Origins Roots in Judaism Roots in Judaism Started by Jesus of Nazareth (proclaimed Messiah) Started by Jesus of Nazareth (proclaimed Messiah) Conflicted with Polytheism of Rome-led to persecution of early Christians Conflicted with Polytheism of Rome-led to persecution of early Christians
Cross, symbol of Christianity
Beliefs Monotheistic Monotheistic Christ was son and reincarnation of God Christ was son and reincarnation of God Belief in life after death Belief in life after death New Testament contained the life events and teachings of Christ New Testament contained the life events and teachings of Christ
Spreading of Christianity Peter-first apostle-Palestine and Syria Peter-first apostle-Palestine and Syria Paul-all over Roman Empire by way of roads and sea travel, Spread idea that all people could convert to Christianity Paul-all over Roman Empire by way of roads and sea travel, Spread idea that all people could convert to Christianity
Constantine Announces Edict of Milan-all men can practice their desired religion..including Christianity Announces Edict of Milan-all men can practice their desired religion..including Christianity Theodosius made it the empire’s official religion in 380 A.D. Theodosius made it the empire’s official religion in 380 A.D.
The Church Setup like Roman hierarchy- bishop then priest Setup like Roman hierarchy- bishop then priest Became an example of moral authority Became an example of moral authority Loyalty to the Church became more important than loyalty to the Emperor Loyalty to the Church became more important than loyalty to the Emperor Became unifying force of Western Europe Became unifying force of Western Europe
Understanding #1 Followers of Jesus spread Christianity throughout Roman Empire, which clashed with Roman Polytheism but would go on to change Western civilization Followers of Jesus spread Christianity throughout Roman Empire, which clashed with Roman Polytheism but would go on to change Western civilization
Understanding #2 As the Roman Empire declined in the West, the Church in Rome grew in importance, membership, and influence As the Roman Empire declined in the West, the Church in Rome grew in importance, membership, and influence
This man was the first Roman Emperor to accept Christianity A. A. Theodosius B. B. Paul C. C. Augustus D. D. Constantine
Which person spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire? A. A. John B. B. Paul C. C. Judas D. D. Damarcus
Where can the teachings of Jesus be found in the Bible? A. A. Psalms B. B. Old Testament C. C. Proverbs D. D. New Testament
Christians believe that A. A. Jesus was a holy man B. B. Jesus was the final prophet C. C. Jesus was a false prophet D. D. Jesus was the messiah and son fo God
Christianity started in A. A. Persian Empire B. B. Alexander’s Empire C. C. Roman Empire D. D. None of the above
What was Jesus put to death? A. A. He was accused of killing someone B. B. He was accused of being a thief C. C. He went against Roman religious tradition D. D. He was viewed by some as a false prophet speaking blasphemy
What other religion does Christianity have its roots in? A. A. Judaism B. B. Zoroastrianism C. C. Islam D. D. Greek Mythology
Romans accepted Christianity right away A. A. Yes B. B. No
What is the symbol of Christianity? A. A. Star of David B. B. Cross C. C. Eight Spoke Wheel D. D. Crescent Moon]
Christianity is a monotheistic faith A. A. Yes B. B. No