CLOUD JABLOTRON + MYJABLOTRON Prepared by: Rene Gubancok Jiri Zarybnicky Zdenek Kubiczek 27 Aug 2013
What is the CLOUD JABLOTRON? CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION What is the CLOUD JABLOTRON? The CLOUD JABLOTRON is an internet platform that offers to end-users, installers and ARC companies on-line access to Jablotron´s alarm systems The CLOUD JABLOTRON is an online mirror of each control panel (settings, events, etc.) It enables full management of control panels: Controlling Programming Reporting
Who is using CLOUD JABLOTRON? CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION Who is using CLOUD JABLOTRON? End users Installers Distributors & ARC partners
CLOUD JABLOTRON to End users CLOUD JABLOTRON: OFFERS CLOUD JABLOTRON to End users Web Self-Service MYJABLOTRON unique access to the alarm system insight into the current status and history access to the images from the camera PIR full control of the system SMS and E-mail alerts – free of charge SSL security certificate (HTTPS) Web Self-Service MYJABLOTRON for Smartphones Smartphone application for more operating systems SMS alert on communication failure
CLOUD JABLOTRON to End users CLOUD JABLOTRON: OFFERS CLOUD JABLOTRON to End users Online control of alarm systems
CLOUD JABLOTRON to End users CLOUD JABLOTRON: OFFERS CLOUD JABLOTRON to End users WIDGETS Offer fast status overview of control panel or other connected devices It includes these information: How many sections are UNSET and SET More icons, such as Car status If the control panel is shared by someone to me If I am allowing/sharing the device with other users of MyJablotron new
CLOUD JABLOTRON to the End users CLOUD JABLOTRON: OFFERS CLOUD JABLOTRON to the End users Control Panels of Intruder Systems Section status PG control Pictures from camera PIR History Reports More to come (Temp curve..)
CLOUD JABLOTRON to the End users CLOUD JABLOTRON: OFFERS CLOUD JABLOTRON to the End users new Vehicle Applications - ATHOS service: CA-1803, CA-1802 (no GPS) overview of actual state of car Its last known world-wide position complete history of the events remote control operation CA-1802 version has no maps More to come (CU-08, logbook..) WSS Start page shows all widgets of Cloud-activated vehicles Supported: FW v15 and newer, older versions might be updated by JA only
CLOUD JABLOTRON to Installation companies CLOUD JABLOTRON: OFFERS CLOUD JABLOTRON to Installation companies Web self-service JABLOTRON complete alarm management records of clients and contract management web-based configuration software on-line survey commissions current version of firmware and manuals Configuration server repository and configuration management Access to all single software with one Log in
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ARC CLOUD JABLOTRON: OFFERS Receive all Jablotron´s events without the need of a receiver guaranteed SLA availability communication supervision SMS and E-mail status messages Application for activations easy and fast activation of the alarm in the ARC SIM card’s managment
What is needed for connection? CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION What is needed for connection? End users Needs an Internet connection Login (e-mail) and password (sent by server after activation - activation is made by installer or ARC) Use MyJablotron WebSelfService at Or use a Smart phone: download application MyJablotron from Applestore or Google play (login is the same) Available for: iOS, Android, Windows8, BlackBerry soon
What is needed for connection? CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION What is needed for connection? Installer Needs an Internet connection Key data for activation of new control panel: Telephone number of SIM card in control panel Registration key of GSM communicator Additional data (name, address, e-mail, etc.) To know correct GPRS setting: APN with login and password, if necessary
What is needed for connection? CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION What is needed for connection? ARC partner Needs an Internet connection Direct connectivity for some ARC SW: Kronos / our version: JABLONET PRO Manitou Others may be implemented Or ARC terminal from Jablotron ARC Software needs to be able to receive: MLR2 protocol (Surguard) new
Supported Alarm Systems CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION Supported Alarm Systems JA-100 system JA-101K through GPRS or GSM JA-106K through LAN Ethernet, GSM or GPRS JA-80 OASIS with JA-82Y communicator JA-80 OASIS with JA-80Y communicator – w/o remote control, only ARC AZOR (GPRS, SMS) ATHOS CA-1802 and CA-1803 CU-07, CU-08 – tracking and tracing system Older was AZOR (RING), all new are activated directly to TCP
