SICKLE CELL Also Know As: Sickle Cell Anemia, Hemoglobin S Disease, and Sickle Cell Disorder By: Hannah Franklin, Mallory James, Chris Daniels, Chris Ishman
Sickle Cell Anemia This disease was discovered in 1910 when a patient complained of a series of pain episodes and symptoms of anemia. Dr. James B. Herrick was not interested in his case until Dr. Ernest Irons found sickle shaped blood cells. This disease got its name because of the sickle shape of the infected blood cell.
Genetic Disorder Sickle cell is an anemia and it is genetically passed down and sickle cell anemia is caused by abnormal hemoglobin or mutated HBB genes.
Symptoms and Effects Sickle Cell is an abnormal hemoglobin that blocks blood flow. The effects of this disorder are; -Fatigue caused by anemia -Yellowing of the skin -High stress levels -Swelling of the hands and feet -Fever
Diagnoses Doctors determine if a person has Sickle Cell by performing a blood test. for newborns, blood from a heel prick is collected in “spots” on a special paper. The Hemoglobin from this blood is then analyzed in special labs. if a baby is found to have Sickle Cell, health providers form a special follow-up newborn screening. the child is always retested to be sure the diagnoses is correct. To diagnose Sickle Cell, doctors will perform a blood check for HemoglobinS- the defective form of Hemoglobin that underlies Sickle Cell Anemia. It can also be diagnosed in an unborn baby by sampling some of the fluid surrounding the baby in the mother’s womb to look for the Sickle Cell gene.
Prognoses Of individual The average life expectancy is now in the mid 40 years of age range. precautions/limitations they face is in exercise. the metabolic changes imposed by exercise may indicate sickling and vaso-occlusive episodes. This disorder impacts a person’s whole life. things as simple as sipping a cold drink and swimming can trigger pain. In adults, stress can also cause pain. This disorder impacts family members lives a lot. This is because you have to make sure the child has his/her medicine at the right time, making sure they are kept hydrated, that they are kept warm and dry, and much, much, more.
Treatments/ Medications Available Current treatments to treat Sickle Cell are antibiotics, pain relievers,and hydroxyurea. These drugs are taken to try to prevent painful crises, fight off infections, such as Pneumonia, and help with pain associated with Sickle Cell. Current treatments of symptoms include OTC medicine, heating pads, fluids, and pain-controlling medicines.Common ways to treat crises are with acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDS), and narcotics. In the past doctors have learned what cause it, now you can treat it, and how to potentially cure it. With SCD, genes therapy is possible and has been done but only with people on trials so far.
Current Research The children’s hospital of philadelphia has been researching more about sickle cell. They have been trying to find a cure for this seemingly incurable disease Their next goal is to find a cure for disorders that are similar to sickle cell, tumors, and such.
Tionne Watkins Tionne Watkins was first diagnosed with a brain tumor in Then after the brain tumor was removed she was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Tionne was in and out of hospitals for her disease. Instead of letting this disease discourage her she reached out to the other who were infected. Soon after she became a speaker for anyone who was infected by this disease.
Bibliography anemia/basics/tests-diagnosis/con Interview with Chien-Kuang Ding guest lecture Duke University: Genetics outreach Durant road middle school February 23, 2016