UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Career counselling and guidance education in Iceland Faculty of Social and Human Sciences Sif Einarsdóttir Senior lecturer
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Career counseling and guidance program at the University of Iceland From fall 2010, 2- year MA degree Overview of talk History Development Influencing forces Revisions and establishement of new 2 year MA program
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Pre-historic events and conditions Grass-root activities Individuals educated in career counseling and guidance abroad, ideas and practices imported Career counseling association founded 1981 Careers education in schools, counseling needed, starts in few gymnasiums (upper secondary schools) The role of University of Iceland Career counseling center established at the University of Iceland 1981 Career counseling program first put on the drawing board in 1982 by the pioneers –Ásta Kr. Ragnarsdóttir (guidance counselor educated in Norway, director of Counseling center) –Carol Pazandak (professor at the University of Minnesota) –Gerður G. Óskarsdóttir, then MA in Career counseling from the US and later Superintendant over Reykjavík school district) Courses offered in departament of Education from 1983 The giant wakes-up Ministry of Education-Committee on guidance appointed Ministry of Education-Committee special 2 year task force in career counseling and guidance Career counseling included in laws about education in 1995 (Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir, 1998; Ingunn Kristín Ólafsdóttir, 1998)
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND The program founded Career counseling and guidance program formally founded in Education department 1990 –One year program after BA/B.Ed/BS degree (diploma in career counseling and guidance) Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir hired in 1991 as program co-coordinator and instructor Based on the work of the committee –emphasis on career guidance in schools Program based on four foundations 1.Career counselling and guidance 2.Careers education 3.Personal counselling 4.Research and development (Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir, 1998)
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Courses offered for diploma Introduction to educational and vocational counselling Career counselling Interviewing techniques Careers education Study techniques Personal and social problems of students Measurement and assessment Practical training
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Changes in the program Diploma (1 year): ( ) Theoretical and practical emphasis to meet new demands for trained career counselors. Practical training increased (1998/9): with more educated and experienced counselors working in schools Distance education: ( and ) Meet the demands for career counselors outside Reykjavík. More emphasis on employment counseling. MA degree two parts, diploma + 2nd year ( ): Transition stage gives counselors with diploma opportunity to add a 2nd year and graduate with a Masters degree. Objectives: expand knowledge in the field and increase research and development skills Courses offered 2nd year -Research methods -Employment counselling and use of assessment instruments -Elective courses (disability, gender studies, etc.) -Masters thesis
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND The students An undergraduate degree is required prefarably in the field of education or social sciences. Undergraduates in other fields need to add up to two foundational courses (Individual and society, education and psychology-developmental) –Diverse educational background –Diverse age, experienced adults and recent graduates –Ethnic, gender diversity? => Dynamic educational environment 35 new students accepted each year for MA, Re-entering counsellors for MA degree total a year 90-95% women, majority returning students age teachers for example
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Distance learning program 1 year diploma organized as two year/half-time program Students from all around the country, older, experienced as counselors or teachers 2-3 day sessions at the University early and late in each semester Projects, audio slides, videotaping of lectures, real-time conferences, on-line discussions between sessions Distance learning students and regular students are co-taught in some courses (seminars or theoretically based using lectures mainly)
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Influencing factors Counselor education at the UI modeled by Anglo-Saxon traditions, knowledge base and practices more than Scandinavian or Continental Life-long learning in the knowledge based society Special task force on guidance and adult education for working adults with no formal degrees after compulsory education Growing demand for career counseling and guidance, first in schools now with employed adults. More complex job-market and educational opportunities especially in higher education (globalization and competition) Lack of support from authorities and policy makers, until recently –Reports from a committee at the ministry of education 1998 and 2007, little changes in support system except for MA degree –Law just passed about legalization of the profession –Recent education laws – every student has the right to receive career guidance
UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND Objectives and aims of program revisions More balance between educational and vocational/employment counselling More on-site practical training Diversity issues integrated in all courses Being able to meet more diverse clientale Increase research skills and knowledge in the field Public policy? Accreditation and quality assurance Co-operation with Career Counselor Association, policy makers and institutions Participants in Erasmus-NICE project with 35 European Universities, development of curriculum and teaching methods Meet the needs of students living outside Reykjavík-long distance program integrated
Structure of the 2 year MA degree First year FÉL027F*The sociology of labour market and organizations 10 ECTS. NSR203F*Personal and Social Problems of Students 10 ECTS. NSR007FCounselling Theories 10 ECTS. A mandatory course for the program NSR008FPractical training 1 – social context 10 ECTS *Students can choose between FÉL027 and NSR203 NSR013FCareer Development Theories. 10 ECTS. NSR009FCareer development, intervention and programme evaluation 6 ECTS. NSR202FMeasurement and assessment 6 ECTS. NSR010FPractical training 1 – communication 8 ECTS. Second year NN#Research methods. 10 ECTS. Mandatory but the students can choose from many different qualitative or quantitative courses offered at the graduate level at the University of Iceland or other Universities NSR011FPractical Training 2a – workshop and field work 7 ECTS. NSR012FPractical Training 2b – workshop and field work. 7 ECTS. NN#Free eclectives 6 ECTS. Students can choose from a variety of courses offerd within the University and at other Universities NSR303FMA-Thesis. 30 ECTS. UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND
A profession on the fast track Pioneering period fading out – time to strengthen the educational foundation Increased professionalization - integrated professional self concept Increased knowledge base through research Better on site-training Greater confidence