Chapter 20 Toward and Urban America Section 1 The New Immigrants By Group A 6 th grade Tadarrius Hatcher, Kelvin White Laterrica Stephens
A Flood of Immigrants Before 1865 most immigrants came from northern and western Europe. Most immigrants during this time spoke English and were protestant, 1907 immigrants reached a peak of nearly 1.3million
New Immigration In the mid 1880’s the immigration pattern change. Immigrants arrived from eastern and southern Europe Most were catholic. They spoke English After 1900’s immigrants arrived from Mexico.
Leaving Troubles Behind Immigrants left there homes because of difficult conditions. They came to America in search of new opportunities. Most immigrants emigrated, or left their homelands because of economic troubles. Persecution drove people away from their homeland.
Journey to America Immigrants had a difficult journey to America. Most travel to seaport to board ships to America. They traveled long ocean voyages to America. Immigrants usually could afford the cheapiest tickets, so they traveled in steerage. Steerage- cramped, noisy quarters on the lower decks.
The Statue of Liberty Most immigrants landed in New York City The Statue of Liberty greeted immigrants once they sailed into the New York Harbor. The Statue was a gift from France. It served as a promise of hope for the immigrants.
Entering America Before immigrants could pass through the golden door of America, the had to register at government reception centers. East Immigrants were processed at Castle Garden and at Ellis Island in New York harbor. Most Asian immigrants arrived on the West Coast and went through the Angel Island processing center. Immigrants that were sick was refuse admission to the United States.
Finding Work A immigrants greatest challenge was finding work. Some of America’s fastest growing industries hired immigrants. Most immigrants worked in sweatshops. Work in sweatshop was repetitious and hazardous.
Adjusting to America Immigrants to preserve certain aspects of their own culture. Most immigrants wanted to assimilate, or become part of the American culture. Often these two desires sometimes conflicted. Languages highlighted differences between generations.
New Immigration Laws 1882 Congress passed the first law to limit immigration. The law was called the Chinese Exclusion Act. The law prohibited Chinese workers from entering the United States for 10 years Other legislation affected immigrants from all nations.
Support for Immigrants Despite some anti sentiment many Americans help create the Immigrants Protective League. These people where Grace Abbott and Julia Clifford Lathrop. These people realized America was a nation of immigrants and they make a lasting contribution.