Is Wal-Mart Good for America? Please go to WRITING AN ECONOMICS ESSAY
The Question: Based on your knowledge of Economics and the documentary, “Is Wal-Mart Good for America?” are Wal- Mart’s business practices good for America and/or Americans?
Steps towards writing a GOOD essay STEP ONE: What is the question asking you? Before you even BEGIN thinking about what you’ll write, be sure you have a good sense of what the question is specifically asking you. STEP TWO: Brainstorming THRESIS STATEMENT: In this essay, you will be formulating an argument. The most effective strategy of communicating that argument is writing a clear thesis statement. In essence, a thesis statement is a one-two sentence answer to the essay question. NEVER USE “I think” “I believe” or “My opinion,” or any other phrase using the first person!! STEP THREE: Writing STEP FOUR: Conclusions STEP FIVE: REVISING!!
ScoreWriting/GrammarFacts/Information 10 -well written, no grammatical mistakes, complex sentences -organized -clear thesis statement -introduction and conclusion well written and appropriate introduce and sum up topic and argument -5 citations from the documents present -many examples and details to support claims -analysis of information is clear, in depth, well stated, and convincing 8 -few grammatical errors, generally well written -organized, clear paragraphs -thesis statement present -introduction and conclusion present and clear -3 citations from the document present -enough examples and details, but could always use more! -analysis is present, but somewhat superficial and unsupported 5 -some grammatical errors -generally organized, but no clear distinction between paragraphs -weak thesis statement -introduction and conclusions present, but unclear or incomplete -1 citations provided -few examples/details are provided, leaving argument unsupported -little analysis present and is unsupported 2 -many grammatical errors -disorganizes, no use of clear paragraphs -no introduction or conclusion -no thesis statement -no citations -no examples to support claim -no analysis present You will receive a 0 ONLY if this assignment was not completed.