Entry Task: Jan 29 th -30 th Block 1 Calendar for this quarter– pick one up New Seating arrangements What are we learning Second Semester? Grade distribution Revisit Amounts in Chemistry Chemcredit cards Notes on Moles
I can… Describe how a mole is used in chemistry Relate a mole to common counting units. Convert moles to numbers of representative particles and particles to moles.
First Semester Chemistry Matter- properties and changes Matter- Mixtures, Substances, Elements and Atoms Atoms- protons, neutrons and electrons Electrons- Arrangement, Energy and Valance electrons Valence Electrons- properties and bonding Bonding- Ionic and Covalent Ionic & Covalent substance properties Substance react together Equations
Second Semester Chemistry Equations Equations to amounts of substance- Moles Moles into grams of Substances- Stoichiometry States of Matter- gas, liquid and solid with amounts Mixing states of matter- solutions and Acid/Base Energy involved in Chemical reactions Organic Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry
Calculators This is a requirement!!!
Pre-Lab Assignment Lab handout that has questions at the beginning of the lab for you to answer. AND you use this handout in lab as the instructions.
NO Pre Lab Assignment This means- ALMOST DONE Sorta finished “Hang-on Mayhan- I’m almost done” Incomplete in ANY WAY Looks like you did it in 5 minutes No Pre-lab = Not prepared Not prepared = Not Safe Not Safe = No Lab Entry No Lab Entry = Lab on your own Within 1 week of lab or it’s a ZERO!! WITH A 30% penalty!!
These MUST be done: 1. Sign off pre-lab assignment 2. Stow backpacks/chairs, 3. Goggle on 4. Hair up/clothing secure. BEFORE LAB:
Three tardies (unexcused) = detention Each tardy/hall pass = 5 points from chemcredit card Tardies
Grab a calculator You will need a calculator EVERYDAY!!
Amounts How many “things” are in a dozen? How many “things” are in a pair? How many “things” are in a gross? 2 things 12 things 144 things How many “things” are in a mole?6.02 x things 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Million BillionTrillion
How large is large (6.02 x )? If we hook a mole of paper clips end to end, it would wrap around the Earth 400 trillion times. If we stack sheets of paper a mole high, the height would reach the sun and back more than a million times. 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Using the square on this paper, make as many dots as you can in 10 seconds. How many is a mole? Ready?... Set… GO! Count the number of dots. Multiply that by 6. This is the amount of dots you can make in 1 minute. How long would it take you to make 1 mole of dots?
6.02 x10 23 dots DO THE MATH!! Hint: Multiply all the denominators (big number) turn it into scientific notation 6.02 x Place your denominator number here 1 minute ___dots X 1 hour 60 min X 1 day_ 24 hours X 1 year_ 365 days = 2.94 x 10 7 Divide you whole numbers and subtract the exponents 2.04 x years. Add 16 zero’s!!
Why do we need a unit of this size in chemistry? It represents a number of atoms, ions, molecules, or formula units large enough to be conveniently used in the laboratory.
Atoms- like copper Cu- 1 mole of copper would have 6.02 x atoms of Cu Ions- like Na mole of sodium ion would have 6.02 x ions of Na +1 Molecules- like CO mole of CO 2 would have 6.02 x molecules of CO 2 Formula units- like NaCl 1 mole of NaCl would have 6.02 x formula units of NaCl NOTICE THE LABEL AFTER EVERY NUMBER!!!
Atoms- like copper Cu- 2.0 moles of copper would have x atoms of Cu OR 1.2 x atoms of Cu with 2 s.f. 3.5 moles of copper would have x atoms of Cu OR 2.1 x atoms of Cu with 2 s.f moles of copper would have 3.0 x atoms of Cu
Moles to Particles Conversions How many atoms are in a 0.50 moles or ½ a mole of copper? Do the math in your head. Cut the numbers in ½ (6.02 x )3.01 x Cu atoms Stoichiometry- set up! 0.5 moles of Cu 1 mole of Cu 6.02 x atoms Place starting amount here Place conversion here Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 3.01 x10 23 atoms = 3.0 x10 23 atoms
Moles to Particles Conversions How many molecules are in a 3.5 moles of SO 2 ? Stoichiometry- set up! 3.5 moles of SO 2 1 mole of SO x molecules Place starting amount here Place conversion here Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = x10 23 molecules = x10 24 molecules = 2.1 x10 24 molecules
Moles to Particles Conversions- Practice How many atoms are in moles of silver? Stoichiometry- set up! moles of Ag 1 mole of Ag 6.02 x atoms Place starting amount here Place conversion here Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 5.47 x10 23 atoms 3 Sig Figs !!!
Particles to Moles Conversions How many moles are in a 2.01 x atoms of silver? Stoichiometry- set up! 2.01 x10 52 atom Ag1 mole of Ag 6.02 x atoms Place starting amount here Place conversion here Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = x10 29 moles Subtract exponents = 3.34 x10 28 moles of Ag
Particles to Moles Conversions How many moles are in a 7.34 x formula unit of Calcium phosphate? Stoichiometry- set up! 7.34 x10 44 f.u. Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 1 mole of Ca 3 (PO 4 ) x f.u. Place starting amount here Place conversion here Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = 1.22 x10 21 moles Subtract exponents = 1.22 x10 21 moles of Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2
Particles to Moles Conversions- Practice How many moles are in a 3.40 x molecules of carbon monoxide? Stoichiometry- set up! 3.40 x10 96 molecules CO 1 mole of CO 6.02 x molecules Place starting amount here Place conversion here Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = x10 73 moles Subtract exponents = 5.65 x10 72 moles of CO
Particles to Moles Conversions- Practice How many moles are in a 2.21 x formula units of copper II oxide? Stoichiometry- set up! 2.21 x10 70 formula units 1 mole of CuO 6.02 x formula units Place starting amount here Place conversion here Place the units you want to get rid of across from each other = x10 47 moles Subtract exponents = 3.67 x10 46 moles of CO 3 Sig Figs and Sci notation!!!