February/March 2016 Dr. Barry Kayrell, Superintendent Dr. LaFaye Platter, Deputy Superintendent Dr. LaFaye Platter, Deputy Superintendent
We have three goals to address the eight areas in the LCAP. Goal 1 All students will graduate from high school college & career ready All students will graduate from high school college & career ready. Goal 2 All students will read at grade level or above. All English learners will acquire proficiency in no more than five years. Goal 3 All students will have a positive, safe, and engaging climate. All schools will have an inclusive culture featuring parent participation.
Goal 1: All students will graduate from high school college & career ready Goal 1: All students will graduate from high school college & career ready. AVID – expand AVID at MS & HS AVID – expand AVID at MS & HS Career Technical Education Career Technical Education Counselor Training to increase participation in AP classes and A-G Counselor Training to increase participation in AP classes and A-G Keyboarding programs- to prepare for upcoming SBAC Keyboarding programs- to prepare for upcoming SBAC Project Lead the Way – started STEM classes at HS this year, Principles of Engineering Project Lead the Way – started STEM classes at HS this year, Principles of Engineering Implement new State Standards in ELA & Math Implement new State Standards in ELA & Math Zero Period – add zero period to MS & HS Zero Period – add zero period to MS & HS
Goal 2: All students will read at grade level or above. All English learners will acquire proficiency in no more than five years. English 3D – monitor program which is designed for long-term English Learners at MS & HS English 3D – monitor program which is designed for long-term English Learners at MS & HS Imagine Learning – monitor program which is at all Elementary schools and designed to target English Learners Imagine Learning – monitor program which is at all Elementary schools and designed to target English Learners Learning Reading Dynamics – reading system at all Elementary Kindergarten classes Learning Reading Dynamics – reading system at all Elementary Kindergarten classes Read 180 & System 44 – expanded the reading intervention program at MS Read 180 & System 44 – expanded the reading intervention program at MS
Goal 3: All students will have a positive, safe, and engaging climate. All schools will have an inclusive culture featuring parent participation. Pathfinders – 5 th grade science camp, assist schools with funds to attend camp Pathfinders – 5 th grade science camp, assist schools with funds to attend camp BARR – Building Assets, Reducing Risks – expand to all HS BARR – Building Assets, Reducing Risks – expand to all HS Elementary school counselors – provide each Elementary with counselors Elementary school counselors – provide each Elementary with counselors Opportunity classes at MS & HS – provide students with behavior challenges an opportunity to be successful Opportunity classes at MS & HS – provide students with behavior challenges an opportunity to be successful Community Day School – ASPIRE open and successful Community Day School – ASPIRE open and successful
Goal 3: continued… Lower class sizes Lower class sizes Athletic programs – reinstated after-school program at MS, expanded at HS Athletic programs – reinstated after-school program at MS, expanded at HS Music – grow music program, additional Music/Choir teacher added at the MS level this year Music – grow music program, additional Music/Choir teacher added at the MS level this year PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention Support – district- wide training provided, Climate Transformation Initiative Grant received last year of $1.6 million over next four years PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention Support – district- wide training provided, Climate Transformation Initiative Grant received last year of $1.6 million over next four years
Graduation: Program/Service Students Served Goal #Cost Cap & Gown InventoryLI 3$100,000 Total $100, Student Achievement: Program/Service Students Served Goal #Cost Implement Math & ELA CSSAll1$1,200,000 Implement Science & SSAll1$451,812 PSAT/SAT TestingLI1$135,000 UC Transcript Evaluation & Counselor TrainingAll1$71,638 HS/MS AVIDLI1$400,000 CTEAll1$300,000 Math Supplemental/DifferentiationAll1$15,000 Imagine LearningEL2$550,000 Learning Reading DynamicsALL2$167,000 English 3DEL2$50,000 Read 180 & System 44LI, El, SPED2$458,662 Elementary Reading InterventionLI, EL, SPED2$1,260,000 Guided Reading MaterialsLI, EL, SPED2$210,000 EL Site LeadsEL2$300,000 Kindergarten Reading MaterialsAll2$180,000 Total $5,749,112.00
LEGEND : EL = English Learner ; LI = Low Income; RFEP = Redesignated Fluent English Proficient; FY = Foster Youth Attendance: Program/Service Students Served Goal #Cost BARR (9 th graders)All3$2,192,217 Total $2,192, Basic Support: Program/Service Students Served Goal #Cost Literacy CoordinatorEL, RFEP2$225,000 LCAP Admin & CoordinationAllAll Goals$573,523 CustodiansAllAll Goals$721,134 WarehouseAllAll Goals$63,573 Site Allocations All, LI, EL, FY, RFEP All Goals$2,373,454 Categorical RealignmentAllAll Goals$850,000 IT Support & Computer UpgradesAllAll Goals$3,426,147 CTI (formerly BTSA)AllAll Goals$60,000 HR TechniciansAllAll Goals$160,000 Elementary AP supportAllAll Goals$220,000 Total $8,672,831.00
Access to a Well-rounded 21 st Century School: Program/Service Students Served Goal #Cost Project Lead the WayAll1$751,540 Expanded Zero & 7 th Period classes (MS/HS)All1$380,000 1:1 Tech Digital Curriculum Build Out - TechKnow All1$540, Additional Instructional Minutes to DayAll1$2,600,000 Summer SchoolAll1$400,000 CTE SupportAll1$30,000 Foreign Language TeacherAll1$270,000 Transportation for Hamilton HSLI1$75,000 HS Pathways SpecialistAll1$60,000 KeyboardingAll1$24,500 Increase Library Tech hoursAll2$180,000 PathfindersLI3$150,000 MusicLI3$500,000 After-school AthleticsAll3$1,000,000 SAFE HarmonyAll3$15,000 Short-term IS & Marketing for Ed OptionsAll3$20,000 Lower Class SizesAllAll Goals$6,647,913 Elementary Library TechAllAll Goals$60,000 Total $13,703,953.00
Safe & Positive Climate: Program/Service Students Served Goal #Cost PBISAll3$0 Elementary CounselorsLI, FY3$592,552 Opportunity ClassAll3$826,450 Pupil Services Intervention TeamLI, FY3$225,000 Plus ProgramAll3$150,000 Community Day School & Intervention SupportAll3$974,920 Add.5 CounselorLI3$40,000 Add 1 MS CounselorAll3$108,000 Totala $2,916, Parent Involvement: Program/Service Students Served Goal #Cost Parent Surveys & EngagementAll3$130,000 Bilingual Parent LiaisonLI, EL, FY3$630,000 SMARTSAll3$45,000 Total $805,000.00
Principals, parents, students and community members have been providing input and suggestions for next steps. Survey will be shared with all stakeholders on the websites and by U.S. mail. Following up with school sites to ensure all programs and initiatives are being implemented, and ensuring sites have the resources and support needed. Work has begun on meeting with and surveying various stakeholder groups like Kiwanis, Rotary, District PTA, and other community organizations at the district level to review current LCAP and plan for upcoming plan. Ed. Services LCAP team meets often with HTA & CSEA. Encourage friends & family in the community to take the LCAP Survey in February and March. LCAP presented to HUSD Board on June 7 th meeting, will be voted on at June 21 st meeting.
We are meeting with stakeholders in the community, parent groups, like PTA, School Site Councils, etc., to get feedback on how we have done this year, as well as ideas for next year. This is where you come in. Please visit our district webpage and take the survey.
Please scan the QR code to take our survey English LCAP Survey