Merit Badge Counselor Training
What are the steps required for a Scout to complete a merit badge? 1. Scout talks to the Scoutmaster about the merit badge and obtains a signed merit badge application (a blue card). 2. Scoutmaster can provide name(s) of approved merit badge counselors. 3. Scout finishes completing the application for merit badge. 4. Scout contacts the merit badge counselor to make an appointment.
5. First meeting Scout brings a. Merit badge card b. Merit badge pamphlet c. Any work already completed Activity a. Decide on short and long term goals b. Set dates and time for future sessions c. Perhaps start coaching Note: session can be with a Scout and a buddy or a group.
6. Session activities Counseling and coaching Demonstration of skills or knowledge is done on an individual basis 7. Sign off individual requirements as they are completed on the applicant’s record portion of the merit badge application 8. If merit badge is complete, sign off for the completed merit badge on the application for merit badge and applicants record and return these to the Scout
9. Complete the counselor’s record and safely store the counselor’s portion of the blue card. Note: blue cards fit in the plastic sports card sleeves. 10. Scout returns the completed blue application for merit badge and applicant’s record to the unit leader 11. Unit leader signs the applicant’s record
12. Unit leader gives the completed application for merit badge portion of the blue card to the unit advancement chair 13. Advancement chair records the completed merit badge and safely stores the card 14. Advancement chair passed the information onto council
What if a merit badge is not completed with 1 counselor? Steps 1-4 remain the same 5. Verify all completed requirements have been signed-off on the applicants record. 6. Return all 3 portions of the blue card to the Scout.
How to complete an unfinished merit badge? Scout must contact another approved merit badge counselor Remaining requirements will be signed-off by the new merit badge counselor as they are completed Continue with step 8 above
Questions Contact –Ann Verdeck, District Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator –Alice Stenstrom, District Advancement Chair