1 Water Department FY 2014 Sources and Uses FY 2014 Sources Retail Sales$54,788,834 Wholesale Sales646,250 Other Operating Revenues145,000 Non-Operating Revenues7,467,376 Total FY 2014 Sources$63,047,460 FY 2014 Uses Personnel*$14,081,066 Services/Supplies27,437,386 Equipment*444,400 IS Charges*3,140,845 General Fund and Hahamongna Transfers3,812,631 Interest, Depreciation, and Other Misc.9,308,858 New Year’s Day Fund4,434 Total FY 2014 Uses$58,229,620 * Note: The following includes capital components: 1. Personnel - $5,121, Equipment - $444, IS Charges (Cost Allocation Plan) - $213,121
2 Water Department Budget History Major Budget Area FY 2012 Actual FY 2013 Revised FY 2014 Recommended Water General Manager$ 1,362,7251,653,2761,754,354 Finance and Admin.11,384,82712,289,01811,398,950 Water Delivery37,229,96436,282,60339,293,243 Water Capital*3,470,4995,155,8245,778,639 Total Water53,448,01555,380,72158,225,186 New Year’s Day Fund04,2504,434 Total$53,448,01555,384,97158,229,620 FTEs * Note: Includes only Personnel, Equipment and Cost Allocation Plan expenses
3 Water Department Assumptions 4% increase in water sales (billing units) Compared to fiscal year 2013 budget Increase in Purchased Water Adjustment Charge (“PWAC”) effective October 2013 General Fund Transfer of 6% No new proposed FTEs in FY 2014 JPL parking lot lease agreement month-to-month Impacts $540,000 transfer to Hahamonga JPL reimbursement of about $4.8 million Operation of Monk Hill Treatment Plant Major Programs Commitment to reliable delivery of quality water Maintain water distribution system Increase water supply reliability, well production capacity and water quality Promote effective water conservation Pursue funding for clean-up of Sunset wells contamination Development of rate components to support water IRP Improve customer communication for service interruptions Implement electronic bill presentment and payment system FY 2014 Assumptions and Major Programs
4 Water Department Increase in purchased water costs from Metropolitan Water District – approximately $2.0 million annually 1 Utility Service Planner transferred to Power Department to consolidate services Purchase of new and/or replacement vehicles and equipment of approximately $400,000 Interest expense reduction of about $1.0 million from savings from refunding of revenue bonds Significant Changes From FY 2013 Budget
5 Power Department FY 2014 Sources and Uses FY 2014 Sources Retail Sales$173,188,189 Wholesale Sales5,632,519 Other Operating Revenues20,427,358 Non-Operating Revenues8,159,014 Total FY 2014 Sources$207,407,080 FY 2014 Uses Personnel*$ 41,676,422 Services/Supplies131,993,315 Equipment*667,200 IS Charges*6,225,977 General Fund Transfer15,046,926 Interest, Depreciation, and Other Misc.26,373,486 New Year’s Day Fund16,629 Total FY 2014 Uses$221,999,955 * Note: The following includes capital components: 1. Personnel - $11,530, Equipment - $667, IS Charges (Cost Allocation Plan) - $346,102
6 Power Department Budget History Major Budget Area FY 2012 Actual FY 2013 Revised FY 2014 Recommended Power General Manager$ 2,453,5542,383,7192,358,230 Public Benefits7,092,0286,808,5517,680,331 Finance and Admin.29,136,10327,665,47230,462,363 Power Supply118,256,362144,074,494133,384,679 Power Delivery32,313,68936,422,72735,554,093 Power Capital*8,900,70711,515,32712,543,630 Total Power198,152,443228,870,290221,983,326 New Year’s Day Fund11,18319,58416,629 Total$198,163,626228,889,874221,999,955 FTEs * Includes only Personnel, Equipment and Cost Allocation Plan expenses
7 Assumptions 1% increase in power sales (kWh) Compared to fiscal year 2013 budget Proposed increase to Public Benefit Charge Complete Electric Cost-of-Service Net decrease of about $9.0 million in purchased power, gas and fuel, and transmission Decrease of about $13.0 million in purchased power Offset by increases in Gas and Fuel costs and purchased transmission costs ($4.0 million) General Fund Transfer of 9% Anticipated issuance of Electric Revenue/Refunding Bonds Major Programs New contracts and projects for renewable resources to meet RPS goals Comply with California Air Resources Board (“CARB”) GHG reporting requirements Comply with legislative and regulatory requirements Develop rates to support changes taking place in the electric utility industry (Distributed Generation, Demand Reduction, Feed-In-Tariff, Electric Vehicles) Implement Electronic Bill Presentation and Payment system Improve PWP’s web presence and content Kick off process to upgrade/replace Customer Information System Power Department FY 2014 Assumptions and Major Programs
8 Power Department Increase 5 FTEs 1 Utility Service Planner transferred from Water Department 1 FTE in Power Supply for energy-related legislative and regulatory affairs Two FTEs in Power Delivery for system automations and NERC compliance One FTE in Finance and Administration for OMS technical support Purchase new and/or replacement vehicles and equipment of approximately $500,000 Significant reduction of about $5 million in Cap and Trade costs resulting from recent favorable FERC ruling Increase in property insurance by about $900,000 GT-1 and GT-2 incidents Interest expense reduction of about $800,000 from savings from refunding of revenue bonds Significant Changes From FY 2013 Budget