ARC TOOL: WHAT IS IT? – 1/2 CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Web tool for connecting (programming) control panels to JABLOTRON CLOUD Sends configuration to the ARC setting window in the control panel Locks ARC configuration (ARC code): Installer does not see these settings Installer is not able to modify these settings This tool is designed for: Distributor partners Big installing companies ARC agencies
ARC TOOL: WHAT IS IT? – 2/2 CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Allows full connection management of connected control panels: Adding new control panels to the JABLOTRON CLOUD Editing information of installation (name, address, telephone and more) Creating new master of the control panel (end-user e-mail login for Selecting correct APN Selecting final ARC partner who will receive all alarms The ARC tool is available at for activation, reconfiguration and installers’ management of JA devices connected to CLOUD and JABLOTRON Web-Self-Service (WSS)
THE SUPER SMS (SSMS) CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION It is a programming SMS designed and encrypted by Jablotron Sends ARC setting to the control panel (setting up communication to the CLOUD) Locks the new settings of the ARC Deletes all previous settings on the ARC card Necessary status of the control panel for correct programing: Must not be in service mode Must not be connected with the F-link SW (disconnect USB cable)
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION To log into the page, the partner (Distributor, ARC, etc.) must use a login and password provided by Jablotron Alarms. JABLOTRON offers more language variants of this tool. The login page:
ACTIVATION of new alarm CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION ACTIVATION of new alarm SUBDOMAIN Website NEW REQUEST Filled in, i.e. partner’s sub-domain of JABLOTRON Web, or RAW form (see next slide) Installer fills following necessary data in Website form: Installer´s ID APN for correct GPRS network SIM card number of the control panel Control panel registration code (reg-key) Information about the customer / company: Address, E-mail, Phone number ..
ACTIVATION of new alarm CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION ACTIVATION of new alarm new PARTNER’s Website NEW REQUEST This comes from us as generated RAW form individual for each partner, got from David Beneš To be placed on partner’s Web page uniquely Language versions available JABLOTRON mandatory fields: RegKey, SIM card, email Rest – partner selects if mandatory or not
ACTIVATION of new alarm CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION ACTIVATION of new alarm From the Website NEW REQUEST Installer’s ID Is Number to recognize the installer You will provide this number to your installers Contains 3 letters and 6 numbers - XYZ000001 X – country code (G =Germany, F =France ..) YZ – first two letters of the partner 000001 – 999999 installer number Can also be installer’s e-mail new
ACTIVATION of new alarm CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION ACTIVATION of new alarm YOUR ACCOUNT NEW REQUEST in your database new Request for new installation activation is delivered to you with automatic e-mail notification Check if it is all correct Send the configuration to the control panel
ACTIVATION of new alarm CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION ACTIVATION of new alarm Or fulfill request made by telephone call from installer INSTALLER’S CALL
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION List of activations: it shows you a list of all systems connected to the JABLOTRON Cloud Use your selection to filter and view by: All accounts Active accounts Terminated/Cancelled
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Edit Customer’s information: Some are important for reporting: address of the premises, etc. new
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Internet access = end customer email account, MASTER of the system After creating his account, a login and password are automatically sent to e-mail box of the end-user
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION With each connected control panel you may (according to the icons): Perform configuration – setting up communication to the CLOUD Edit account details Send communication (SMS gate) to the customer Add note History Reset ARC setting – reset the settings and opening ARC setting in the control panel Delete control panel from Jablotron CLOUD full deleting of registration key (reg-key) and tel. number of the control panel. Ready to be used in another installation
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION List of all conectors: the list of all connectors shows all active and inactive control panels connected to the Jablotron Cloud: View by SIMcard numbers
