OpenSAF Technical Overview Mario Angelic Technical Co-Chair OpenSAF Project June 4 th, 2009
Presentation Outline Architecture Overview Functional Content (Release 3) Deployment View Upcoming major features (Release 4)
What is OpenSAF ? Base platform middleware consistent with Service Availability™ Forum (SA Forum™) specifications, under the LGPLv2.1 license.
OpenSAF In The SCOPE Model HA middleware is fundamental to the Carrier-Grade base platform Reference:
Linux (RHEL, SUSE, WRS PNE LE, Fedora, Mvista, Ubuntu)/SOLARIS System Description XML Message Distribution Service (MDS over TIPC) HA Applications SNMP Subagent + Command Line Interface System Resource Monitor Distributed Tracing Service Message Based Checkpoint Service LEAP (Utility Library) Availability Manager Interface Service + Virtual IP Persistent Store Service SA Forum Checkpoint Service SA Forum Message Service SA Forum Cluster Membership SA Forum Lock Service SA Forum Event Service Hardware Platform SA Forum Log Service SA Forum Notification Service Management Access Service SA Forum Availability Management Framework SA Forum Information Model Management Service OpenSAF 3.0 Key Features HW Platform Porting Layer
Develop and publish high availability and management software specifications. –Application Interface Specifications (AIS) Interfaces between SAF compliant HA middleware and service application –Hardware Platform Interace Specifications (HPI) Separates the HW from the middleware and makes each independent of the other OpenSAF addresses functional space covered by AIS specifications Service Availability Forum
Service Availability Forum: AIS AIS Utility Services Checkpoint (CKPT) Event (EVT) Messaging (MSG) Naming (NAM TImer (TMR) Lock (LCK) Cluster Membership Service (CLM) AIS Frameworks Availability Management Framework (AMF) Software Management Framework (SMF) Platform Management Service (PLM) Hardware Platform Interface (HPI) AIS Management Services Information Model Management (IMM) Notification (NTF) Logging (LOG) Security (SEC) AIS Platform Services Legend AIS Services and Frameworks HPI Services
Availability Management Framework Provides service availability by coordinating redundant resources within a cluster to deliver a system with no single point of failure Provides a view of one logical cluster that consists of a number of cluster nodes Manages lifecycle of the components Monitors the health of components and determines the states of components
AMF System Model (simplified) AMF Node Component Service Instance (CSI) Service Instance Service Unit Service Group AMF Application Component Hosted On Protects Assigned to AMF Cluster Assigned to
SAF Checkpoint Service The Checkpoint Service manages checkpoints that a process uses to save its state to protect the process against failure and minimize the impact of failure –A checkpoint is a cluster-wide entity, with a unique name, that is structured into areas called sections –A copy of the data that are stored in a checkpoint is called a checkpoint replica. –A checkpoint may have several checkpoint replicas stored on different nodes in the cluster, to protect against node failure When a process recovers from a failure with a restart or failover procedure, the Checkpoint Service is used to retrieve the checkpoint data, and resume execution of the process from the state recorded before the failure
Message Service Process A Node U MSG library Message Service Process B Node V MSG library Message Service Process C Node W MSG library Message Service Node Y Process E MSG library priority area 0 priority area 3 priority area 1 priority area 2 Message Queue Q Message m1 priority 0 sent to queue Q Message m2 priority 1 sent to queue Q saMsgMessageSend() Getting a message from a queue removes it from the queue saMsgMessageGet() SAF Message Service The Message Service is a buffered message passing system, for processes on the same or different nodes, that is based on the concept of a message queue
SAF Event Service The Event Service is a publish/subscribe multipoint-to-multipoint communication mechanism based on cluster-wide event channels It allows one or more publishers to communicate asynchronously with one or more subscribers via events over the event channels SAF Lock Service The Lock Service is a distributed lock service that allows different application processes on the same or different nodes in the cluster to compete for access to a shared resource in the cluster
