Rome takes over Israel in 63 BC The kings stay in control if Jerusalem Example Herod was tied to both the Jews and Romans, would rule like a Roman leader After Herod died, the Jews revolted and fought for 10 years Rome took complete control in 6 AD
He was born in Bethlehem between 6-4 BC He was both Roman and Jewish He was raised in Nazareth He was baptized by John the Baptist
Started His ministry around the age 30 It was only for 3 years He preached, taught, did good works, and performed miracles He emphasized many Jewish traditions like Monotheism and the 10 Commandments There was a close tie between Christianity and Judaism
He talked about God’s personal relationship to humans Stressed the importance of people’s love for God, their neighbors, their enemies, and themselves God was going to end all of the wickedness in the world, and establish an eternal kingdom for those who repented of their sins
He gathered 12 disciples, or pupils (Later they would gain the title of Apostle): Peter, James and John, Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas All of the information we have of the disciples are from the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
As he continued to preach, his fame grew He would gain more followers Many people believed he was the Messiah Who is the Messiah? His message was well received by the poor
His growth in popularity concerned both the Jews and Romans When Jesus came to Jerusalem in 29 AD crowds greeted him as the Messiah The placed palm branches as he rode in on a donkey The chief priests denied that he was the Messiah
The priests brought up charges of blasphemy Which is punishable by death The Roman governor Pontius Pilate has him crucified after giving them a choice: You can have Barabbas, a known killer and thief, or Jesus He was sentenced to death by crucifixion After his death he buried in a tomb
The disciples were convinced that Jesus was the Messiah Peter, the first apostle, was the Rock of the Church He spread the teachings around all of Palestine and Syria
He is the one that had the greatest influence on Christianity He was a Jew named Saul, that was trying to kill all the Christians While on his journey, he was blinded on the road to Damascus, saw Jesus and was asked why he was persecuting his people? After this he spent the rest of his life spreading Jesus’ message He was able to do this because of the Pax Romana
He preached, and wrote, 13 books or epistles Epistles are letters All of the messages were translated into Latin and Greek Latin is official language of the Catholic Church The main message that he had was of a savior came and died for all of the sins of the world Also called for all people no matter their religion or heritage to come to Jesus
There were a lot of problems in Jerusalem In 66 AD a groups of zealots caused an uprising In 70 AD Rome came and put it down, also destroying the the temple Only the west wall still stands There was a group of Jews that stood at Masada until 73 AD
In 132 the Jews attempted another uprising and over 500,000 people died in three years Following this, the Jewish state no longer stands for 1800 years Also the people were driven from their homelands, which is called a Diaspora What is the difference between migration and Diaspora?
The Christians refused to worship the Roman gods Which was a slap in the face of the Romans The Christians were used as scapegoats When Nero was blamed for burning down Rome, he blamed the Christians and punished them Peter and Paul were both killed during this time Following Nero there was not a push to kill the Christians
When the Pax Romana was ending, the persecution began again Most were exiled, imprisoned, or executed They would crucified, burned, or killed by wild animals in the Coliseum They were called Martyrs, or people that would die for their beliefs Despite this there were millions of Christians in the empire by the 3 rd century
Embraces all people Gave power to the powerless Appealed to those who were against the extravagances of Rome Offered a personal relationship with a loving God Promised life after death
Locally you had priests They were in charge of the people in their city Next there was the bishops They were in charge of many priests and congregations Finally there was the Pope He was the head of the church The center of the church was Rome
In 312 AD, he was fighting against three other rivals for control He arrived for battle at Milvian Bridge Here he prayed for divine help He saw a cross in the sky that had an inscription that said “In this sign conquer.” He had his artisans engrave crosses on all of the shields
They were victorious in the battle, he believed it was the Christian God In 313 he ended the persecutions He issued the Edict of Milan, which declared Christianity to be one of the religions approved by the emperor It allowed Christians to freely follow the faith In 380 Theodosius made it the official religion of Rome
As the faith grew, disagreements also grew Leaders called any issues that contradicted the basic church belief heresy When the codified the Bible they put the end to many of the problems
Happened in 325 Came up with the basic beliefs of Christians The Trinity Father Son Holy Spirit
Most important was St. Augustine Bishop of Hippo in North Africa Wrote the City of God Teaches humans need the grace of God to be saved, God is merciful and gives grace freely