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Open an account: this section allows you to open an account to the installer. This account allows him to use the tool MyCompany in the Web Self-service, WSS ( : After new control panel is activated to CLOUD, the announcement “Configuration downloaded” will appear in WSS, approx. after 5mins
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Subordinate Accounts (Slave accounts): It is possible to also create subordinate accounts for each partner- Slave Slave accounts can only activate and manage their own installations but have no access to activated devices of other partners’ users Conversely, Master (as main partner’s account) sees overview and has access to all activated devices, (i.e. sees all its units + units activated by all its Slave accounts). Main partner‘s account, with an allowed right to be Master, can only then create new Slave accounts itself. Access rights setting and split of currently available accounts to Master/Slave types are exclusively granted by David Beneš. new
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Selection of ARC communication for the installation: Each installer can have assigned list of available ARCs whereat he can activate communication of the installed object/premises Installer makes ARC selection in the activation form right after his valid Installer ID is filled in. Selected ARC is then automatically assigned in the activation process Both types of communications can be assigned: ARC via CLOUD as well as direct ARC When the “ARC E-mail” field in the ARC tab is filled in, then also respective ARC agency gets the registration form information about the installer registering new object new Conditions: 1. Partner must have already existing connected ARC 2. Installer’s account is set, then select ARCs to be assigned to it 3. Installer in the activation form correctly fills in his ID, then ARC field appears below ID Access rights to use own ARCs are exclusively granted by David Beneš.
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Replace of SIM card Function: Only for already registered devices without need of its deletion and re-registration Newly inserted SIM number is checked if it is not actually active for other registered device, regardless which partner is it Similar to earlier introduced function – Replace RK, i.e. RegKey Useful Hints: For correction of badly typed SIM number during initial activation Also for cases when SIM card provider in installed device needs to be changed new Useful Hints extra: Or, use SIM with GPRS + SMS for activation, then change it to SIM with only GPRS data tarif (like M2M)
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Replace WSS Accounts Function: Dedicated to change assigned login into internet Web-Self-Service (WSS) To correct typing error or wrongly inserted email address during registration process Limitations: Available to already activated devices It is impossible to transfer alarms between already existing accounts of WSS Such incorrect cases could be handled exclusively by JABLOTRON new
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Edit customer’s information Transfer premises between two installers (for authorized overtake) Useful for alarms management
CLOUD JABLOTRON: ACTIVATION Updated Filter Options for List of Activations: See Sort according to Installer See “Failed configuration” Filter Deleted objects are not listed anymore new
ARC CONNECTION brings: CLOUD JABLOTRON: ARC CONNECTION ARC CONNECTION brings: Easy and secure connection Pictures from camera PIR Full CID protocol IP monitoring without high investments In order to connect ARC to the Cloud, we need to have Installed ARC terminal at the ARC or Direct connectivity of ARC SW (Kronos, Manitou)
ARC Terminal installation – part 1 CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION ARC Terminal installation – part 1 Prepare public static WAN IP Verify if your ARC SW suports the SurGard MLR2 protocol and has a PC with software with one free COM port ARC terminal uses TCP ports 950 and 966 and these need to be allowed in FW and forward to LAN IP MOXA card (the MOXA description is in the next slides) configure MOXA via internal web: connected to the LAN cable directly to the computer PC in the LAN IP address set to open a web browser and enter the URL window will open with setup of MOXA define the parameters of the LAN (local administrator must supply network) save the settings and restart the MOXA card
ARC Terminal installation – part 2 CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION ARC Terminal installation – part 2 Connect MOXA card to the internal LAN Connect a standard RS232 cable (not included in the kit sent by Jablotron) MOXA COM port to COM port of PC ARC SW Configure the driver in the ARC software according to specifications (protocol SurGard MLR2, 9600 Baud / s, NoParity, 1stopBit, 8bits) report completion of this process and WAN IP to David Benes at !!!!!!
