Lingua Inglese III (12 Cfu) Global Englishes A.A. 2015/16 Prof. Enrico Grazzi
2 Brainstorming: What makes a good teacher of English? What are the pros and cons of native and non-native teachers of English? Should global Englishes be integrated into the English syllabuses? I you were a non-native teacher of English, how would you approach Standard Englishes and Global Englishes? Do you believe that the rise of Global Englishes should change the criteria for testing and marking the students’ competence?
Watch this video on YouTube: Composition: What are the new challenges for teachers of English in the age of globalisation, when English has become the world’s lingua franca? (300 words) 3
4 Homework: Reading C2, pp. 120/127 (including activities) Reading D6, pp.223/229