The Nature of Religion
A worldview that contributes to the lives of individuals Religion provides its adherents with a source of meaning that both transcends and contains their life in the world. Religion provides its adherents with a source of meaning that both transcends and contains their life in the world. Religion uses sacred texts, key beliefs, ethical systems, rituals and ceremonies to confirm their beliefs and guide adherent’s lives. Religion uses sacred texts, key beliefs, ethical systems, rituals and ceremonies to confirm their beliefs and guide adherent’s lives.
Religion helps to ‘bind their lives’ to their beliefs and their religious community. Religion helps to ‘bind their lives’ to their beliefs and their religious community. Religion is about the search for spiritual meaning within and beyond ordinary life, Religion is about the search for spiritual meaning within and beyond ordinary life,
For most, religion brings comfort, fights injustice, gives positive meaning to life For most, religion brings comfort, fights injustice, gives positive meaning to life For some, religious responses can stir anger, evoke intolerance and produce violence. For some, religious responses can stir anger, evoke intolerance and produce violence.
Religion has influence on lives of even non religious. Such as Australian laws have origin in Christian beliefs. Religion has influence on lives of even non religious. Such as Australian laws have origin in Christian beliefs. Religion sometimes allows diversity and can develop and change according to culture shifts. Religion sometimes allows diversity and can develop and change according to culture shifts.
Supernatural Dimension Implies a foundation on divine revelation or revealed faith. Implies a foundation on divine revelation or revealed faith. The revelation exceeds the power and capacity of human nature. The revelation exceeds the power and capacity of human nature. Cannot be explained according to natural laws or occurrences Cannot be explained according to natural laws or occurrences
Natural Dimension Religious thought that emerges from unaided human reason. Religious thought that emerges from unaided human reason. No reference to divine or divine revelation. No reference to divine or divine revelation.
Transcendent Dimension A reality or level being deeper than the ordinary human experience. A reality or level being deeper than the ordinary human experience. God is apart from and greater than his creation. God is apart from and greater than his creation. God is not part of creation but creation shows his handiwork and personality. God is not part of creation but creation shows his handiwork and personality.
Pantheism suggests: God is one and the same as the universe. God is one with the cosmos and is an impersonal life force. Pantheism suggests: God is one and the same as the universe. God is one with the cosmos and is an impersonal life force. The world then, is a delusion or mask for ‘reality’ The world then, is a delusion or mask for ‘reality’
Immanent Dimension God’s presence pervades the universe but is still close to each one of us personally. God’s presence pervades the universe but is still close to each one of us personally. God is continually active in the world, available to us. God is continually active in the world, available to us. God is personal, intimate, closer to us than ourselves. God is personal, intimate, closer to us than ourselves. God can give undivided attention to us without taking it away from others. God can give undivided attention to us without taking it away from others.
The Axial Era A remarkable coincidence occurred at around the same point in history (800 to 400BCE), the world’s great religions found their fundamental and enduring forms around the same time. A remarkable coincidence occurred at around the same point in history (800 to 400BCE), the world’s great religions found their fundamental and enduring forms around the same time.
Religious traditions in China, India and the Middle East started to gain a new depth, clarity and insight into the biggest questions of life. Religious traditions in China, India and the Middle East started to gain a new depth, clarity and insight into the biggest questions of life.
Religious Traditions took this advance of consciousness to crystallise into the basic forms that are still maintained today. Religious Traditions took this advance of consciousness to crystallise into the basic forms that are still maintained today.
China: Lao Tzu and Confucius began Taoism and Confucianism. Schools of Chinese philosophy came to be. China: Lao Tzu and Confucius began Taoism and Confucianism. Schools of Chinese philosophy came to be. India: Siddhartha Gautama found his way to enlightenment (Buddhism) India: Siddhartha Gautama found his way to enlightenment (Buddhism) Upanishads were written by great Hindu sages of the forests. Upanishads were written by great Hindu sages of the forests.
Mahavira the conquerer founded faith known as Jainism Mahavira the conquerer founded faith known as Jainism Iran: Zarathrusta began teaching a ethical monothesism Iran: Zarathrusta began teaching a ethical monothesism
In Palestine, Judaism became defined as prophetic monotheism. Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah were prophets. In Palestine, Judaism became defined as prophetic monotheism. Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah were prophets. Greece: Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. Westerm Philosophy of Pythagoras, plato etc. Greece: Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. Westerm Philosophy of Pythagoras, plato etc.
In the Axial Era: human thought secured a more transcendent perspective beyond surface phenomena and accidents of life. In the Axial Era: human thought secured a more transcendent perspective beyond surface phenomena and accidents of life. Answers to biggest life answers began to be found. Answers to biggest life answers began to be found.
Religious Worldviews Trancendent: Semitic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam have their origin in the descendents of Abraham. Semitic faiths all worship the God of Abraham and the one true God of the universe). Trancendent: Semitic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam have their origin in the descendents of Abraham. Semitic faiths all worship the God of Abraham and the one true God of the universe).
Features of Semitic Faiths Features of Semitic Faiths –Monotheism –Cosmology: ie Book of Genesis. A good physical creation created by but separate from God. –Revelation: God reveals his will & law to humanity. In the form of sacred texts. –Salvation: Life after death, eternal reward or punishment.
Immanent: Indian Religions (Hinduism and Buddhism) Immanent: Indian Religions (Hinduism and Buddhism) Knowledge and Deliverance: Spiritual salvation through gaining of wisdom. Wisdom is the experience of eternal spiritual reality that resides within. Knowledge and Deliverance: Spiritual salvation through gaining of wisdom. Wisdom is the experience of eternal spiritual reality that resides within.