Dr. E.Kunz Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals Corporate Product Stewardship GPS Safety Summary and Safety Data Sheets OBJECTIVES AND DIFFERENCES
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Table of Contents 2 GPS safety summaries Conclusion on GPS Safety Summaries Safety Data Sheet and GHS Conclusion on SDS Conclusion: SDS and GPS – Two different approaches for communication
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Set the scene: Product Stewardship and GPS /SDS*: Product stewardship –Is the practice of making health, safety and environmental protection an integral part of the life cycle of chemicals –Is a shared responsibility between chemical producers, their suppliers and their customers. –It requires the development of close, sustained dialogue and working relationships with suppliers, customers, and others in relevant value chains. Information tools for a closed sustained dialogue are the SDS/MSDS and the GPS safety summaries. 3 *See: Product Stewardship Guidelines, May7, 2007, ICCA
Dr. E.Kunz Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals Corporate Product Stewardship GPS safety summaries chem.org/Portal/SafetySummarySheets/ _GPS%20Summary%2 0Report%20149%20Fluorescent%20Brightener%20230%20Final.pdf
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Mandate of GPS –At the first International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM-1) ICCA launched the Responsible Care® Global Charter (RCGC) and the Global Product Strategy (GPS). –The Global Product Strategy (GPS), works within the context of Responsible Care to focus on enhanced product stewardship throughout the value chain. –GPS highlights the chemical industry’s commitment to defining safe use conditions for chemicals in commerce, applying safe and environmentally sound management practices, and making relevant information publicly available. –The aim of the GPS is that by 2020, through a combination of voluntary and regulatory initiatives, industry will have established hazard and exposure information that is adequate to conduct safety assessments for chemicals in commerce –The relevant assessment results will be made available for co-producers, governments, public and other interested stakeholders on the ICCA IT portal by Safety Summaries, prepared by the assessing companies. 5
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, GPS summaries – their objectives –GPS Safety Summaries provide easy-to-understand information on general risk characterization and risk management for chemicals in commerce. Companies publish them both on their websites and on the new ICCA GPS IT Portal to: –Enable associations and their members to provide vital support for companies with limited experience in risk assessment and related methodologies, particularly SMEs, with the aim of -Increasing knowledge of substance hazards -Ensuring the correct handling and use of chemicals across the value chain and across geographical boundaries by providing relevant and reliable information -Improving transparency by helping companies provide stakeholders with information about marketed chemicals in an easily understandable format (GPS Safety Summary) -Reducing differences in the safe handling of chemical substances between developing, emerging and industrialized countries 6
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, GPS-summaries – their content GPS safety summaries provide information on: Substance identity Physical chemical properties Health and environmental effects Exposure Risk management recommendations Regulatory information/ Classification and labeling Overall conclusion 7
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, GPS-summaries – their content (2) Optionally additional elements may be included that might strengthen a company’s stewardship message, e.g.: Benefits of the chemical Special considerations Production Findings by agencies /scientific organizations Sources for additional information Contact information
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Slide 9 There is no global standard mandated format of a GPS Safety Summary Hydrochloric acid Ethylene oxide
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Cefic has developed a GPS template for the conversion of the REACH dossier into a GPS safety summary –As in the EU the risk assessment is done under REACH, companies can use the REACH registration dossiers to draft the GPS safety summary. This conversion template aims to help companies identifying where to find information in the REACH registration dossier to use as basis for the GPS safety summary –Clariant uses the Cefic template 10
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Access to further information More than 3000 GPS Safety Summaries are available on the ICCA webpage. ICCA has created a portal to access the product stewardship summaries currently available for each company on this page: Cefic provides additional information in the following library:
Dr. E.Kunz Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals Corporate Product Stewardship Conclusion on GPS Safety Summaries
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, The GPS Safety Summary is not a legal document and –is not intended to -provide an in-depth review of the risk characterization -replace legally required communication documents such as the MSDS/SDS or detailed health and safety information -provide process or detailed health and safety information -to replace the REACH Chemical Safety Report 13 SDS or REACH Chemical Safety Report should always and at any case be consulted before industrial use of the chemical.