Object Implementer 1 SAF Information Model Management Service The Information Model Management Service allows objects of the Information Model to be created, accessed, and managed by system management applications Object Manager 1 Object Manager 2 IMM Object Management API IMM Object Implementer API Object Implementer 2 Object Implementation IM Object IMM Service
SAF Notification Service Basic fault management infrastructure service Notifications are data objects that are categorized into the following types –Alarm –State Change –Object Create / Delete –Attribute Change –Security Alarm Notification producers generate notifications and supply them to the Notification Service Notification consumers consume notifications generated by producers, and can be either of subscriber or reader type Notification filters can be used to –Reduce the number of notifications that a consumer receives –Allow a user application to specify the notifications in which it is interested
SAF Log Service The Log Service enables application to express and forward log records through well-known log streams that lead to particular output destinations such as named files A log configuration file is a publicly readable file that explains the properties associated with a log stream, such as how the log record data are formatted in the log file(s) The Log Service supports four types of log streams –Alarm log stream for ITU X.733 and ITU X.736 based log records –Notification log stream for ITU X.730 and ITU X.731 based log records –System log stream for system-relevant log records –Application log streams for application-specific log records
OpenSAF Infrastructure Services (1) Message Based Check-pointing Service –Enables low latency failovers and switchovers Message Distribution Service –High performance message distribution over TIPC System Resource Monitor –Overload Detection Service Availability Manager –Interconnects HPI with HA middleware (AIS layer). HPI Integration Service –Makes HPI events accessible to other OpenSAF services.
OpenSAF Infrastructure Services (2) Distributed Tracing Service –Tracing and Logging Management Access Service –System-wide access point for all management operation Persistent Store Service –Enables low latency failovers and switchovers Command Line Interface –Enables command line based configuration and administration OpenSAF SNMP Agent –Record & checkpoint application state data incrementally Software Portability using LEAP –Interconnects HPI with HA middleware (AIS layer).
OpenSAF deployment view OpenSAF cluster consists of two node types: –System Controller Node: Hosts: Centralized functions of various OpenSAF services, management access point. Application components may be configured on a system controller node. System controller node is made 2N redundant. –Payload Node Hosts: All nodes which are not system controller nodes are termed payload nodes. These nodes contain node- scoped functions of various OpenSAF services. They are expected to host the target OpenSAF application components.
System Controller (active) System Controller (standby) 3/2-Tier OpenSAF Architecture Node and System Control OpenSAF Node Directors Application Process OpenSAF Agents Application Process OpenSAF Agents Application Process OpenSAF Agents OpenSAF Node Directors OpenSAF Node Directors Node Control OpenSAF Directors OpenSAF Servers System Description OpenSAF Directors OpenSAF Servers System Description Centralized System Control Node a Node bNode c Directors/servers have cluster wide view Work in conjunction with node directors OpenSAF configuration is stored here Node directors process all events that can be managed at node scope
OpenSAF Basic Architectural Styles 2-Tier: Server and Agent SAF Event Service SAF Log Service SAF Notification Service OpenSAF Distributed Trace Service 3-Tier Director, Node-Director and Agent SAF Availability Management Framework SAF Cluster Membership Service SAF Checkpoint Service SAF Message Service SAF Lock Service OpenSAF Interface Service Headless peer-to-peer OpenSAF System Resource Monitor Service OpenSAF Message Based Checkpoint Service
Upcoming Major Features in Release 4 SAF Software management Framework –Enabling upgrading of OpenSAF based system from one deployment configuration to another –Rolling upgrade (in-service) and one-step upgrade –First delivery; usable subset of SMF A Migration of AMF System Model from MASv to IMM –Prerequisite for SMF implementation –B.04 compatible information model Uplifting AMF implementation with concepts required by SMF AMF using SAF NTF service for notifications General Availability planned for January 2010
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