Energy Transfer Unit 3, Lesson 2, pg. 114 LEQ: How does Energy move through Earth’s system? S8.C.2.1.2: Explain how energy is transferred from one place to another through convection, conduction, or radiation
Kinetic Energy: Particles in motion temperature Thermal energy: numbers count! BASIC CONCEPTS
THERMAL EXPANSION: Most substances on Earth expand when they get warmer and contract when they get cooler. Exception: Water expands as it freezes! HEAT UP AIR
Heat: The energy that is transferred between objects that are at different temperatures. Direction of transfer: Energy is always transferred from the object with the higher temperature to the object with the lower temperature. Will the transfer ever stop?? When both objects are at the same temperature.
SPECIFIC HEAT: A measure of the rate that a substance warms up or cools down. High specific heat: This substance requires a lot of energy to heat up. Low specific heat: This substance will require less energy to heat up to the same temperature. Example: In this picture, the land will cool off faster than the water at nightfall. Which has a higher specific heat: land or water?
RADIATION: The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves. Think Pair Share: In this picture, describe an example of energy transfer by radiation. Example: Energy transmitted from the sun to the Earth. The sun is the major source of energy for the processes that occur at Earth’s surface. Solar energy absorbed by the Earth is converted to thermal energy. Thermal energy is either reradiated back to Earth or reflected back to space or…
CONVECTION: The transfer of energy due to the movement of matter. Think Pair Share: What part of this system demonstrates the transfer of energy due to convection? How is energy transferred in the air during convection? Hint: think of where the heat goes in a drafty room! Where does convection occur on Earth? Convection currents occur in the air, the water, and within the Earth.
CONDUCTION: The transfer of energy from one object to another object through direct contact. Think Pair Share: What part of this system demonstrates the transfer of energy due to conduction? radiation? convection? Conduction involves the transfer of energy from the hotter substance (faster moving particles) to the cooler substance (slower moving particles). Where does conduction occur on Earth? Conduction occurs between the geosphere and the atmosphere. Can you think of two other spheres that transfer energy through conduction?
And for some practice….
Open-note quiz: Atmosphere 1.List 3 functions of the atmosphere. 2.Define density. 3.Define pressure. 4.Describe how temperature varies with altitude. 5.Describe how pressure varies with altitude.
8 th grade Open-Note Quiz Energy Transfer 1.What is kinetic energy? 2.Describe thermal expansion. 3.Describe how energy is transferred when 2 objects are at different temperatures. 4.A lunch box contains a cold ice pack and a warm sandwich. Will energy be transferred to the sandwich to the ice pack or the opposite way? 5.Define heat.