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Intention of the GPS Safety Summary –The GPS Safety Summary for a chemical is the final step of the GPS risk assessment system. –The GPS Safety Summary is intended to provide the general public with a short overview of relevant information for the chemical (or categories of chemicals) addressed. –THE GPS Safety Summary is a basic source of information for a layman ( no technical terms) –The ultimate purpose of GPS is to increase public and stakeholder awareness of, and confidence in, the safe management of chemicals throughout their lifecycle by demonstrably increasing chemical industry performance and transparency 14 Target audience: General public, all interested stakeholders
Dr. E.Kunz Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals Corporate Product Stewardship Safety Data Sheet and GHS
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, GHS Development of the concept 16 In 1992, the UN Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED) established the following 6 program areas to strengthen national and international efforts related to the environmentally sound management of chemicals: 1. Expanding and accelerating international assessment of chemical risks; 2. Harmonization of classification and labeling of chemicals. 3. Information exchange on toxic chemicals and chemical risks; 4. Establishment of risk reduction programs; 5. Strengthening of national capabilities and capacities for management of chemicals; 6. Prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic and dangerous products.
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Mandate of SDS :…should contribute to the fulfillment of the Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management (SAICM) adopted on 6 February 2006 in Dubai The safety data sheet shall enable users to take the necessary measures relating to protection of human health and safety at the workplace, and protection of the environment. The writer of the safety data sheet shall take into account that a safety data sheet must inform its audience of the hazards of a substance or a mixture and provide information on the safe storage, handling and disposal of the substance or the mixture. 17 Target audience: workplaces that manufacture, use, transport or store hazardous chemicals, but also emergency responders, poison control centers and transporters of dangerous goods
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Safety Data Sheet – their objectives Safety data sheets are the main tool for ensuring that manufacturers and importers communicate enough information along the supply chain to allow safe use of their substances and mixtures. Safety data sheets include information about the properties of the substance, its hazards and instructions for handling, disposal and transport and also first-aid, fire-fighting and exposure control measures 18
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Safety Data Sheet are generally required for… –Hazardous substances and preparations –According to REACH they are required for -a substance (and from 1 June 2015 a mixture) that meets the criteria for classification as hazardous according to CLP (GHS); -a mixture that meets the criteria for classification as dangerous according to the Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC (DPD) (until 1 June 2015) or; -a substance that is persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB), according to the criteria given in Annex XIII of REACH, -a substance that is included in the candidate list for eventual authorisation according to Article 59 (1) of REACH for any other reasons. 19
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Requirements for SDS – 16 Headings: 1. Identification of the substance or mixture and of the supplier 2. Hazards identification 3. Composition/information on ingredients 4. First aid measures 5. Fire fighting measures 6. Accidental release measures 7. Handling and storage 8. Exposure controls/personal protection 9. Physical and chemical properties 10. Stability and reactivity 11. Toxicological information 12. Ecological information 13. Disposal considerations 14. Transport information 15. Regulatory information 16. Other information including information on preparation and revision of the SDS
Dr. E.Kunz Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals Corporate Product Stewardship Conclusion on SDS
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Purpose of SDS –Not intended for Consumers – intendeed for professional users - –REACH, art 31-4 :The safety data sheet need not be supplied where dangerous substances or mixtures offered or sold to the general public are provided with sufficient information to enable users to take the necessary measures as regards the protection of human health, safety and the environment, unless requested by a downstream user or distributor. –Providing professional users with the necessary information for: Enabling them to take the necessary measures relating to protection of human health and safety at the workplace, and protection of the environment Being able to convey information down the supply chain when they are not final user (i.e. to compile the SDS for their own mixtures) 22
Dr. E.Kunz Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals Corporate Product Stewardship Conclusion SDS AND GPS TWO DIFFERENT APPROACHES FOR COMMUNICATION
Dr. E.Kunz, Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, Corporate Product Stewardship, Information on chemicals: GPS and SDS Information on chemicals SDS legally required for dangerous substances and mixtures defined content not necessarily publicly available Manufacturing Transport or store of hazardous chemicals for well trained people technical and scientific language major source for substance properties, risk information, PPE and threshold values Emergency responders Poison control centres Transporters of hazardous goods GPS-summaries based on ICCA self committment content, size, design etc. not strictly controlled publicly available Safety assessment for co- producers Governments Interested public in a layman´s language, readable and understandable by everybody 24
Dr. E.Kunz Head of Global Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals Corporate Product Stewardship Thank you very much for your attention