World Religions There are FIVE major world religions: 1.Judaism 2.Christianity 3.Islam 4.Buddhism 5.Hinduism These religions are monotheistic This religion is pantheistic This religion is Polytheistic Monotheistic — Belief in one God Polytheistic — Belief in many Gods/Goddesses Pantheistic — Everything is composed of God/Spirit
Judaism (the oldest Monotheistic religion practiced today) Founder: –Abraham Where did it begin? –Middle East (where Israel is today) Where is it in the 1500s? –Europe & Middle East What is their most holy law? –Ten Commandments What is their Holy Scripture? –Torah Israel is considered the Jewish homeland Their most holy city? –JERUSALEM – why?
Christianity (Broke away from Judaism) Founder: –Peter and Paul Where did it begin? –Middle East Where is it in the 1500s? –Europe & Middle East Basic beliefs? –life after death in either Heaven or Hell –Believe Jesus is the Son of God –10 commandments What is their holy scripture? –New Testament —2 nd half of Bible Contains the life and teachings of Jesus Christ Their most holy city? –Jerusalem – Why?
Islam (The people are Muslims) Founder –Muhammed Where did it begin? –Middle East/Saudi Arabia Where is it located in the 1500s? –Middle East & North Africa Basic Beliefs? –5 Pillars of Islam What is their holy scripture? –Koran (Qu’ran) Their most holy cities? 1.Mecca, 2.Medina 3.Jerusalem
5 Pillars of Islam 1.Pray 5 times a day toward Mecca 2.Give Alms (Charity) 3.Fast for Ramadan 4.Declaration of Faith 5.Make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in your life (Hajj)
Hinduism (Oldest of the five religions) Founder? –There is no no single founder, it evolved from earlier Aryan religions Where is it believed to have begun? –India Where was it located in 1500s? –India & parts of Southeast Asia What are their major beliefs? –Believe in many forms of one deity –They believe that there is a universal spirit called Brahman –Cycle of Rebirth = Reincarnation (Samsara), ending with Moksha –Karma –Caste System (no longer legally recognized in India)..\Google\India.kmz
Hinduism Hinduism is practiced by over 80% of all Indians, dominating India’s culture. Belief in reincarnation (samsara) - rebirth of souls after death Karma: Moral consequences of a person’s actions determine how a person is reincarnated
Hinduism Based on the Vedas, or “Books of Knowledge.” Third largest religion The Ganges River is important to the Hindu religion, it offers healing powers to those who swim in it. –Thousands bath and drink from the river. –However, everyday millions of gallons of raw sewage is pumped into the Ganges, leading to numerous diseases and illnesses.
Buddhism (evolved out of Hinduism) Founder? –Siddhartha Gautama Where did it start? –Northern India (Today it is Nepal) Where is it located in 1500s? –East (China), South (India/Nepal), & Southeast Asia (Vietnam/Cambodia/Pacific Islands) Basic Beliefs? –Following the Eightfold Path –Ending worldly desire by completing/believing the 4 Noble Truths Who is their holy person? –TRICK QUESTION! They don’t have one. Buddha simply means “Enlightened one” (Sid was the first)
Buddhism 4 th largest religion in the world No belief in a certain god or creator Belief in attainment of enlightenment To gain the most supreme wisdom and understand things as they truly are Belief in reincarnation until enlightenment is reached
Buddhism 4 noble truths The truth of suffering (Dukkha) The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudāya) The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha) The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga)