infrastructure Introduce digital textbooks Promote online courses Build online academic diagnostic program “Promotion Strategy for Smart Education”(‘ ) ICT use in Education Free provision of learning contents through the Cyber Home Learning System and EBS programs. Lifelong learning through distance education institutes
3. Teacher Exchange program Math & Science teachers Teacher exchange with Brazil Started in 2007 with primary focus on sending math and science teachers from Busan to Chicago(U.S) Exchange not only math and science teachers but also P.E. and Portuguese teachers Implement co-training program
Korea is ready to share the knowledge and experiences of its development of Education, Science and Technology with the world and is also eager to learn from others' best practices. Continuous exchange will help to build a promising future of Education, Science and Technology.