QAP-IQAC Proposal writing workshop Professor S. M. Kabir May 14, 2015 Professor S. M. Kabir May 14, 2015
QAP-IQAC Proposal Format Proposal Identification Number (PIN)…………….. 1. Proposal Title: Establishment of IQAC at ….. University 2. i. Address of the University: ii. Year of Establishment: iii.Name of the Act/Order/Ordinance/License that established the university with date: iv. Group of the University (as per the IQACOM): A v.Type of the university: General/Agricultural/Engineering/Medical/Science & Technology
3.A) Total Cost: i. (in Taka): ………………………………….. ii. (in US$)……………………………………… a) Total Cost of the IQAC : b) Total Block Allocation fro SA: B) Implementation Period: 03Years i. Commencement: June, ii. Completion: May, General Objectives of the IQAC Example: The general objective of IQAC is to promote a quality culture within the university.
5. Specific Objectives of the IQAC Specific objectives have to be expressed in terms of milestones and measured with performance indicators. Example: 5.1 Review of existing policies, and procedures 5.2 Assessing & Strengthening capacity for effective governance, teaching learning, research and community services 5.3 Institutionalize the quality assurance culture 5.4 Prepare the university to meet the external quality assurance assessment and accreditation requirements. 6. Summary of proposed IQAC activities ( maximum 250 words ) Summarize the broad components, activities, expected outcomes and strategies to be used in accordance with the specific objectives for establishing the IQAC. Ref: Section 4.4 of the IQACOM
7. Structure and size of the University Please provide the information requested in the Table A & B 8. Strategic Analysis Briefly explain the overall strategic analysis in connection with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) that characterize the university for which the IQAC will be formed. This analysis will clearly address the issues related to quality assurance in education with critical review of current situation in terms of policies, procedure and effectiveness of academic programs, co-curricular & extra- curricular activities.
9. Background Data Substantiating the Strategic Analysis A. Table 1: Data on Students in Undergraduate Programs B. Table 2: Data on Students in Postgraduate Programs and Research C. Table 3: Data on existing physical facilities/resources available in the university 10. Milestones” and Performance Indicators”
Milestones Number of activities planned at the beginning of the project with individual timelines. These activities need to be reviewed to assess the status of the project. Importance of a particular job, task, decision or event to the execution of the overall project can be the criteria to select milestone. Milestones should represent the major outputs or deliverables of the IQAC sub- project
Milestones Reference of Specific Objectives Critical Activities Verification methods Assumptions 1Identifying the S & W of existing academic programs Objective #Program Self- assessment SAR and Review report SA will be completed in due time with the cooperation all concerned 2 Identifying the areas need to be improved good governance Institutional Self Assessment & Socialization Official documentatio n SA report prepared on the basis of survey findings and evidences 3Team building for QA culture Awareness and motivational workshops Attitude evaluation after the workshops Significant number of stakeholders attended the workshops
Performance Indicators Number of activities planned (work plan) at the beginning of the project with individual timelines. These activities are important for achievement of milestones and objectives of the sub-project. Performance of the IQAC sub-project in conducting these activities and progress will be measured by using the pre-determined performance indicators (Please consult IQACOM section 4.7)
Performance Indicators Sl. No. Indicators Referenc e to Specific Objectiv es Calculation Method Assumpti ons Verific ation Metho ds Calculat ion of Base Value Baseline Value in Year 2014 Desired Standar d in Year Office space, logistics. Objectiv e # Procuremen t packages competed Procurem ent plan followed Physic al verific ation 2existing procedures reviewed. Objecti ve # Number of Procedures Activity schedule maintain ed Docu ment ation SA report prepared Objectiv e # Number of programs covered SA committe e worked duly Writte n docum ent
11. Relevance: Describe the relevance of the proposal to the strategic or long-term plan of the university, national development, and tertiary education sector development goals of the government. 12. Benefits (Qualitative & Quantitative): Describe the benefits to be gained by establishing IQAC in terms of its contribution towards better student learning, meeting quality standard, and development of human capital, useful research publication & Patent image of the university and country as well.
Benefits Would facilitate review of quality standards and quality of teaching-learning in each program……… 12.2 Would facilitate maintaining qualifications framework for each program……… 12.3 Would facilitate developing the quality assurance processes and methods of self-evaluation adopted by the university………… Would facilitate accreditation at both institutional as well as program level
13. Summary of estimated budget Please submit the table in excel spread sheet. 14. IQAC Management Plan (Should be presented in attachments 14.1 to 14.6) – Please submit/attach the “Work/Activities Plan” as per QAP Annex- 2 – Please submit/attach the “Financing Plan” as per QAP Annex- 3 – Please submit/attach the “Procurement Plan” as per QAP Annex- 4 (Tables A - E) – Please submit/attach the table of “Training Plan” as per QAP Annex- 5 – Please submit/attach the ‘Detail Budget’ as per QAP Annex- 6. – Please submit separate budget for SA – Please submit/attach the proposed IQAC management team as per QAP Annex-7
Guidelines for Overseas Training There is a provision of overseas training for Directors and Additional Directors of the IQAC on IQAC Management (sub-section of IQACFOM). The tentative 2-week training plan need to be included in the QAP-IQAC proposal format as per QAP Annex- 5. Please take note that the above mentioned overseas training will be under the guidance and approval of QAU, HEQEP, UGC. No Director and Additional Director will be allowed to go for overseas training individually under the IQAC sub-project. This training arrangement will be made by the QAU in consultation with the Directors of IQACs on group basis.
Indicative Allocations for SA Item No. SA Activities/Items Indicative Allocation (in BDT) Incentive for the SA CommitteeTk. 320,000 Workshops (three workshops)Tk. 120,000 Printing and StationaryTk. 10,000 Survey including questionnaire preparation, data collection, data analysis and TA/DA for the faculty members involved in field work Tk. 225,000 External peer reviewTk. 250,000 Operating costTk. 15,000
15.Describe the type of technical assistance/consulting required under the project (if any) and its Terms of Reference (ToR). 16. Please describe in detail if the university had undertaken any activity on quality assurance/self-assessment or/and accreditation of its study programs before. If so, please mention how the activity was organized and implemented, its duration and major outcomes.
17. Briefly describe the results expected from the IQAC on: Institutional Performance Formulation of Benchmark Management Practices Quality Culture Qualifications Framework Study/Academic Programs Self-assessment of Study Programs Accreditation of Study Programs Validation of Study Programs Student Learning Student Evaluation of Teachers Teaching Learning and Learning Assessment Research and Outreach programs Any other (please specify)
18. Sustainability Please provide a summary of a sustainability analysis for the proposed IQAC, e.g., Declaration of institutional commitment and budget provisions the university is likely to commit to sustain the activities and outcomes after the establishment of IQAC; (Declaration is stated at the end of the format) 19. Proposed IQAC Management Team Please mention the name of Director, Additional Director, managerial/administrative and support staff responsible for the management of the IQAC as per QAP Annex-7 resume of Director and Associate Director in Annex 8 (Attachments A & B)
Please Take Note The work plan, procurement plan and financing plan and detail budget should be consistent with each other. Please submit the procurement plan and financing plan and detail budget plans in excel sheet. Please follow the guidelines, IQACOM & IQACFOM in preparing the QAP-IQAC Proposal.