SLAMMer Tutor & Faculty Training Julian Taylor, Tutor Coordinator Diva Ward, Director of Student Success
An Activity… Using Supplemental Instruction pedagogy…
Outcomes Gain an understanding of the SLAMmer Tutoring Program Tutors to understand the complexity of their role and have strategies to be successful Faculty and Tutors to understand their roles in the embedded tutor relationship Gain tools to use in the classroom to better serve the student populations served FacultySLAMmer
An Effective Tutor Think of an effective tutor/mentor you’ve had. What did they do that helped you?
Foster Student Independence Goals of Tutoring Stimulate Active Learning Foster Mastery of the Material Increase Self Esteem
SLAMmer - Tutoring Role Academic Relationship with can be short term Focuses on subject matter Tutors are trained are knowledgeable and trained in specific subjects Assist students with learning a new process or concept Helps students become independent learners Increases students' ability to manage new learning and studying strategies Growth Mindset Perseverance Academic “Mentor” Tutor
SLAMmer - Mentor Role “Non-Academic” Relationship can be long-term Shared commitment between mentor and mentee focused on academic, career, and personal development Focuses on skill building such as navigating through campus policies, accessing academic and support services, developing academic success strategies, and successful transitions from start to finish Mentors are trained on a variety of topics related to college success such as college student experiences from transition into community college to completion/transfer, mental health, campus policies, financial support, academic resources, student support services, time management and goal setting, public speaking, etc. Friend/Confidant Rapport/Trust Resources “Counselor” Mentor
SLAMmer Role Tutors and mentors have a common mission To give students peer to peer support Commitment to student success How do we differentiate these roles? Should these roles collide? When would that happen? TutorMentor SLAMmer
Best Practices – Tutor Role Learning happens in the struggle Importance of balancing individual vs group support Focus on strategies vs content Drop In/Workshop hours Tutor
Faculty-Embedded Tutor Relationship Master/Apprentice Relationship Head Coach/Position Coach How is your tutor sold to your class? Engrained in the syllabus Communication How well do you know each other? FacultySLAMmer
Best Practices - Mentor Role Remember you are not a counselor Do more listening than talking Report what needs to be reported Be a resource Mentor
13 Warning Signs Activity Using what has been discussed today as a backdrop…