National Development Plan Presentation Chapter 9 - Improving education, training and innovation Chapter 10 - Promoting Health Chapter 11 - Social Protection Ghukkaam Booley Louise Grobbelaar Joepie Joubert Mark Koesnell Mike Marsden Keith Miller Nicky Rheeder Faiez Votersen
* Improving education, training and innovation * Promoting Health * Social Protection IDPNDP
* Chapter 9 focusses on (in terms of Local Government competencies) IDP: SFA 3.1 –The Caring City * Early Childhood development (ECD) – change focus * CHALLENGES * Funding for infrastructure and staff * Training for teachers, resources for children * PROPOSALS * ECD must be made a top priority * 2 years preschool enrolment for 4 and 5 year olds * Dedicated resources must be allocated
The Caring City: Prog. 3.1 (a) Targeted Developments Improved Libraries and Access to Info. Partnerships – eg. Friends of Library Assoc. Prog. 3.2 (C) Partner with province in education and school sites Unused portions of land Proposals: * Professional associations - Trainers / Incentives eg. IMFO * Improve district support - Capacity / Deploy support team * Learning outcomes - Co-operatively address socio-economics * Community ownership - Stake in governing bodies / School nutritional Prog * Post-school system - Supported by effective governance eg. EPWP
* Higher education enrolment increased from in 1994 to in 2009 * Universities – must improve quality of teaching & learning. * Colleges – must produce artisans by * Adult education – under-developed. Runs on a part-time basis. * SETA – Poor Governance, Poor Administration and financial management Proposals * Above institutions need to clarify their mission, purpose and mode of operation. * Proper monitoring and evaluation required.
* Attention to designs of Integrated Human Settlements with easy access to Early Childhood facilities, Creches and Schools * Partnerships with Higher Education in designs of curricula and post graduate research in issues related to the Urban Environment and problems in Informal Settlements * City to expand Apprenticeships programme to address critical shortage of Artisans * Expand bursary and training opportunities for Engineers and Urban professionals in City Administration * City to expedite roll out of Broadband linking all educational facilities into one integrated network * Increased emphasis required on ABET programmes for staff
1: Ave male and female life expectancy at birth increases to 70 years 2: Progressively improve TB prevention and cure as well as HIV/Aids 3: Reduce maternal, infant and child mortality 4: Significantly reduce prevalence of non-communicable chronic diseases 5: Reduce injury, accidents and violence by 50 percent from 2010 levels Wellbeing 6: Complete health systems reforms 7: Primary healthcare teams provide care to families and communities 8: Universal health care coverage 9: Fill posts with skilled, committed and competent individuals Systems
* 1: Address social determinants that affect health and disease * 2: Strengthen health system * 3: Improve health information systems * 4: Prevent and reduce the disease burden and promote health * 5: Financing universal healthcare coverage * 6: Improve human resources in health sector * 7: Review management positions and appointments and strengthen accountability mechanisms * 8: Improve quality by using evidence * 9: To establish meaningful public-private partnerships * These strategies should be included in the City’s IDP Objective 3.7 (a) Provide effective primary health-care services
* City’s highest priority should be to expedite the upgrade of poorly serviced informal settlements – especially sewerage, water, refuse collections and electricity as a priority * Prioritise proper resource of City Clinics – Doctors, nurses, staffing, facilities, medicine * City should increase communication and education on health related issues * City to expedite integrated Health Plan with National, Province and City
* Chapter is response to chronic poverty, unemployment, risk and vulnerability * Areas of discussion include: * Protection – save lives and reducing poverty * Preventative – reduce vulnerability to natural disasters, famine, illness * Promote – enhance capability to participate in economic and social activity * Transform – tackle inequity * Developmental – access to opportunities and local economic development * Response to chronic poverty, unemployment, risk and vulnerability addressed with reference to: * Social grants * Free basic services * Free education * Free health care * Statutory Social Insurance eg UIF, COIDA and RAF * Social Security Pensions * Household load and Nutrition security * Labour Market policies * Public Works Programmes * Social Development focussed on individual family and community
* Demographic window currently exists. By 2026 proportion of older people increase and youth bulge disappears. * Dependency on State will increase thereafter. Serious financial difficulties. * 13 million employed. Only 10% will preserve retirement funding. Intervention * Serious shortage of skills in social welfare services particularly in trained Social Workers * Local government to play a significant role in Occupation Helath and Safety in Informal Sectors and Private Sector * Encouragement of Informal Insurance via Stokvels eg Burials * Greater emphasis to be placed on alleviating plight of the disabled in participation * Emphasis on training and skills development * State to play larger role in provision of Social Welfare Services
* Vulnerability of Communities in Informal Settlements * Public Works Programme such as EPWP focus on Temporary Employment to include * Skills development and training * Entrepreneurship * Vulnerability of food shortages to be addressed by supporting community food gardens and urban agriculture * Urban designs to address issues of access to facilities and public transport for disabled * Greater attention to designing integrated human settlements with easy access to facilities, public transport and health facilities to develop sustainable communities * Partnership with Province and National to educate and communicate the availability of social grants * City to support Community Co-operatives for saving for emergencies such as Burials etc with provisions of guidelines and education
* National Development Plan (NDP) is a comprehensive long term strategic plan to make South Africa a successful country * City can play a significant role in achieving objectives of NDP and improving lives of our people * City should align IDP where necessary with the NDP to ensure an integrated approach to achieving the objectives of the NDP