ARC Terminal installation – part 3 CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION ARC Terminal installation – part 3 ARC always needs 2 ARC Terminals/Moxa cards (one is pre-programmed as backup unit) The export price from Jablotron is 500,00 EUR (2 x Terminals/Moxa cards) We recommend to pass this price to the ARC partners. OUR goal is to sell Jablotron alarm systems The technical support and programming is done by Jablotron alarms
CLOUD + DIRECT ARC – 2nd option CLOUD JABLOTRON: INTRODUCTION CLOUD + DIRECT ARC – 2nd option Not preferable solution. Why?... (…only JA-100 system). Control panel communicates to the Cloud and… … also communicates directly to the ARC (redundance!!!): ARC needs Jaga IP receiver (PC-350) ARC needs to organise own backup channel for IP communication Disadvantages: More date traffic from the control panel = higher costs
The RGAP module CLOUD JABLOTRON: TECHNICAL ISSUES Owned and installed by JABLOTRON REMOTE GSM ACCESS POINT (RGAP) for Cloud Jablotron is installed in each country where „MyJablotron“ services are available Each country needs only one RGAP modem Each RGAP modem is used by various partners in a given country
The RGAP module CLOUD JABLOTRON: TECHNICAL ISSUES Main functions of RGAP modems: ACTIVATION - Needed for activation of new alarm systems into Cloud JA BACKUP COMMUNICATION - backup communication channel for all communication with Cloud Jablotron (SMS or voice backup without roaming charges) REMOTE ACCESS - Start up modems for creating remote access between control panels and installer´s computer (F-link or O-link remote access)
The RGAP module CLOUD JABLOTRON: TECHNICAL ISSUES Already installed in more than 18 countries (outside of Czech Republic) In these territories we are ready to offer MyJABLOTRON and all Cloud services Belgium and Holland Germany, Austria and Swiss Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Martinique, Greece and Cyprus Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Czech Kosovo, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine Columbia, Lebanon, Dubai and UAE Hong-Kong, Canada, New Zealand new New RGAP in: Dubaj, Francie, Hong Kong, Kanada, Kolumbie, Kosovo, Martinik, Norsko, Libanon, Maďarsko, Rumunsko, Řecko, Slovinsko, Ukraina
The RGAP module in details CLOUD JABLOTRON: TECHNICAL ISSUES The RGAP module in details The RGAP (Remote GSM Access Point) works as a decentralized communication portal of the JABLOTRON CLOUD. The RGAP installation, in each country, enables the communication through the local GSM network, reducing SIM communication costs for the end user. At the same time it improves the reliability and speed of SMS communication between the CLOUD and the devices. The RGAP is conceived as an autonomous hardware device controlled by the JABLOTRON server through the public internet network.
The RGAP module is composed of: CLOUD JABLOTRON: TECHNICAL ISSUES The RGAP module is composed of: 1x bi-directional communication unit : it is a 4 port terminal server MOXA NPort 6450. In simple way – it enables remote COM ports for CLOUD JABLOTRON 4x GSM modems SIERRA WIRELESS FastTrack XTEND: these modems must be equipped with SIM cards of a local GSM operator in the country.
The RGAP modem’s functions: CLOUD JABLOTRON: TECHNICAL ISSUES The RGAP modem’s functions: Modem number 1: ACTIVATION = enrollement of new control panels to the CLOUD JABLOTRON. It is done through the so called Super SMS (SSMS) Modem number 2: backup ARC data channel: it is used to receive the backup communication channel from control panels into the CLOUD JABLOTRON. Modem number 3: YTUN JA-100 – initiates and provides remote access by using F-link SW. Modem number 4: YTUN JA-82Y– initiates and provides remote access by using O-link SW.
What should we do next: LAUNCH MY JABLOTRON CLOUD JABLOTRON: NEXT STEPS What should we do next: Test activation form and whole process of bringing control panel online Verify all translations in your language and report any suggestions Provide us with you logo if you would like to place your logo on the New Activation form Report to us ARC stations which we would like to bring online Place the hyper link on your website (Add New Alarm MyJablotron) Train your installers and partners how to follow whole process LAUNCH MY JABLOTRON