A NEW CENTURY!!!! (LAST LECTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
TECHNOLOGY! Competition and fear during WWII will create the first computer IBM creates commercial computer Silicon microprocessor = personal computers possible Transform everyday life! Medical Science Communication Satellites Internet Economy and Globalization Service Sector expands Organized Labor declines
CLINTON Election Federal deficit, recession, Hussein still in power, Bush raised taxes Approval rating low for Bush Clinton said he was a “New Democrat”- compromise Domestic Policies/Affairs Family Medical Leave Act- 12 weeks unpaid leave for birth of baby Brady Bill- mandated background checks Oklahoma City Bombing 168 casualties and more then 800 injuries Columbine 12 casualties and 24 wounded
CLINTON Opposition Newt Gingrich- Contract With America Congressional term limits, reduce federal bureaucracy, balanced budget amendment, large tax cuts, increase in defense spending, and welfare reform Republicans win control of congress in presidential election- Clinton adopts some conservative beliefs Reform welfare, harsher prison sentences, more money for law enforcement Won re-election Scandal Whitewater Development Corp. White house intern- Clinton denied under oath they had an affair Lying under oath is illegal- oops! Impeachments trial- passed in the house acquitted in the Senate
GLOBAL POLITICS AND ECONOMY Free Trade and Globalization European Union (EU)- free trade bloc NAFTA- north Atlantic free trade agreement Removal of trade restrictions among the US, Canada and Mexico Worried some jobs would go to Mexico World Trade Organization (WTO) Negotiate trade agreements, settle disputes and enforce compliance Led to creation of the World Bank
FOREIGN AFFAIRS Haiti Elected Jean-Bertrand, coup overthrows him, US sends in troops to restore him to power Bosnia Ethnic cleansing- state sanctioned murder and violence Serbs attacked Bosnians and Croats Clinton encourages NATO to bomb Serbian strongholds First NATO combat Middle East Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Multiple power changes made it hard to find peace Terrorism 1993 al Qaeda bomb in World Trade Center Car bombs at US embassies killed 225 people 2000 USS Cole- 17 sailors died
ELECTION OF 2000 Al Gore (Dem.) vs. George W. Bush (Rep.) Neither won the 270 electoral votes you need to win Florida- 25 electoral votes So close law mandated a recount So close democrats wanted a hand count- they do this in some counties Republicans will react by suing in a Miami court- Bush v. Gore Supreme court ruled 5-4 that the votes will not be recounted Bush wins
BUSH Tax cuts- 1.3 trillion tax cut Education No Child Left Behind Act Federal standards- if you do not meet these funding is cut Medicare Extended it to cover prescription drugs for the elderly
WAR ON TERROR Sep. 11, 2001 Invasion of Afghanistan- their government was supporting and allowed Al Qaeda to train, would not turn over Bin Laden Patriot Act- law enforcement broader powers to monitor suspected terrorists Critics said it violated civil liberties Creation of the Department of Homeland Security- coordinate security among federal, state and local agencies War in Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) March 19, operation Iraqi Freedom new constitution, beginnings of democracy, Hussein executed Senate Intelligence Committee- no credible evidence that Iraq had or was making WMD
BUSH’S SECOND TERM Hurricane Katrina Not prepared to deal with destruction of this magnitude democrats control congress Bush’s approval rating Two wars Bad economy/high gas prices Financial Crisis Housing market 2007 recession- could not pay mortgages September 2008 stock market fell 700 billion bailout- good or bad?
OBAMA 2008 election- John McCain vs Barack Obama Healthcare November 2009 Iraq and Afghanistan August “combat mission in Iraq has ended”- 50,000 troops in support roles Increase presence in Afghanistan Bin Laden dead- May 2011 Financial Crisis Increased federal regulation of banks, federal government will oversee credit card rates
CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS Immigration Immigration Act of increase number of immigrants allowed by 40% 1 million immigrants a year Latinos- predominantly in the South and Southwest ,000 political offices, 4% of the seats in Congress Cuba? Asians- California Higher level of education Bi-lingual Education (Miami-Dade County) Immigration Reform and Control Act 1986 Illegal immigrants- penalized employers, granted amnesty and residency to those living in the US since 1982
CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS % of families working father and nonworking mother % of families Babies born to single mothers 25% of white babies, 33% Hispanic babies 66% of Black babies Expanding Rights African Americans % family income of more then 50, % over 25 held bachelors degrees Women Violence Against Women Act of 1994 Old People- Baby Boomers Social Security and Medicare