HYPERTENSION (HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE) BLOOD PRESSURE: The force or pressure developed by the heart, which acts to pump blood through the circulatory system.
BLOOD PRESSURE (cont’d) Two Distinct pressures that are measured!! Two Distinct pressures that are measured!! Systolic: A measure of the maximum force or pressure developed in the arteries when the heart contracts Diastolic: A measure of the lowest pressure, which occur in the arteries during cardiac relaxation.
BLOOD PRESSURE (cont’d) ► Sphygmomanometer: An instrument used to measure blood pressure. ► Stethoscope: An instrument used to listen to the sounds of the heart, or listen to the flow of blood through the vessels when measuring the blood pressure.
HYPERTENSION (cont’d) HYPERTENSION (High Blood Pressure): Continuous elevation of blood pressure above the normal range. Ex. 140/90
HYPERTENSION VIDEO ► Hypertension video: Please copy this link into your browser and watch the video: ► s/cardiovascular_health/hypertension/what_ is_hypertension_video
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS ► Arteriosclerosis: Artery walls harden; caused by a diet high in fat and cholesterol. ► Causes: Smoking Diabetes High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Overweight Genetics
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS ► Treatments: Stop smoking Heart Healthy Diet Low fat Low sodium Low calorie Exercise Medicine Surgery Angioplasty – balloon surgically inserted and inflated in the artery to clear buildup Bypass – surgery to add a new artery to “pass by” the blocked section of the existing artery
HEART ATTACK ► Heart attack: a blocked artery prevents oxygen from reaching the heart muscle ► Symptoms: Chest pain, arm pain, back pain Shortness of breath Nausea or vomiting Heartburn ► Treatment: Call 9-1-1! The longer a person goes without treatment, the greater the damage! depends on the cause of the blockage
CARDIAC ARREST ► Cardiac Arrest: an electrical malfunction that causes an irregular heartbeat or stopped heartbeat ► Symptoms: Sudden collapse No pulse No breathing ► Treatment: Call 9-1-1! CPR is used to keep the heart going until help arrives Defibrillator (AED) can be used to restart the heart
HEART ATTACK VS. CARDIAC ARREST ► READING ASSIGNMENT: Please copy the following link into your browser and read the article: ► /MyHeartandStrokeNews/Heart-Attack-or-Sudden- Cardiac-Arrest-How-Are-They- Different_UCM_440804_Article.jsp#.Vs3f4vkrLIU
ANEMIA ► Lack of red blood cells or cells that do not carry enough oxygen; may cause weakness and low energy levels. ► Prevention: Eat foods that are rich in Iron in Iron Iron supplements Treatment: Rest
SICKLE CELL ANEMIA ► Sickle Cell Anemia: Diseases of the hemoglobin in the red blood cells – results in lower oxygen levels ► There is no prevention for sickle-cell anemia since you are born with it. ► Treatments: Blood Transfusions Medication ► Normal Blood Cell ► Sickle Cell
LEUKEMIA ► Leukemia: Cancer of the blood or bone marrow Most common cancer for children & adolescents under 20 years old Treatment: chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplant, stem cell transplant
STROKE ► Happens when a cluster of blood cells blocks blood vessels in the brain, resulting in a lack of oxygen to a portion of the brain. ► Stroke is a “Brain Attack”
STROKE (Cont’d) ► Prevention: Don’t Smoke Moderate drinking for adults Get cholesterol checked Exercise Heart-healthy diet ► Treatment: Medication Rehabilitation
BLOOD CLOTS (DVT’S) ► Blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis): Clotting that occurs in the veins that can break away and cause other health problems ► May result in a blockage in veins, lungs, or brain ► Causes: heart disease, smoking, medications, prolonged sitting ► Treatments: medication or surgery
HEMOPHILIA ► Hemophilia: Blood does not clot properly. Can be caused by a lack of platelets or platelets not working properly. ► Treatment: Transfusions of blood clotting factors, medication